Greetings in this New Year, 2011. I would like to begin this new year with a message of Love. Whoever you are, and wherever you live, whatever your culture, religion, race, age, or any other way you may describe yourself, you have a desire.
The desire you feel may be described in as many ways as you are unique from every other person. It may be unique on the surface, but in essence it is the same. It is a desire for INCREASE. It may be for an increase of money, life, health, freedom, security, etc., but it is for an increase of something.
This is the very essence of life itself. It is natural. It is good. This is the common thread you share with every other human being on this planet, no matter what are the "differences" between us. The good news also is that you deserve to experience this increase. More good news is that this increase is possible for you. It is not only possible for you, but it is also possible for me and for every other person on this planet.
There is no limit to how much increase is possible. Possibilities are infinite. Whatever increase you or anyone else may experience does not have to signify someone else going without. The good that exists is without any limit. Now I have a question for you: When you read these words, what is your reaction?
Current State of Affairs
I can see as well as anyone who chooses to see the "state of affairs" in the world today, and I can also see how this has been building for a long time. Perhaps as long as "civilization" has been in existence. In fact, I've written extensively about the subject in a book called Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.
But the fact is you will gain nothing in dwelling on these facts, however "factual" they may seem. It is always ok to LOOK at what's wrong in your life. Just remember not to STARE! Once you identify the wrong, begin immediately to focus on the polar opposite. Live (in mind) only the desired result and the Universe will arrange accordingly to make the way clear to you. You simply need to then act on that belief when inspiration strikes.
Understand that in any given moment there is the existence of evidence of the entire spectrum of "good" to "bad." Every possibility exists for you. You choose where you want to focus, and in so doing you choose your experience. This is the essence of The Law of Attraction.
I don't care what circumstances you find yourself in at this time; you have within you the undeniable ability to choose your direction from this point forward independent from your past experience. It is through self-discipline that you first choose and then maintain focus on going in the direction which inevitably leads you to better circumstances, independent of what circumstances exist around you.
Know that you are not bound by circumstance, but by your own belief in being so bound. This is a simple Truth, a Law. Working in accordance with this Law is the only means you have of making the desired change in your circumstance. Furthermore, by bettering your circumstance, you will be in a position to aid others in bettering their own circumstance.
So if this is true, then why is there such an apparent lack of what so many consider to be our basic needs? The reason is because we are looking outside for the source of what we desire. When you look outside for the source, you are dependant upon something outside yourself. In doing so, you open yourself to outside influence and outside control.
There is something very important to understand about this outward-looking method. In believing we must get what we want from outside ourselves, we place our focus on the need to compete with others to get what we want. We base our assumption on the limit of what we physically see is available to us.
Take money for example; you see money going to governments and large corporations, while at the same time you see it vanishing from your own hands and from the masses around you. It is natural to see this movement of money and begin immediately to blame corruption and greed of those who are receiving so much while so many others are losing out. This is Truth. Greed exists. Corruption exists.
However, by dwelling upon this truth you foster feelings of helplessness or frustration or fear. Notice all these feelings are very negative. These negative feelings are seeds that will ONLY produce negative results. You've got to shift your focus, if you want better results for yourself.
So many people are looking at the current state of affairs and wondering when things will get better. They are waiting it out, but doing nothing to create that desired change within themselves. On some level they realize the futility in doing nothing, but because their focus is only on the negative, they will not see the solution. They continue to suffer.
This is the key. As Einstein once said: you cannot solve a problem thinking at the same level that caused that problem. You have to raise your level of thinking. Answers to this and any problem do exist. Know this and resolve to focus in the direction of finding that solution.
If you are truly struggling at this time, you may find it difficult to let go of that negative thinking, but know that until you do, you will not see the solution. The best part of this method is that YOU don't have to know what that solution is at this time. By refusing to dwell on the negative feelings that surge, you open yourself to receiving better information and the courage to act on that better information.
This becomes a journey. It is not usually something that lifts you immediately to instant gratification. It will likely have its ups and its downs. This all depends upon how focused you can remain to keeping your own focus on the good you desire and taking action when inspiration strikes.
Because it is a journey, be willing to feed yourself continually only the very best thoughts and feelings. You do this through seeking out and ingesting only the most positive energy in the form of writings, videos and audios, the conversations you have with others. In short, invest all of your time and interactions with others to promote your own growth.
At the same time you will want to be continually vigilant to negative thoughts and reject them. Don't fight them off, as this is only more negative energy. Rather simply recognize them as negative and shift your attention to something more positive. Be especially careful in your conversations with others. Avoid conversations about "the state of affairs."
The common place people fail when it comes to "thinking positive" is in that they simply try to be positive without putting forth a real effort to learn new ways to get what they want. Just being positive for its own sake may make you feel better for awhile, but you really need to do some serious mental work in a positive way to make real progress.
Obviously space is limited in a blog such as this; however, if you take the time to follow this blog, I can guarantee you will get enough real meat from this blog to make notable progress. I will be positing about three times each week, and my intent is to offer more than just "feel good" information. I am here to help you sincerely.
Make this blog your go to place. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy the opportunity to share it with you. Together we can make 2011 the best year yet. No negativity. Only the infinite power of love and the wisdom of the Universe!
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting
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