Wow! This is very profound. When you consider the whole process, you see that the whole purpose of personal growth should be on improving your vibration. When you improve your vibration you begin attracting the ideas and situations that are more in alignment with your reaching your goals.
What is important to understand however is that the personal growth you seek is just that. Personal. It is about changing you, not necessarily your circumstances. But it is your circumstances that you truly wish to change, is it not?
For what purpose do people begin seeking personal growth? I would say because they are suffering in some form. This suffering may be in the spiritual sense, intellectually, emotionally, physically, or financially. It really doesn't matter what kind of suffering sparks your desire to grow personally.
All change begins from the inside out. This may be commonly known, but not really understood. In changing you, the process for improving your life begins, but the circle is not complete. It is common for those on the journey of personal growth to fall back into the same patterns that inspired them to begin their search to improve.
When your vibration improves to the point you begin attracting better things, you must learn how to first recognize, and then take advantage of those opportunities. This is where many falter in their quest. They seem to be expecting some grand life changing event to come their way where they will somehow rocket to success, whatever that means to them. And when they don't find this, they give up.
People often forget that the small, seemingly mundane decisions are what truly determine the quality of our lives.
What this means is that rather than wait for some stellar opportunity to come along that will catapult you into stratospheric success, begin to notice the seemingly insignificant things you can do right now and daily that will have a cumulative effect over time.
By taking advantage of these seemingly insignificant opportunities, you are sending the message to the world that you are ready for even greater opportunities down the road. If your desire to have more money, think of ways to better manage the little money you do have now rather than wait and hope to win big in the lottery or whatever.
You might really be surprised how much you are spending on the most trivial things. How many times do you eat out each week? How many sodas or munchies do you buy from the vending machine at work? I don't know your personal circumstances but I am willing to bet that if money concerns you, you likely could find numerous ways to cut back without ending up living on the street.
You may not agree with me, just as I didn't agree with this when I first heard it, but experience now tells me that you may not be looking at the relevance of the "small" unnecessary costs in your life. They really do tend to add up quickly.
And as I said earlier, when you begin living your life more responsibly with what resources you now have, more resources will come your way. This is the secret of the universe. As more resources become available to you, take bold action with confidence and you will be doing your part. Have fun with the journey and know you are on your way.
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way
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