The greatest minds in history will be remembered for their beliefs and their persistence as much as for their words or doings. I say these minds are considered great because they had the confidence to step out of the common mindset of their times and be different. They listened to something internal to them, rather than the common voice of the day. They were truly individuals.
Every one of us is an individual. We all have access to this “something” internal to us. Yet, for the great majority of people, we tend to live our lives in accordance with the common theme of our time. We tend to follow and want to belong with ideals that may not serve us, only because we do not pay heed to that “something” inside.
What is this something inside that I speak? It is the great paradox. You see, it is a voice that comes in a way that only you can hear its message. You may take this message to the world in your words, actions, and ways of being, or you may ignore the message. You may even cut off your perception of this message to the point that you don’t hear it.
The message remains, and is always there to be heard by the individual who chooses to hear it. I say paradox because this message that only you can hear, is deeper than any individual. It is the message that speaks from the essence of your connection to all that is. It is a profound message. For this reason, those who do make the effort to hear it and to live it become known as great thinkers.
The message is wise in that it speaks to you, through you, but comes from a common place which we all share. It is the voice of the universe itself. The universe includes all that is. Therefore, this voice is always one of harmony. It could be no other way. It is quiet and does not argue its point. You are free to accept it or reject it as you will. This is the freedom of which it speaks.
There are many who upon hearing this voice, and determining that it is a good thing, decide to make a mandate of it. This mandate they bring to others as such. Even though the message is correct, it must be heard by the individual
Trust that voice inside. Pay it heed. If you are one of the unfortunate ones who have trained yourself to not hear the voice, know that you can learn again. You do so by going into the silence. Bring your every thought and belief to the surface, and gently let it go. Continue to do so, however long it takes, until you find your mind clear of opinion. At this moment you will find peace.
Dwell in that peaceful state at every opportunity and you will naturally begin to hear the voice. Do not judge the voice you hear. Let it go as well. Use no force. Eventually what will happen is the false voices will cease to return to you, and the one remaining voice will be the voice of Truth, for you.
Remember it is the voice of Truth for you. You are to express this truth in the same manner it expresses itself to you. Live it in your own life. Offer it to others, but never force it. The moment you apply force to the Truth, no matter how right it may be, you distort that Truth. You create conflict in the minds of those who do not hear that same voice.
You can do nothing to force this upon another. In attempting to do so, you create only greater conflict as that is where your focus lies. Where your attention goes, your energy goes as well. Your attention is energy. Live your Truth. Be a window through which the world may see.
You too can be a great thinker. It is in your nature to be so. You are more than your beliefs. Your beliefs are prisons, and the more you attempt to bring others around to your beliefs, the more you work to imprison others. Allow them the sovereignty to exist as they choose. This is the same you are offered. The choice is always there.
For more insight into this theme, I highly recommend the book, Virus of the Mind by Richard Brodie, Hayhouse publications. You may click on my books link to get you to and type this title into the search.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
This blog is all about mindset, developing a prosperity consciousness. Opportunities abound. It is up to us to see them through the focus of our mental energies.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Reach Out and Grow Your Mind
Someone once asked me why the mind interested me so much. On a certain level I was floored by this question. How could anybody not be interested in the mind? Once I thought about it, however, I understood why someone might ask it. There is a great difference in the population. This difference can be deciphered in how we use this marvelous tool that we all have access to.
There is a great number of people out there who really believe that life is something that happens to us, as if we have little say in the way our lives play out. Of course they will tell you that there are also some things you bring on yourself, but in general, your life is determined by the circumstances you were born into.
When you bring up the fact that there have been and continue to be people who have broken from their natal circumstances and lifted themselves to fame and fortune, they will cite luck or some other influence.
If that were true, why is it that the great majority of lottery winners end up right back where they were prior to winning big? It doesn’t matter how big they win either. Some even end up worse off than they were before.
Those that do work themselves to the top of any given field, typically claim nothing special about them other than an intense drive to succeed and an undying faith that they would someday “make it.” What they say is that anybody has the ability to do this as well.
This brings us to the human mind. It is a fairly well known fact that we are only using a small percentage of our mind’s potential. We have for all practical purposes an unlimited potential awaiting our use. The problem is that we were not given an instruction manual at birth on how to use it. This is something we must pick up along the way in life.
Now where do we pick up this information? Usually we get it from our parents and those closest to us in our daily lives.
With this in mind, it is no wonder our standard of living tends to be about the same as that of our parents. Sure we have many more conveniences, as there exists more as society itself advances. However, besides the cell phones, internet, and all of these gadgets that are simply a part of common life today, we remain about the same.
What changes in the individual who breaks from this paradigm is the one who consciously seeks to grow through expanding his or her circle of influence. This is the amazing thing about being alive today. You can reach out to touch and be touched by a class of people you may have had little chance of reaching in an earlier time.
Perhaps you cannot personally meet them yet, but there are so many platforms out there where you can get close. Think about the number of books, CDs, Videos, programs, blogs, pod casts, Vlogs, membership cites, clubs, subscriptions, etc. all meant to share information, inspiration, advice, and ideas.
Communication is the medium of growth. Use it. Use it to feed your mind a new paradigm, one that allows you to believe anything is possible, because in truth it is!
To your growth,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
There is a great number of people out there who really believe that life is something that happens to us, as if we have little say in the way our lives play out. Of course they will tell you that there are also some things you bring on yourself, but in general, your life is determined by the circumstances you were born into.
When you bring up the fact that there have been and continue to be people who have broken from their natal circumstances and lifted themselves to fame and fortune, they will cite luck or some other influence.
If that were true, why is it that the great majority of lottery winners end up right back where they were prior to winning big? It doesn’t matter how big they win either. Some even end up worse off than they were before.
Those that do work themselves to the top of any given field, typically claim nothing special about them other than an intense drive to succeed and an undying faith that they would someday “make it.” What they say is that anybody has the ability to do this as well.
This brings us to the human mind. It is a fairly well known fact that we are only using a small percentage of our mind’s potential. We have for all practical purposes an unlimited potential awaiting our use. The problem is that we were not given an instruction manual at birth on how to use it. This is something we must pick up along the way in life.
Now where do we pick up this information? Usually we get it from our parents and those closest to us in our daily lives.
With this in mind, it is no wonder our standard of living tends to be about the same as that of our parents. Sure we have many more conveniences, as there exists more as society itself advances. However, besides the cell phones, internet, and all of these gadgets that are simply a part of common life today, we remain about the same.
What changes in the individual who breaks from this paradigm is the one who consciously seeks to grow through expanding his or her circle of influence. This is the amazing thing about being alive today. You can reach out to touch and be touched by a class of people you may have had little chance of reaching in an earlier time.
Perhaps you cannot personally meet them yet, but there are so many platforms out there where you can get close. Think about the number of books, CDs, Videos, programs, blogs, pod casts, Vlogs, membership cites, clubs, subscriptions, etc. all meant to share information, inspiration, advice, and ideas.
Communication is the medium of growth. Use it. Use it to feed your mind a new paradigm, one that allows you to believe anything is possible, because in truth it is!
To your growth,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Having a bad day are we?
I’m generally a pretty happy kind of guy. I see this as being normal. However, I have been asked on several occasions by people who know me, if I ever have a bad day? The manner in which I’ve been asked this on occasion has gotten me to thinking that some people seem to have an aversion to feeling too happy, as if something is wrong with this.
Well, bad days I think are in my past. But I do have bad experiences in that there are things that happen to me that get me feeling down or even angry at times. I’m not so privileged as to be able to completely avoid “the real world” as some would say. What I mean is that things can and do happen to anybody that may not be to their liking. The difference in the way we react to these experiences.
When I am feeling down or depressed about something, it is usually not too long before I realize that hey “you’re depressed!” Then I smile to myself at this realization that I am an evolving human being who still needs a reminder every now and then that life is infinitely wonderful, and that I merely slipped from being conscious of this fact. That is my belief.
I take it as a wake up call to actively do something to change my energy. I go into a quiet state of relaxation and use my imagination to conjure up more peaceful and inspiring thoughts and images on the screen of my mind, or I actively take part in a more exhilarating activity, something physical.
I may choose to pop in a good video that makes me think about the miracle of the universe or read a good book. You might try music, if that suits you. The important thing is to make something inspiring, to transcend the lower energy. You don’t want to simply distract yourself from those feelings or they will still be lurking underneath your conscious awareness to resurface at another time.
When I feel angry over some very negative influence, I know that I need to take some very serious action. I believe there is nothing more toxic than to hold onto anger or resentful feelings. These are like weapons that do ourselves more damage than to anyone we may be directing them towards.
The most powerful countermeasure I have yet found for dissipating these strong emotions is found in doing something really helpful for another human being. I believe it is even more effective when that someone is a total stranger. Someone who would never in a million years be expecting the help you offer so freely.
One of the activities that comes to my mind as I write this is that I live in a place where winters can bring lots of snow. I remember this last winter; I had just such an episode. As I realized that anger over something was taking over my composure. Actually it wasn’t taking it over; I was giving control to it! In any case, I immediately reminded myself to do what I knew so well to do.
It was during a particularly harsh winter storm. I knew I could likely step outside the door and find someone who needed assistance getting their car unstuck from the heavy snow. Lo and behold, in the intersection in front of my home there was a car and three people who had really gotten themselves in just the kind of jam I needed. I was out there in a flash to save the day.
When I finished helping them out, I thanked them! And do you know the best part about this true story? I do not remember what it was that had me so angry that evening.
Bad day? No. I think bad moments are enough. Train yourself to recognize when you are giving control over to a negative vibe and to respond accordingly. Do something good for another human being, especially a stranger. Now there is where you will find the power of a good deed.
This blog posting is not one to simply read and forget. Make this a part of your consciousness and put it into practice every chance you get. You will be rewarded greatly, and that will be my reward. Thanks for reading and have a “GOOD” day.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Well, bad days I think are in my past. But I do have bad experiences in that there are things that happen to me that get me feeling down or even angry at times. I’m not so privileged as to be able to completely avoid “the real world” as some would say. What I mean is that things can and do happen to anybody that may not be to their liking. The difference in the way we react to these experiences.
When I am feeling down or depressed about something, it is usually not too long before I realize that hey “you’re depressed!” Then I smile to myself at this realization that I am an evolving human being who still needs a reminder every now and then that life is infinitely wonderful, and that I merely slipped from being conscious of this fact. That is my belief.
I take it as a wake up call to actively do something to change my energy. I go into a quiet state of relaxation and use my imagination to conjure up more peaceful and inspiring thoughts and images on the screen of my mind, or I actively take part in a more exhilarating activity, something physical.
I may choose to pop in a good video that makes me think about the miracle of the universe or read a good book. You might try music, if that suits you. The important thing is to make something inspiring, to transcend the lower energy. You don’t want to simply distract yourself from those feelings or they will still be lurking underneath your conscious awareness to resurface at another time.
When I feel angry over some very negative influence, I know that I need to take some very serious action. I believe there is nothing more toxic than to hold onto anger or resentful feelings. These are like weapons that do ourselves more damage than to anyone we may be directing them towards.
The most powerful countermeasure I have yet found for dissipating these strong emotions is found in doing something really helpful for another human being. I believe it is even more effective when that someone is a total stranger. Someone who would never in a million years be expecting the help you offer so freely.
One of the activities that comes to my mind as I write this is that I live in a place where winters can bring lots of snow. I remember this last winter; I had just such an episode. As I realized that anger over something was taking over my composure. Actually it wasn’t taking it over; I was giving control to it! In any case, I immediately reminded myself to do what I knew so well to do.
It was during a particularly harsh winter storm. I knew I could likely step outside the door and find someone who needed assistance getting their car unstuck from the heavy snow. Lo and behold, in the intersection in front of my home there was a car and three people who had really gotten themselves in just the kind of jam I needed. I was out there in a flash to save the day.
When I finished helping them out, I thanked them! And do you know the best part about this true story? I do not remember what it was that had me so angry that evening.
Bad day? No. I think bad moments are enough. Train yourself to recognize when you are giving control over to a negative vibe and to respond accordingly. Do something good for another human being, especially a stranger. Now there is where you will find the power of a good deed.
This blog posting is not one to simply read and forget. Make this a part of your consciousness and put it into practice every chance you get. You will be rewarded greatly, and that will be my reward. Thanks for reading and have a “GOOD” day.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Write a Book!
If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you will have noticed that I may write a little differently than many others. I try to keep my blog very informative, a little eccentric, and I prefer to inspire profound thought, for that is where we grow. And your growth is my primary objective.
I would like to put you to a challenge with today’s posting. It may be eccentric, but I trust that it may be one of the most valuable pieces of advice I give to you. I challenge you to write a book this year. “What!?” I can hear you saying. “I’m not a writer.”
I don't care if you’re not a writer. I’m not asking you to write the next New York Times best seller, although if you do, please remember it was I who inspired you (when you are cashing your royalty check!).
No, what I am asking you to do is write a memoir of your life. I mean to really spill your guts and be brutally honest in your revelations. Nobody has to read what you have written other than you. It doesn’t have to be edited or even all that well written. Why would I ask this of you?
Because I honestly believe that if you are reading this blog, you have a sincere desire to improve yourself in some way. The best way to improve yourself is to know yourself. You really don’t know yourself through briefly considering your own philosophy. You need to dig deep. You need to bleed a little, which is what comes naturally when one takes the time to write out their life story.
I guarantee writing your life story will open your eyes to yourself in ways that you cannot even imagine at this time. You will open doors to things about yourself you never knew. You will discover the miracle that you are. Your confidence will soar. You will be more at peace with your inner devils. We all have inner devils. And I do mean have, not to be mistaken with saying we are.
In writing about your life, you will be forced to struggle with your perspective of every aspect of your beliefs. Writing is great therapy. I am also a strong believer that every person is unique. It may be that this particular exercise is not right for you. I can understand and accept that. However, I suggest you try and see for yourself.
You may be very surprised at what you discover. Although I have been writing for most of my life, it was mostly just thoughts and poems. It was when I was passing through a difficult experience that “I” discovered this could be a powerful form of therapy.
I had a daughter that was being adopted by another family. In any case, This family asked me to write her a later to have later in life to explain who I am and to tell her whatever I would like her to know.
I began writing what would later turn out to be a book. How does one put into a simple letter all that they would want their child to know about them? In writing this book, I grew immensely as a person. It literally changed my life. This is what I now hope for you my friend.
Give it a try and see what happens.
Meditate. Radiate. Appreciate.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
I would like to put you to a challenge with today’s posting. It may be eccentric, but I trust that it may be one of the most valuable pieces of advice I give to you. I challenge you to write a book this year. “What!?” I can hear you saying. “I’m not a writer.”
I don't care if you’re not a writer. I’m not asking you to write the next New York Times best seller, although if you do, please remember it was I who inspired you (when you are cashing your royalty check!).
No, what I am asking you to do is write a memoir of your life. I mean to really spill your guts and be brutally honest in your revelations. Nobody has to read what you have written other than you. It doesn’t have to be edited or even all that well written. Why would I ask this of you?
Because I honestly believe that if you are reading this blog, you have a sincere desire to improve yourself in some way. The best way to improve yourself is to know yourself. You really don’t know yourself through briefly considering your own philosophy. You need to dig deep. You need to bleed a little, which is what comes naturally when one takes the time to write out their life story.
I guarantee writing your life story will open your eyes to yourself in ways that you cannot even imagine at this time. You will open doors to things about yourself you never knew. You will discover the miracle that you are. Your confidence will soar. You will be more at peace with your inner devils. We all have inner devils. And I do mean have, not to be mistaken with saying we are.
In writing about your life, you will be forced to struggle with your perspective of every aspect of your beliefs. Writing is great therapy. I am also a strong believer that every person is unique. It may be that this particular exercise is not right for you. I can understand and accept that. However, I suggest you try and see for yourself.
You may be very surprised at what you discover. Although I have been writing for most of my life, it was mostly just thoughts and poems. It was when I was passing through a difficult experience that “I” discovered this could be a powerful form of therapy.
I had a daughter that was being adopted by another family. In any case, This family asked me to write her a later to have later in life to explain who I am and to tell her whatever I would like her to know.
I began writing what would later turn out to be a book. How does one put into a simple letter all that they would want their child to know about them? In writing this book, I grew immensely as a person. It literally changed my life. This is what I now hope for you my friend.
Give it a try and see what happens.
Meditate. Radiate. Appreciate.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Friday, April 23, 2010
When Two Rivers Meet
Greetings! About one week ago, I posed a question on my Facebook page. I could never have imagined the responses I got with what I thought was just a simple question. I just got the inspiration to post it, and I did, and responses came flooding in. (pun intended). On top of the wall postings I received, I also got a whole lot of private messages with requests to “Tell me the answer!”
If you missed the question it was: “When two rivers meet, which one do they become?”
Like rain we come to this earth, this life, from the heavens. We fall from a higher place, from which we always yearn to return. We know that we will again when the time is right. There is a sense of purpose as we arrive. We have much to do.
Like the river, we journey this life winding, turning. At times, perhaps, we backtrack much the same as the river ebbs in places, until we are caught up in the current of life once more. We never know what lies around each bend, yet there exists a gentle but persistent force that draws us to the adventure.
At times life may seem fast moving and chaotic. The obstacles are many, but not so great that they can hold us for long. We struggle and fight as we strive for our destiny, refusing to give up. We make a lot of noise to announce our power. We somehow know on some level that this power goes further than mere appearances.
Soon the pace slows as our consciousness deepens, and everything becomes calm again. Experience is gained in the turbulent times. Reflection transpires afterwards creating a beauty to behold. We become a reflection of the universe which brings awe to those who come to know us.
The beauty we see in our course to somewhere is certainly infinite as we move into ever changing landscapes. We take it all in and feel at home in any setting. We join and are joined by others on this same journey. For awhile perhaps we hold our own, before we understand that we are the same.
We then allow ourselves to mix and mingle, until there is no longer any distinction between the two. We learn the power to be gained by unifying our life force. With this power we are capable of shaping our path. We can change the world we believe, and change it we have. We have moved mountains, and we have carved out the deepest canyons.
Eventually, our journey slows and we arrive to what must be the most enlightening experience of all. Here we do not simply join with one or two others. We become one with every other known and countless unknowns. We have arrived to infinity!
Upon arriving to this infinite ocean of life, our substance is transformed. We discover our truth, and it is a truth so powerful that it cannot be denied. We rise and fall in waves and tides. We travel where we please. Our effect is no longer local, but global in its nature. We have become the most potent force of nature.
Realize this force was with you all along. You are primarily water, more than anything else. What is water, but two elements? Oh, but those two elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is the most fundamental of all. It is pure power. Think about what we can do with hydrogen. Then there is oxygen. Oxygen is absolutely vital for life.
Now for the answer to the question of two rivers:
From a purely physical standpoint, yes we would go with the river that has the greatest flow, usually. There are some cases where a new name is coined when two rivers come together. In any case, if you’re on my page, you’ve probably got a pretty good idea that the question could be taken to a whole other level.
If you followed the story closely you will see that every river comes from the very same source. Water. The water forms the river when it begins to flow. Every river has its own unique perspective of the world around it. This is much the same as any individual. Life is unique for every person.
This perspective changes throughout life. You may come across a river in a certain place and say this is a very fast and dangerous river, seeing the rapids. You might come across the very same river in a different place and think what a tranquil, serene, quiet, peaceful river this is. Perspective changes everything. A river may break off from itself and rejoin itself further down stream creating an island. Don’t we all do the same from time to time?
In the end, all rivers will return to the same source. After what may be an infinite number of detours, it all returns to being purely water as it rises to the skies once again. One could even go further into the obscurity by dwelling in thought of a plant drinking from the river. The hydrogen in this water may become part of a sugar molecule (C6H12O6), which then may be eaten by a cow and turned to protein. Eventually this protein is broken down and released to seep into the earth to an underground well. It may then appear in a spring to join a river once again.
The point I’m trying to make is you can answer the two rivers question how you like, but it is only perspective. You are giving a label to something that is only temporary. It is a convenience. This is like saying the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is convenience, but not exactly true.
Of course there was a time when we (humanity) actually believed this to be true. When we discovered a different truth, our world was transformed. Transformation is exciting. It should not be feared. The whole basis of life is transformation. Keep an open mind about things and resist labeling. Remember, these things are only perspectives we use out of convenience and have little to do with the truth.
I want to thank everybody for their input. There were truly some amazing insights! I would like to offer a special thanks to Bart. Your answer was awesome!
H2 O
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
If you missed the question it was: “When two rivers meet, which one do they become?”
To paraphrase Aristotle, The whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Like rain we come to this earth, this life, from the heavens. We fall from a higher place, from which we always yearn to return. We know that we will again when the time is right. There is a sense of purpose as we arrive. We have much to do.
Like the river, we journey this life winding, turning. At times, perhaps, we backtrack much the same as the river ebbs in places, until we are caught up in the current of life once more. We never know what lies around each bend, yet there exists a gentle but persistent force that draws us to the adventure.
At times life may seem fast moving and chaotic. The obstacles are many, but not so great that they can hold us for long. We struggle and fight as we strive for our destiny, refusing to give up. We make a lot of noise to announce our power. We somehow know on some level that this power goes further than mere appearances.
Soon the pace slows as our consciousness deepens, and everything becomes calm again. Experience is gained in the turbulent times. Reflection transpires afterwards creating a beauty to behold. We become a reflection of the universe which brings awe to those who come to know us.
The beauty we see in our course to somewhere is certainly infinite as we move into ever changing landscapes. We take it all in and feel at home in any setting. We join and are joined by others on this same journey. For awhile perhaps we hold our own, before we understand that we are the same.
We then allow ourselves to mix and mingle, until there is no longer any distinction between the two. We learn the power to be gained by unifying our life force. With this power we are capable of shaping our path. We can change the world we believe, and change it we have. We have moved mountains, and we have carved out the deepest canyons.
Eventually, our journey slows and we arrive to what must be the most enlightening experience of all. Here we do not simply join with one or two others. We become one with every other known and countless unknowns. We have arrived to infinity!
Upon arriving to this infinite ocean of life, our substance is transformed. We discover our truth, and it is a truth so powerful that it cannot be denied. We rise and fall in waves and tides. We travel where we please. Our effect is no longer local, but global in its nature. We have become the most potent force of nature.
Realize this force was with you all along. You are primarily water, more than anything else. What is water, but two elements? Oh, but those two elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is the most fundamental of all. It is pure power. Think about what we can do with hydrogen. Then there is oxygen. Oxygen is absolutely vital for life.
Now for the answer to the question of two rivers:
From a purely physical standpoint, yes we would go with the river that has the greatest flow, usually. There are some cases where a new name is coined when two rivers come together. In any case, if you’re on my page, you’ve probably got a pretty good idea that the question could be taken to a whole other level.
If you followed the story closely you will see that every river comes from the very same source. Water. The water forms the river when it begins to flow. Every river has its own unique perspective of the world around it. This is much the same as any individual. Life is unique for every person.
This perspective changes throughout life. You may come across a river in a certain place and say this is a very fast and dangerous river, seeing the rapids. You might come across the very same river in a different place and think what a tranquil, serene, quiet, peaceful river this is. Perspective changes everything. A river may break off from itself and rejoin itself further down stream creating an island. Don’t we all do the same from time to time?
In the end, all rivers will return to the same source. After what may be an infinite number of detours, it all returns to being purely water as it rises to the skies once again. One could even go further into the obscurity by dwelling in thought of a plant drinking from the river. The hydrogen in this water may become part of a sugar molecule (C6H12O6), which then may be eaten by a cow and turned to protein. Eventually this protein is broken down and released to seep into the earth to an underground well. It may then appear in a spring to join a river once again.
The point I’m trying to make is you can answer the two rivers question how you like, but it is only perspective. You are giving a label to something that is only temporary. It is a convenience. This is like saying the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is convenience, but not exactly true.
Of course there was a time when we (humanity) actually believed this to be true. When we discovered a different truth, our world was transformed. Transformation is exciting. It should not be feared. The whole basis of life is transformation. Keep an open mind about things and resist labeling. Remember, these things are only perspectives we use out of convenience and have little to do with the truth.
I want to thank everybody for their input. There were truly some amazing insights! I would like to offer a special thanks to Bart. Your answer was awesome!
H2 O
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Have you heard of "phase entanglement?"
A small amount of water is easily trapped by any depression in the surrounding terrain. Add to this water more water and it has the mass to flow over that depression and form a stream. If more water is added to the stream, it becomes a brook. Later with even more water it then becomes a creek, and eventually a mighty river.
A mighty river has the power to not be trapped by a mere depression in the terrain. With the power of its size it continues to flow until it at last joins forces with the eternal ocean.
A man or a woman with little positive life force is just as easily trapped by the depressed circumstances that naturally form in our lives. When we join with others who are also seeking a more positive energy, we become stronger. We are less prone to becoming trapped in a depression.
The more positive is our support and the number of positive influences around us, the more unstoppable we become, until we at last join forces with the eternal ocean of all that is good in life.
Alone we are vulnerable. Together we create miracles. When you look to all that is good in your life, and try to make good of even that which is a bit of a struggle, you will grow in strength. You will be attracted to others more in line with your goals, and they will be attracted to you.
Understanding the power of working with others, it is important to consider the consequences of doing so in less than honorable ways.
When two or more people come together to express their disdain or disgust toward others in the form of gossip, their combined power, which is greater than each of their individual powers, will work toward drawing to them more of what they are putting out. That means more negative energy. You attract more to complain about.
It is believed by many that that which you put out will return to you tenfold. Think about this next time you are around others who thrive on spreading gossip. You would be wise to avoid such encounters if your desire is to improve. This means even being within earshot of such conversation. It will have its effect on you.
You would be better to join with those who are drawn to speak of the good experiences and observations of life. If you don’t find these people in your present environment, begin thinking these enlightened thoughts yourself. If you are consistent, you will soon be rewarded by drawing to you another soul who is looking for the same. Then another will come and so forth.
You have within you the power to begin, but begin you must if you are ever to free yourself from the river of negative energy and join with the river of positive light. This is where books can be of great aid. Find and read inspiring books and literature, and do so often. You will be amazed at how quickly your life can turn around.
Always focus on the positive side of things, and when something negative occurs, by no means stop and fret over it. Accept your immediate negative reaction and realize that it was just a reaction. Once you do, you can then consciously decide to act in a more positive way. Look for the way to lift yourself from that level to higher ground.
There is a way. You must seek it out, and trust that you will find it. Conjure up genuine feelings of gratitude. Send out to the universe unconditional love. Grow your faith.
Meditate, radiate, appreciate,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
A mighty river has the power to not be trapped by a mere depression in the terrain. With the power of its size it continues to flow until it at last joins forces with the eternal ocean.
A man or a woman with little positive life force is just as easily trapped by the depressed circumstances that naturally form in our lives. When we join with others who are also seeking a more positive energy, we become stronger. We are less prone to becoming trapped in a depression.
The more positive is our support and the number of positive influences around us, the more unstoppable we become, until we at last join forces with the eternal ocean of all that is good in life.
Alone we are vulnerable. Together we create miracles. When you look to all that is good in your life, and try to make good of even that which is a bit of a struggle, you will grow in strength. You will be attracted to others more in line with your goals, and they will be attracted to you.
This works both ways
Understanding the power of working with others, it is important to consider the consequences of doing so in less than honorable ways.
When two or more people come together to express their disdain or disgust toward others in the form of gossip, their combined power, which is greater than each of their individual powers, will work toward drawing to them more of what they are putting out. That means more negative energy. You attract more to complain about.
It is believed by many that that which you put out will return to you tenfold. Think about this next time you are around others who thrive on spreading gossip. You would be wise to avoid such encounters if your desire is to improve. This means even being within earshot of such conversation. It will have its effect on you.
You would be better to join with those who are drawn to speak of the good experiences and observations of life. If you don’t find these people in your present environment, begin thinking these enlightened thoughts yourself. If you are consistent, you will soon be rewarded by drawing to you another soul who is looking for the same. Then another will come and so forth.
You have within you the power to begin, but begin you must if you are ever to free yourself from the river of negative energy and join with the river of positive light. This is where books can be of great aid. Find and read inspiring books and literature, and do so often. You will be amazed at how quickly your life can turn around.
Always focus on the positive side of things, and when something negative occurs, by no means stop and fret over it. Accept your immediate negative reaction and realize that it was just a reaction. Once you do, you can then consciously decide to act in a more positive way. Look for the way to lift yourself from that level to higher ground.
There is a way. You must seek it out, and trust that you will find it. Conjure up genuine feelings of gratitude. Send out to the universe unconditional love. Grow your faith.
Meditate, radiate, appreciate,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How well do you deal with the controversies of life?
Bring your focus home
Read the above statement again and see if you can grasp its meaning before you continue. If you think about it, you will see there is a lot of truth in the statement. What it is saying is that some people don’t seem to change much even after many years of living. They hold on to their beliefs, their convictions, their attitudes, and opinions. This is like living the same year over, and over again.
Others prefer to grow with each new experience. They are not set in their ways. They are forever open to reevaluate their idea of every concept. They live their lives like children, and it shows in their demeanor.
Which one are you? It is somewhat obvious that there exists an almost unlimited number of concepts of what the truths of life are. What is not so understood is that any one of these concepts of truth can be true, in that the expected belief can actually reign valid in the mind of the person who holds it.
This is interesting, because a contrary belief can have a contrary effect on the person who holds that contrary belief. This can be true even when all other aspects the same. It is as if every possibility really does exist in some manner in all places and at all times. Why does each person experience life differently then?
I prefer to see it as we can witness a common cold or flu. There are people who tend to be extremely prone to getting sick, while others tend to have an almost impenetrable constitution. Together they walk into a room filled with a flu virus. They spend a little time in the room, then exit. One gets sick. The other remains healthy.
What happened? The two are different in some way you say. Agreed, but how so? Let’s take it further and say they are identical twins and they live together, eat the same foods and enjoy the same activities. Is it still possible that they could have this same result? Sure. But why?
In the room the flu virus exists the same for both of these two persons. The virus may attack either of them, and likely does. The difference is not in the room itself, but in the individual. One has somehow acquired a stronger immune system. The attack is deflected by this immune system.
Now consider situations in life. The very same situation may affect two different people in completely different ways. One person gets all upset or angry when the exact same situation will not seem to affect another. We’ve seen examples of this time and again, but most don’t realize that the reaction is really a choice. Perhaps it may be difficult to exercise that choice, because of past conditioning, but it remains a choice.
If you can at the very least recognize that how you respond to any situation is a choice, you will have come a very long way towards exercising that choice. Next time you notice yourself feeling negative in some way, stop for a moment and consider; what would be a more positive response to what I’m experiencing?
If you do this, you should notice at the moment of your asking, however brief it may be, that there is a point of relief from all emotion. Try it and you will see. When you do notice this, dwell upon that realization. Consciously intend to create that moment again, and extend it. Try to play with the possibilities.
This takes concentrated effort at first, but the more you realize the possibility, the more control you will have to make a conscious shift in your attitude during trying times. This is the beginning of self-actualization. It is the beginning of taking control of your destiny. The more you exert conscious control in your life, the more you will find that you also control the possible outcomes.
Love and peace,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
One person lives eighty years one time, while another lives one year eighty times.
Read the above statement again and see if you can grasp its meaning before you continue. If you think about it, you will see there is a lot of truth in the statement. What it is saying is that some people don’t seem to change much even after many years of living. They hold on to their beliefs, their convictions, their attitudes, and opinions. This is like living the same year over, and over again.
Others prefer to grow with each new experience. They are not set in their ways. They are forever open to reevaluate their idea of every concept. They live their lives like children, and it shows in their demeanor.
Which one are you? It is somewhat obvious that there exists an almost unlimited number of concepts of what the truths of life are. What is not so understood is that any one of these concepts of truth can be true, in that the expected belief can actually reign valid in the mind of the person who holds it.
This is interesting, because a contrary belief can have a contrary effect on the person who holds that contrary belief. This can be true even when all other aspects the same. It is as if every possibility really does exist in some manner in all places and at all times. Why does each person experience life differently then?
I prefer to see it as we can witness a common cold or flu. There are people who tend to be extremely prone to getting sick, while others tend to have an almost impenetrable constitution. Together they walk into a room filled with a flu virus. They spend a little time in the room, then exit. One gets sick. The other remains healthy.
What happened? The two are different in some way you say. Agreed, but how so? Let’s take it further and say they are identical twins and they live together, eat the same foods and enjoy the same activities. Is it still possible that they could have this same result? Sure. But why?
In the room the flu virus exists the same for both of these two persons. The virus may attack either of them, and likely does. The difference is not in the room itself, but in the individual. One has somehow acquired a stronger immune system. The attack is deflected by this immune system.
Now consider situations in life. The very same situation may affect two different people in completely different ways. One person gets all upset or angry when the exact same situation will not seem to affect another. We’ve seen examples of this time and again, but most don’t realize that the reaction is really a choice. Perhaps it may be difficult to exercise that choice, because of past conditioning, but it remains a choice.
If you can at the very least recognize that how you respond to any situation is a choice, you will have come a very long way towards exercising that choice. Next time you notice yourself feeling negative in some way, stop for a moment and consider; what would be a more positive response to what I’m experiencing?
If you do this, you should notice at the moment of your asking, however brief it may be, that there is a point of relief from all emotion. Try it and you will see. When you do notice this, dwell upon that realization. Consciously intend to create that moment again, and extend it. Try to play with the possibilities.
This takes concentrated effort at first, but the more you realize the possibility, the more control you will have to make a conscious shift in your attitude during trying times. This is the beginning of self-actualization. It is the beginning of taking control of your destiny. The more you exert conscious control in your life, the more you will find that you also control the possible outcomes.
Love and peace,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A bit of not-so-well known information
Most people who are interested in setting and achieving goals are aware of the importance of focusing on those goals. They envision the goal as if it were already completed. They affirm that they are successfully moving toward it. They try to always maintain a positive attitude about that goal. They write it down. They read it out loud to themselves, and they repeat it often.
Still it seems that it takes a long time to see any kind of results. What gives? Do you want to accelerate the process of manifesting your desires? Do you want to see results quicker and easier than you ever thought possible?
Here’s a bit of not-so-well known information that just might be what is missing from your arsenal of goal-seeking weapons.
Holistic what!? Holistic mind consciousness is in the same vein as holistic medicine in the physical realm. It is integrating the entire consciousness toward the achievement of not only the goal in mind, but your entire thought processes. It means changing your way of thinking, perceiving, and acting toward the world, your world. It is the way to change your world by focusing not on the world, but on you.
In the field of attraction, there is a lot more at play than simply the part of you that is focused on achieving any specific goal. Your ability to attract is working at all times, whether you are consciously focused on your goal or not. You attract what is in harmony with the energy you predominantly generate. This comes from your general attitude that you hold toward yourself, the world, and life.
You can focus the most confidently positive thoughts about your goal and still not manage to accomplish it when you have other thoughts of lack, frustration, and denial lurking beneath. This is true even when those thoughts are towards something totally irrelevant to your goal.
A good example is say you are frustrated in your job, because you feel you have no control to express yourself as you please. Imagine this frustration consumes a good portion of your idle mental time, when you are not required to think about any particular thing. Now when it comes time to focus on your goal, you put out the very best, most positive energy you can muster, and you do it with complete faith that you will succeed.
Then you wait, and wait, and wait some more. Nothing. What happened is that you sent the correct energy out with your conscious practice, but that energy was tainted with plenty of negative energy from your subconscious thinking about your job, your life, or whatever.
The conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time. Consciously you remember only focusing on your desired goal. The subconscious mind, however, can focus on any number of things simultaneously. And it was focusing on your idea of your job, your life, and whatever other negative things that you might fond in your mind.
Now does this signify that you must somehow clear your mind of all negative thoughts? Is this even possible? Ideally it would be awesome if we could just turn every negative vibe off. Just imagine what we would be capable of accomplishing. But this isn’t necessary.
There is a concept known as critical mass. Perhaps you’ve heard of this in relation to creating a nuclear reaction. You need to get a certain percentage of something to shift in order for the entire mass to then shift of its own accord.
This same idea applies to your shifting your mindset. If you can get your thinking past this critical mass, you will see an accelerated shift in your automatic thinking. It will require perhaps an immense effort on your part to catch and alter your negative thinking for awhile. If you work on conscientiously doing this, you will soon realize that it becomes more or less automatic. You easily catch yourself when you are thinking in a negative way, and you shift your thinking process to be more positive.
Now back to your consciously focusing on your goal. When you focus positively on the achievement of your goal, and this is backed by a positive view of self and the world, you have exponentially increased the potency of your projection of positive energy. You will see faster results. Give this a try and see for yourself.
Dream a better life,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Still it seems that it takes a long time to see any kind of results. What gives? Do you want to accelerate the process of manifesting your desires? Do you want to see results quicker and easier than you ever thought possible?
Here’s a bit of not-so-well known information that just might be what is missing from your arsenal of goal-seeking weapons.
It is called holistic mind consciousness.
Holistic what!? Holistic mind consciousness is in the same vein as holistic medicine in the physical realm. It is integrating the entire consciousness toward the achievement of not only the goal in mind, but your entire thought processes. It means changing your way of thinking, perceiving, and acting toward the world, your world. It is the way to change your world by focusing not on the world, but on you.
In the field of attraction, there is a lot more at play than simply the part of you that is focused on achieving any specific goal. Your ability to attract is working at all times, whether you are consciously focused on your goal or not. You attract what is in harmony with the energy you predominantly generate. This comes from your general attitude that you hold toward yourself, the world, and life.
You can focus the most confidently positive thoughts about your goal and still not manage to accomplish it when you have other thoughts of lack, frustration, and denial lurking beneath. This is true even when those thoughts are towards something totally irrelevant to your goal.
A good example is say you are frustrated in your job, because you feel you have no control to express yourself as you please. Imagine this frustration consumes a good portion of your idle mental time, when you are not required to think about any particular thing. Now when it comes time to focus on your goal, you put out the very best, most positive energy you can muster, and you do it with complete faith that you will succeed.
Then you wait, and wait, and wait some more. Nothing. What happened is that you sent the correct energy out with your conscious practice, but that energy was tainted with plenty of negative energy from your subconscious thinking about your job, your life, or whatever.
The conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time. Consciously you remember only focusing on your desired goal. The subconscious mind, however, can focus on any number of things simultaneously. And it was focusing on your idea of your job, your life, and whatever other negative things that you might fond in your mind.
Now does this signify that you must somehow clear your mind of all negative thoughts? Is this even possible? Ideally it would be awesome if we could just turn every negative vibe off. Just imagine what we would be capable of accomplishing. But this isn’t necessary.
There is a concept known as critical mass. Perhaps you’ve heard of this in relation to creating a nuclear reaction. You need to get a certain percentage of something to shift in order for the entire mass to then shift of its own accord.
This same idea applies to your shifting your mindset. If you can get your thinking past this critical mass, you will see an accelerated shift in your automatic thinking. It will require perhaps an immense effort on your part to catch and alter your negative thinking for awhile. If you work on conscientiously doing this, you will soon realize that it becomes more or less automatic. You easily catch yourself when you are thinking in a negative way, and you shift your thinking process to be more positive.
Now back to your consciously focusing on your goal. When you focus positively on the achievement of your goal, and this is backed by a positive view of self and the world, you have exponentially increased the potency of your projection of positive energy. You will see faster results. Give this a try and see for yourself.
Dream a better life,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I tried positive thinking and it failed!
If you are one who has tried positive thinking and failed, this may be the most mind blowing piece of information ever for you. Positive thinking is a powerful process, but it must be used correctly, as you will soon learn.
Your physical brain, in the process of thinking, generates definite frequencies of energy. The more harmonious your thoughts, the higher the frequencies generated. By harmonious, I mean to say thoughts that are in harmony with every level of your being. Now you may be wondering how your thoughts could not be in harmony with your own being. Consider the following example.
You run into an acquaintance you don’t particularly care for. Perhaps it is someone who has done you wrong in the past or just rubs you wrong for whatever reason. This person approaches you with a big smile on her face and introduces you to her new fiancé. As she introduces him to you, she tells him what great friends the two of you are. Not to be rude, you manage to go along with the pleasantries and congratulate your “friend” and her fiancé with a smile and your blessing. All the while you are thinking this man doesn’t have a clue what she is really like, or something similar.
Now are you in harmony with yourself on every level? Of course not. You may be thinking this is such a minor infraction of your internal harmony that it can do no harm. Understand that energy is very sensitive by its very nature. You may be asking what this has to do with achieving your goals. The answer is that it has everything to do with achieving your goals.
Regardless of what you are doing on the outside, your energy, the energy you are generating with your thoughts and transmitting out to the universe, is a reflection of your internal harmony. If you are in a state of disharmony, even if you keep it to yourself, you are sending the signal of a lower frequency. What this means is your ability to attract what you desire is weakened. You are sending out mixed signals. In plain and simple language, if your thoughts are not focused, your signal is not focused. Thus, your results shall not be focused.
This broadcasting station you have inside your head is not something that you can turn on and off at will. There is no off switch. You are continually generating and broadcasting to the universe the state of your internal harmony throughout every waking moment of every day.
When you focus exclusively on the experience of your completed goals in a way that you can not only see them, but you can feel, smell, taste, and feel them you will feel as if you have already accomplished them. It will feel as if the goal had truly become real.
These feelings are the physical manifestation of the energy of emotion flowing through your body. The emotions result from your thoughts. The more in harmony you think, the higher the frequency of the energy your brain generates. When you dwell upon this energy, it begins to move through every cell of your body. Energy in motion equals E-Motion.
Thoughts that are more in harmony create a phenomenon called resonance. When your pattern of thought begins to resonate on every level of your being, you generate higher frequency and more focused energy. When higher frequency energy moves through your body, it manifests in more pleasant feelings. You feel better. This phenomenon is what we are describing when we say we are in the zone. This is when genius surges from within. Creativity thrives in this environment.
When your thoughts lack in harmony, you feel less pleasant. Creativity is thwarted, and you feel stuck. So you can see your feelings are the perfect indicator of the energy you are generating with your thoughts. Your thoughts are the key to moving toward the external reality you wish to experience.
Stay Positive,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Your physical brain, in the process of thinking, generates definite frequencies of energy. The more harmonious your thoughts, the higher the frequencies generated. By harmonious, I mean to say thoughts that are in harmony with every level of your being. Now you may be wondering how your thoughts could not be in harmony with your own being. Consider the following example.
You run into an acquaintance you don’t particularly care for. Perhaps it is someone who has done you wrong in the past or just rubs you wrong for whatever reason. This person approaches you with a big smile on her face and introduces you to her new fiancé. As she introduces him to you, she tells him what great friends the two of you are. Not to be rude, you manage to go along with the pleasantries and congratulate your “friend” and her fiancé with a smile and your blessing. All the while you are thinking this man doesn’t have a clue what she is really like, or something similar.
Now are you in harmony with yourself on every level? Of course not. You may be thinking this is such a minor infraction of your internal harmony that it can do no harm. Understand that energy is very sensitive by its very nature. You may be asking what this has to do with achieving your goals. The answer is that it has everything to do with achieving your goals.
Regardless of what you are doing on the outside, your energy, the energy you are generating with your thoughts and transmitting out to the universe, is a reflection of your internal harmony. If you are in a state of disharmony, even if you keep it to yourself, you are sending the signal of a lower frequency. What this means is your ability to attract what you desire is weakened. You are sending out mixed signals. In plain and simple language, if your thoughts are not focused, your signal is not focused. Thus, your results shall not be focused.
This broadcasting station you have inside your head is not something that you can turn on and off at will. There is no off switch. You are continually generating and broadcasting to the universe the state of your internal harmony throughout every waking moment of every day.
When you focus exclusively on the experience of your completed goals in a way that you can not only see them, but you can feel, smell, taste, and feel them you will feel as if you have already accomplished them. It will feel as if the goal had truly become real.
These feelings are the physical manifestation of the energy of emotion flowing through your body. The emotions result from your thoughts. The more in harmony you think, the higher the frequency of the energy your brain generates. When you dwell upon this energy, it begins to move through every cell of your body. Energy in motion equals E-Motion.
Thoughts that are more in harmony create a phenomenon called resonance. When your pattern of thought begins to resonate on every level of your being, you generate higher frequency and more focused energy. When higher frequency energy moves through your body, it manifests in more pleasant feelings. You feel better. This phenomenon is what we are describing when we say we are in the zone. This is when genius surges from within. Creativity thrives in this environment.
When your thoughts lack in harmony, you feel less pleasant. Creativity is thwarted, and you feel stuck. So you can see your feelings are the perfect indicator of the energy you are generating with your thoughts. Your thoughts are the key to moving toward the external reality you wish to experience.
Stay Positive,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Friday, April 16, 2010
There is more to life than a JOB
Hi again! If you haven’t yet read yesterday’s blog entry please go back and read that first as this is a continuation of what we talked about. There is a great myth that a good job can set you on the road to financial independence, that a job is important. I reminded you that yes a job is definitely a good thing to have if you have nothing else for the moment. You do need to bring in some income to survive on until you can get something better in place.
The idea of job security really is nothing more than outdated thinking. There was a time in the not to distant past that one person, usually the father, would go to work and support his wife and a typically large family. It was the norm to get a job and stay with it for the better part of one’s life. It is time now to realize that time has come and gone. Jobs are not the solid foundation they once were if they ever really were.
Most of us have the idea of a part time job to be a stepping stone to a “real” job, a full time position. I would like you to consider thinking of your full time job in a similar way. It is a stepping stone. It can bring in enough money for you to survive on while you continue to grow. Grow into what you might be asking?
Everybody has come into this life with some talent, skill, ability, or passion that is meant to be developed and shared with the world. It is your job to discover this quality that you have and to develop it and finally to share it. If you do follow your passion, you will have a much better chance at getting ahead financially.
Consider your life a work in progress. First you must seek your passion. What drives you? Or what ideas do you have that would better your situation? Then you must seek to develop that idea. Learn and grow in your own right. Finally, you must gain the courage to step out with your ideas.
If your idea is to sell something but you have no products, look into affiliate programs. A common example is found in the very popular If you have a website, you can place links to Amazon’s site. If someone clicks on this link and buys anything at Amazon, you get paid!
Another site that is very popular is This site is huge and has numerous digital products for sale. You can become an affiliate for free. Find a product you believe in and get a link to put on your website. This is the same concept as with Amazon.
If having a website does not really appeal to you, you might consider network marketing. You can sell Amway products, Avon, Tupperware, or many others. The important thing is to find something that genuinely interests you.
If you’ve got a skill that is teachable, put that skill to use. Begin teaching some classes on how to be a better tennis player, piano player, singer, woodworker, etc. If this turns out to be a success, you can easily move it up a notch by recording your teaching and sell the recordings, either as audio or video. If it feels right, you could even write a booklet to teach your skill or talent.
The idea I’m trying to convey here is that you have more inside of you than what you can express in simply growing up and getting a job. Everybody is unique. Therefore it would not be possible for me to give enough examples in this limited space. What I would like for you to do is begin opening yourself up to receiving the ideas that are perfect for you. Think of ways that you can use what you have to better your life beyond your job.
You don’t have to identify yourself with a job, especially when you don’t feel fulfilled in that job. We are in a period of transition into a new era. Jobs are not the answer to finding fulfillment in life. Use it as a stepping stone to achieve what you can offer to the world.
Everything begins with your mindset. Learn something new about the way you think every day. Learn that you are not limited to thinking the way we have thought in the past. The purpose of life is to stretch and grow. Accept this now. Eagerly look forward to what you are now becoming.
Love yourself,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
The idea of job security really is nothing more than outdated thinking. There was a time in the not to distant past that one person, usually the father, would go to work and support his wife and a typically large family. It was the norm to get a job and stay with it for the better part of one’s life. It is time now to realize that time has come and gone. Jobs are not the solid foundation they once were if they ever really were.
Most of us have the idea of a part time job to be a stepping stone to a “real” job, a full time position. I would like you to consider thinking of your full time job in a similar way. It is a stepping stone. It can bring in enough money for you to survive on while you continue to grow. Grow into what you might be asking?
Everybody has come into this life with some talent, skill, ability, or passion that is meant to be developed and shared with the world. It is your job to discover this quality that you have and to develop it and finally to share it. If you do follow your passion, you will have a much better chance at getting ahead financially.
Consider your life a work in progress. First you must seek your passion. What drives you? Or what ideas do you have that would better your situation? Then you must seek to develop that idea. Learn and grow in your own right. Finally, you must gain the courage to step out with your ideas.
If your idea is to sell something but you have no products, look into affiliate programs. A common example is found in the very popular If you have a website, you can place links to Amazon’s site. If someone clicks on this link and buys anything at Amazon, you get paid!
Another site that is very popular is This site is huge and has numerous digital products for sale. You can become an affiliate for free. Find a product you believe in and get a link to put on your website. This is the same concept as with Amazon.
If having a website does not really appeal to you, you might consider network marketing. You can sell Amway products, Avon, Tupperware, or many others. The important thing is to find something that genuinely interests you.
If you’ve got a skill that is teachable, put that skill to use. Begin teaching some classes on how to be a better tennis player, piano player, singer, woodworker, etc. If this turns out to be a success, you can easily move it up a notch by recording your teaching and sell the recordings, either as audio or video. If it feels right, you could even write a booklet to teach your skill or talent.
The idea I’m trying to convey here is that you have more inside of you than what you can express in simply growing up and getting a job. Everybody is unique. Therefore it would not be possible for me to give enough examples in this limited space. What I would like for you to do is begin opening yourself up to receiving the ideas that are perfect for you. Think of ways that you can use what you have to better your life beyond your job.
You don’t have to identify yourself with a job, especially when you don’t feel fulfilled in that job. We are in a period of transition into a new era. Jobs are not the answer to finding fulfillment in life. Use it as a stepping stone to achieve what you can offer to the world.
Everything begins with your mindset. Learn something new about the way you think every day. Learn that you are not limited to thinking the way we have thought in the past. The purpose of life is to stretch and grow. Accept this now. Eagerly look forward to what you are now becoming.
Love yourself,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Forget trying to find a better Job.
If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you are sure to remember me saying several times that much of what we need to learn in regards to becoming wealthy is in truth unlearning. That is because most of us grew up in families that never really knew real wealth or how to create it.
Ask most anyone on the street or where you work what the secret is to building wealth and they will tell you need a good job. A job will never get you to wealth. When I say never, I don’t mean there are no exceptions. There have been rare cases of someone becoming quite well off, but what jobs did they have? Do you have en opportunity of finding and getting one of these jobs?
Not likely. If you look at the truly wealthy, meaning the top say 5%, you will not find them working a job. You will find their lives quite free from what we consider to be a job.
A job can and does provide an excellent place to start if you have no money to invest in yourself or the ideas to generate your own wealth. Do you remember when you were still a teen, and you got your first job? Chances are your first job was a part time job in a restaurant, Movie Theater or something similar. It felt good as you finally had your own money to spend.
Then something happened. You grew up and were faced with more bills. You had to pay rent. You had to pay for your car. As comfortable as this part time job may have been, you then had to move into the full time job position. This was better but even then your bills continued to grow. Perhaps now you had a family to support, a house to pay for or whatever.
In any case, what would have been considered big money at an earlier time has now become what Mark Victor Hansen is so fond of saying: a J-O-B, Just-Over-Broke. This is where most people forget that they can still grow. For some reason many of us find ourselves trapped at this point and believe this is it. We just need to find a better job.
Forget about the idea of finding a better job if real financial independence is what you earnestly desire. Keep your job to pay those bills, but don’t stop learning. You could spend your time learning what you need to get a better job, going back to school to get a degree. You may get that better job, but chances are your bills will simply increase to eat up that extra money.
If you want to really get ahead, you have to think in terms of what money really is. It is a medium of exchange that you get paid for services rendered. In a job, you are serving with your time and skills to receive what your employer feels you that time and those skills are worth. You are at the mercy of someone who may not be thinking as you would like him or her to think.
If you have a job right now, I want you to know that I am by no means suggesting that you throw that job out the window. Chances are you may need that job for some time to come, no matter what your plans are to become financially successful.
There are things that you can do now while you continue to work your job that will have a profound impact on your future ability to earn immense wealth, if that is your ultimate goal. First, don’t become disillusioned that your job is the long term solution to your financial worries. Consider your job as the means to maintain while you begin learning more about yourself and what you can offer the world in exchange for greater amounts of wealth.
During the early part of your life, you were in growth mode. Learning was a big part of your life. Begin to understand that that period of your life does not really end at age eighteen or twenty one or at any age. Get yourself back into learning mode. Personally, I would suggest books as a great place to start. If you’re more inclined to learn by listening, go with audio, or you could choose video programs. I would also recommend signing up for a few seminars if they are available to you.
What are you looking for when you’re not even sure where to start? Self improvement, success, personal growth. If you begin looking into something along these lines, I am sure you will begin to feel yourself drawn into something more specific to what you presently need to grow. Once you begin growing, you will find it much easier to continue. You will rediscover a spark to life that you may have lost touch with over the years. It’s still there. You will find it if you only begin to search for it.
I will give you more specific information on this over the next few days. This will be information on where to begin looking for a way out of financial hardship and onto the road to financial independence. So please, continue following this blog. We’ll talk more tomorrow.
Live a blessed life,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Ask most anyone on the street or where you work what the secret is to building wealth and they will tell you need a good job. A job will never get you to wealth. When I say never, I don’t mean there are no exceptions. There have been rare cases of someone becoming quite well off, but what jobs did they have? Do you have en opportunity of finding and getting one of these jobs?
Not likely. If you look at the truly wealthy, meaning the top say 5%, you will not find them working a job. You will find their lives quite free from what we consider to be a job.
A job can and does provide an excellent place to start if you have no money to invest in yourself or the ideas to generate your own wealth. Do you remember when you were still a teen, and you got your first job? Chances are your first job was a part time job in a restaurant, Movie Theater or something similar. It felt good as you finally had your own money to spend.
Then something happened. You grew up and were faced with more bills. You had to pay rent. You had to pay for your car. As comfortable as this part time job may have been, you then had to move into the full time job position. This was better but even then your bills continued to grow. Perhaps now you had a family to support, a house to pay for or whatever.
In any case, what would have been considered big money at an earlier time has now become what Mark Victor Hansen is so fond of saying: a J-O-B, Just-Over-Broke. This is where most people forget that they can still grow. For some reason many of us find ourselves trapped at this point and believe this is it. We just need to find a better job.
Forget about the idea of finding a better job if real financial independence is what you earnestly desire. Keep your job to pay those bills, but don’t stop learning. You could spend your time learning what you need to get a better job, going back to school to get a degree. You may get that better job, but chances are your bills will simply increase to eat up that extra money.
If you want to really get ahead, you have to think in terms of what money really is. It is a medium of exchange that you get paid for services rendered. In a job, you are serving with your time and skills to receive what your employer feels you that time and those skills are worth. You are at the mercy of someone who may not be thinking as you would like him or her to think.
If you have a job right now, I want you to know that I am by no means suggesting that you throw that job out the window. Chances are you may need that job for some time to come, no matter what your plans are to become financially successful.
There are things that you can do now while you continue to work your job that will have a profound impact on your future ability to earn immense wealth, if that is your ultimate goal. First, don’t become disillusioned that your job is the long term solution to your financial worries. Consider your job as the means to maintain while you begin learning more about yourself and what you can offer the world in exchange for greater amounts of wealth.
During the early part of your life, you were in growth mode. Learning was a big part of your life. Begin to understand that that period of your life does not really end at age eighteen or twenty one or at any age. Get yourself back into learning mode. Personally, I would suggest books as a great place to start. If you’re more inclined to learn by listening, go with audio, or you could choose video programs. I would also recommend signing up for a few seminars if they are available to you.
What are you looking for when you’re not even sure where to start? Self improvement, success, personal growth. If you begin looking into something along these lines, I am sure you will begin to feel yourself drawn into something more specific to what you presently need to grow. Once you begin growing, you will find it much easier to continue. You will rediscover a spark to life that you may have lost touch with over the years. It’s still there. You will find it if you only begin to search for it.
I will give you more specific information on this over the next few days. This will be information on where to begin looking for a way out of financial hardship and onto the road to financial independence. So please, continue following this blog. We’ll talk more tomorrow.
Live a blessed life,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
So you have a dream, or at least an idea of what your dream may be. Dwell upon this dream with the idea of seeing it through the eye of purpose. What do I mean by the eye of purpose? Does this dream move something deep inside of you? Does it tell you that by accomplishing this dream your life will feel much more fulfilling? Will it feel good not just superficially, but in a way that you know will have an impact beyond your life?
If you can answer yes to these questions, you will know you are meant to move ahead on this dream. This is not a time to consider how you will achieve it. First, and I really mean this, you must do something to move you closer. Even if you are not sure what this something is, you must move in the general direction of your dream.
What good does it do to merely move in the general direction of your dream, when there may very well be a more direct route just waiting to be discovered? This is key, so pay attention. By taking action to move ahead at the moment inspiration strikes, you are sending a definite signal out to the universe that you are determined to succeed. You are expressing in the most concrete way your faith in yourself and the value you place on your goal.
Take that first step, and the universe will respond by returning to you, good energy in the form of intuitive ideas on how to proceed. Be alert for these intuitive ideas and continue to act upon them with faith.
You may not get the result you had hoped when you begin following your intuition. If you are following your intuition, however, you can know that the step was a necessary step. You have gained something needed by taking that step. Perhaps you learned a lesson that would have cost you dearly had you made it further down the line. Or maybe you acquired a needed skill that you will soon need.
You never know the specifics of what the universe holds in store for you, but you can be sure that it is good, if you but follow the inner voice. That voice is quiet and does not scream. You must be alert to it and follow it without letting your conscious, thinking mind alter the path chosen by that small voice.
The conscious, thinking mind will indeed try to thwart your every step. Usually this is done by injecting doubt or fear into your plans. The conscious mind will use “logic” to tell you have never tried anything like this before. It will point out the fact that few have ever succeeded in this way.
Acknowledge what your logical mind tells you, but then return your focus to hear what that still small voice is telling you. Do I move forward with my plans, or alter them in some way? Trust in that voice. If it says to you, go forward, then go forward you must.
This is not the way most of us were raised, but then isn’t it true that you would rather grow beyond the results that most of us habitually attain? The more you learn to confide in your own being, the more helpful your own being will become in helping you to reach that which you desire. Learn to like yourself. Learn to love yourself.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
If you can answer yes to these questions, you will know you are meant to move ahead on this dream. This is not a time to consider how you will achieve it. First, and I really mean this, you must do something to move you closer. Even if you are not sure what this something is, you must move in the general direction of your dream.
What good does it do to merely move in the general direction of your dream, when there may very well be a more direct route just waiting to be discovered? This is key, so pay attention. By taking action to move ahead at the moment inspiration strikes, you are sending a definite signal out to the universe that you are determined to succeed. You are expressing in the most concrete way your faith in yourself and the value you place on your goal.
Take that first step, and the universe will respond by returning to you, good energy in the form of intuitive ideas on how to proceed. Be alert for these intuitive ideas and continue to act upon them with faith.
You may not get the result you had hoped when you begin following your intuition. If you are following your intuition, however, you can know that the step was a necessary step. You have gained something needed by taking that step. Perhaps you learned a lesson that would have cost you dearly had you made it further down the line. Or maybe you acquired a needed skill that you will soon need.
You never know the specifics of what the universe holds in store for you, but you can be sure that it is good, if you but follow the inner voice. That voice is quiet and does not scream. You must be alert to it and follow it without letting your conscious, thinking mind alter the path chosen by that small voice.
The conscious, thinking mind will indeed try to thwart your every step. Usually this is done by injecting doubt or fear into your plans. The conscious mind will use “logic” to tell you have never tried anything like this before. It will point out the fact that few have ever succeeded in this way.
Acknowledge what your logical mind tells you, but then return your focus to hear what that still small voice is telling you. Do I move forward with my plans, or alter them in some way? Trust in that voice. If it says to you, go forward, then go forward you must.
This is not the way most of us were raised, but then isn’t it true that you would rather grow beyond the results that most of us habitually attain? The more you learn to confide in your own being, the more helpful your own being will become in helping you to reach that which you desire. Learn to like yourself. Learn to love yourself.
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Read this and get HAPPY now!
Emotion is the energy we transmit to the world. This energy, as all energy, has a range of frequencies. The higher the frequency, the more liberating is the energy we transmit. There is no more liberating emotion than the emotion of love. This is because the emotion of love vibrates at the highest levels. The equally opposite emotion, fear, is the least liberating of all the emotions. The simplest way of determining the frequency you are experiencing or transmitting is to consider just how liberated you feel.
Emotion is an energy we generate on our own. Only we are responsible for the frequency we generate. However, the frequency we tend to generate is often influenced by the frequency we receive from the ether, from others. This is because the energy of emotion is reciprocal in nature. It tends to attract that which vibrates at the same frequency as itself.
If I give you a thought, say, the Statue of Liberty, you will think about the Statue of Liberty. You cannot avoid it. You will undoubtedly add something to the thought as well. You may add an image of the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps, you will even add the green color to your image, adding details I didn’t mention. Once I stop talking about the Statue of Liberty, you have the choice to continue thinking about it, or you may choose to think about something else.
The same thing happens with emotions. If you walk into a room full of emotion, you will undoubtedly pick up on the predominate feeling. You will more than just sense it. You will be drawn to generate the same feeling. If the energy of the room is of the same frequency you are generating at the time you enter, you will feel very comfortable being there. You will feel that you fit in.
If the energy in the room is of a higher frequency than you are generating at the time you enter, you will sense an urge to raise the frequency of your own energy. You will feel more liberated if you follow through. If you try to resist and maintain your energy at the same lower frequency, you will sense a certain level of anxiety. This is because in your attempt to maintain your energy at a lower frequency, you are, in fact, blocking the flow of your own energy.
If the energy in the room is of a lower frequency than you are generating at the time you enter, you will sense this as well. Here you have the choice of how you will react. You may choose to lower your frequency, leave the room, or maintain your higher frequency.
Sometimes people choose to lower their frequency to blend in. Even though in doing so they are synchronizing their energy with the lower energy of the room, they will feel a sense of anxiety. This is not healthy as it is blockage.
The second choice is to leave the room. In this case, you may still feel a certain sense of anxiety as a part of you is aware of the lower energy you are leaving behind. It is kind of like entering a swimming pool and then getting out. You come out of the water, but you are still wet. Of course, once you get away from that environment, you may find it easy enough to bring yourself back to the higher frequency you were experiencing before you arrived.
The third choice is to remain in the room but maintain your same frequency of energy. This may prove to be a bit of a challenge as your simple awareness of the lower frequency that surrounds you does tend to impact you. You may feel somewhat out of place as you feel something trying to bring you down to match what is around you. If you manage to maintain your frequency, you will surely find others, those nearest to you, at least feeling the urge to accelerate their own frequency to match yours. If not, they will quickly move away from you to find someone more in tune with their own frequency.
There is another choice you can make that may be the ideal choice for two reasons. That other choice is to use the situation to accelerate your own frequency. First of all, accelerating your own frequency is always the best thing for you. You will feel more liberated. Secondly, as was stated earlier, the energy of emotion is reciprocal. The higher your frequency becomes, the more powerful of an influence you become to those around you. They will not only pick up on your higher frequency, but they will pick up that it is actually accelerating. This will draw them to you more than it will repel them away from you.
This is because a part of us has a predisposition to feeling more liberated. Simply put, it feels better than the alternative. But how does one use a negative situation to actually feel better? The answer is in gratitude! That’s right. As you walk into a room where the prevailing frequency is much lower than what you were experiencing just prior to entering the room, take a moment to really feel grateful that you are not experiencing that same level of energy. Rejoice.
There is magic in feeling genuine gratitude. It ranks right up there close to love in frequency. In fact, gratitude is actually an expression of love. Vibrating at this frequency, our energy becomes a magnetic force that draws to us more of the same. This means you feel better, and those around you have the opportunity to feel better. Those who do begin to feel better then make it easier for even more to come around. Then you will truly have something worth celebrating.
Gratitude is the key to increasing the vibratory nature of emotional energy. This is important because when you increase the frequency, you increase the magnetic quality, the attractive force to bring good into your life.
Love, Light, Energy,
Jeffrey Brandt
This was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self. This book is available for purchase by clicking the link on the right.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Emotion is an energy we generate on our own. Only we are responsible for the frequency we generate. However, the frequency we tend to generate is often influenced by the frequency we receive from the ether, from others. This is because the energy of emotion is reciprocal in nature. It tends to attract that which vibrates at the same frequency as itself.
If I give you a thought, say, the Statue of Liberty, you will think about the Statue of Liberty. You cannot avoid it. You will undoubtedly add something to the thought as well. You may add an image of the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps, you will even add the green color to your image, adding details I didn’t mention. Once I stop talking about the Statue of Liberty, you have the choice to continue thinking about it, or you may choose to think about something else.
The same thing happens with emotions. If you walk into a room full of emotion, you will undoubtedly pick up on the predominate feeling. You will more than just sense it. You will be drawn to generate the same feeling. If the energy of the room is of the same frequency you are generating at the time you enter, you will feel very comfortable being there. You will feel that you fit in.
If the energy in the room is of a higher frequency than you are generating at the time you enter, you will sense an urge to raise the frequency of your own energy. You will feel more liberated if you follow through. If you try to resist and maintain your energy at the same lower frequency, you will sense a certain level of anxiety. This is because in your attempt to maintain your energy at a lower frequency, you are, in fact, blocking the flow of your own energy.
If the energy in the room is of a lower frequency than you are generating at the time you enter, you will sense this as well. Here you have the choice of how you will react. You may choose to lower your frequency, leave the room, or maintain your higher frequency.
Sometimes people choose to lower their frequency to blend in. Even though in doing so they are synchronizing their energy with the lower energy of the room, they will feel a sense of anxiety. This is not healthy as it is blockage.
The second choice is to leave the room. In this case, you may still feel a certain sense of anxiety as a part of you is aware of the lower energy you are leaving behind. It is kind of like entering a swimming pool and then getting out. You come out of the water, but you are still wet. Of course, once you get away from that environment, you may find it easy enough to bring yourself back to the higher frequency you were experiencing before you arrived.
The third choice is to remain in the room but maintain your same frequency of energy. This may prove to be a bit of a challenge as your simple awareness of the lower frequency that surrounds you does tend to impact you. You may feel somewhat out of place as you feel something trying to bring you down to match what is around you. If you manage to maintain your frequency, you will surely find others, those nearest to you, at least feeling the urge to accelerate their own frequency to match yours. If not, they will quickly move away from you to find someone more in tune with their own frequency.
There is another choice you can make that may be the ideal choice for two reasons. That other choice is to use the situation to accelerate your own frequency. First of all, accelerating your own frequency is always the best thing for you. You will feel more liberated. Secondly, as was stated earlier, the energy of emotion is reciprocal. The higher your frequency becomes, the more powerful of an influence you become to those around you. They will not only pick up on your higher frequency, but they will pick up that it is actually accelerating. This will draw them to you more than it will repel them away from you.
This is because a part of us has a predisposition to feeling more liberated. Simply put, it feels better than the alternative. But how does one use a negative situation to actually feel better? The answer is in gratitude! That’s right. As you walk into a room where the prevailing frequency is much lower than what you were experiencing just prior to entering the room, take a moment to really feel grateful that you are not experiencing that same level of energy. Rejoice.
There is magic in feeling genuine gratitude. It ranks right up there close to love in frequency. In fact, gratitude is actually an expression of love. Vibrating at this frequency, our energy becomes a magnetic force that draws to us more of the same. This means you feel better, and those around you have the opportunity to feel better. Those who do begin to feel better then make it easier for even more to come around. Then you will truly have something worth celebrating.
Gratitude is the key to increasing the vibratory nature of emotional energy. This is important because when you increase the frequency, you increase the magnetic quality, the attractive force to bring good into your life.
Love, Light, Energy,
Jeffrey Brandt
This was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self. This book is available for purchase by clicking the link on the right.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Do you know how to change your fate?
Someone once asked me why the mind interested me so much. On a certain level I was floored by this question. How could anybody not be interested in the mind? Once I thought about it, however, I understood why someone might ask it. There is a great difference in the population. This difference can be deciphered in how we use this marvelous tool that we all have access to.
There is a great number of people out there who really believe that life is something that happens to us, as if we have little say in the way our lives play out. Of course they will tell you that there are also some things you bring on yourself, but in general, your life is determined by the circumstances you were born into.
When you bring up the fact that there have been and continue to be people who have broken from their natal circumstances and lifted themselves to fame and fortune, they will cite luck or some other influence.
If that were true, why is it that that great majority of lottery winners end up right back where they were prior to winning big? It doesn’t matter how big they win either. Some even end up worse off than they were before.
Those that do work themselves to the top of any given field, typically claim nothing special about them other than an intense drive to succeed and an undying faith that they would someday “make it.” What they say is that anybody has the ability to do this as well.
This brings us to the human mind. It is a fairly well known fact that we are only using a small percentage of our mind’s potential. We have for all practical purposes an unlimited potential awaiting our use. The problem is that we were not given an instruction manual at birth on how to use it. This is something we must pick up along the way in life.
Now where do we pick up this information? Usually we get it from our parents and those closest to us in our daily lives.
With this in mind, it is no wonder our standard of living tends to be about the same as that of our parents. Sure we have many more conveniences, as there exists more as society itself advances. However, besides the cell phones, internet, and all of these gadgets that are simply a part of common life today, we remain about the same.
What changes in the individual who breaks from this paradigm is a definite decision. You must consciously seek to grow through expanding your circle of influence. This is the amazing thing about being alive today. You can reach out to touch and be touched by a class of people you may have had little chance of reaching in an earlier time. I mean to say the class of people you wish to become a part of. You don’t have to settle with what life has handed you.
Perhaps you cannot personally meet them yet, but there are so many platforms out there where you can get close. Think about the number of books, CDs, Videos, programs, blogs, pod casts, Vlogs, membership cites, clubs, subscriptions, etc. all meant to share information, inspiration, advice, and ideas.
Communication is the medium of growth. Use it. Use it to feed your mind a new paradigm, one that allows you to believe anything is possible, because in truth anything is possible!
You are reading this blog for a reason. I’m telling you I am here to serve you in any way I can. Let me know your dreams and I will help you in the best way I can to achieve those dreams. Leave a comment here on this page or click through to the fan page on the right. I promise I will respond to your questions.
Believe in who you are,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
There is a great number of people out there who really believe that life is something that happens to us, as if we have little say in the way our lives play out. Of course they will tell you that there are also some things you bring on yourself, but in general, your life is determined by the circumstances you were born into.
When you bring up the fact that there have been and continue to be people who have broken from their natal circumstances and lifted themselves to fame and fortune, they will cite luck or some other influence.
If that were true, why is it that that great majority of lottery winners end up right back where they were prior to winning big? It doesn’t matter how big they win either. Some even end up worse off than they were before.
Those that do work themselves to the top of any given field, typically claim nothing special about them other than an intense drive to succeed and an undying faith that they would someday “make it.” What they say is that anybody has the ability to do this as well.
This brings us to the human mind. It is a fairly well known fact that we are only using a small percentage of our mind’s potential. We have for all practical purposes an unlimited potential awaiting our use. The problem is that we were not given an instruction manual at birth on how to use it. This is something we must pick up along the way in life.
Now where do we pick up this information? Usually we get it from our parents and those closest to us in our daily lives.
With this in mind, it is no wonder our standard of living tends to be about the same as that of our parents. Sure we have many more conveniences, as there exists more as society itself advances. However, besides the cell phones, internet, and all of these gadgets that are simply a part of common life today, we remain about the same.
What changes in the individual who breaks from this paradigm is a definite decision. You must consciously seek to grow through expanding your circle of influence. This is the amazing thing about being alive today. You can reach out to touch and be touched by a class of people you may have had little chance of reaching in an earlier time. I mean to say the class of people you wish to become a part of. You don’t have to settle with what life has handed you.
Perhaps you cannot personally meet them yet, but there are so many platforms out there where you can get close. Think about the number of books, CDs, Videos, programs, blogs, pod casts, Vlogs, membership cites, clubs, subscriptions, etc. all meant to share information, inspiration, advice, and ideas.
Communication is the medium of growth. Use it. Use it to feed your mind a new paradigm, one that allows you to believe anything is possible, because in truth anything is possible!
You are reading this blog for a reason. I’m telling you I am here to serve you in any way I can. Let me know your dreams and I will help you in the best way I can to achieve those dreams. Leave a comment here on this page or click through to the fan page on the right. I promise I will respond to your questions.
Believe in who you are,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Chapter IX
Life begins with a dream. Dreaming is the most natural thing for a young child to do. We are born with an innate ability to dream. Every great idea has its beginnings in a dream. As life goes on, we tend to be discouraged from allowing ourselves to spend too much time in this state. Why? Because we were told it is not productive. Try telling this to any artist of great works, a writer, or an inventor. Try telling this to an entrepreneur or a leader. Dreams are the visions of what may come. They are the windows to our future. They are optimism in its essence.
Allow yourself to dream. If you are young and dreaming is still a large part of your daily life, be grateful. Enjoy this phenomenon. Exploit it with every opportunity you have and develop it. If you are one of the many who consider themselves to have outgrown this activity, step back from your life for a moment and examine it to see it for what it really is. Are you happy? Dreaming is the best you can do whether you’re nine or ninety. Dreaming is the key to sustained health and youth.
Dreams, like everything in life, seem to be cyclical. A dream precedes creation. From the dream, an idea surges. Ideas are opportunities. If we act on these opportunities, we create. With every act of creation, there is an explosion of energy. Ask any musician, writer, or inventor. He or she will tell you these moments are the most intense moments of life. There is an indescribable satisfaction that comes with experiencing something new. Our interest is sparked, and we begin using this newfound energy. As we assimilate what is new, we begin to feel comfortable in this new level of existence; and the energy begins once again to dissipate. As the energy dissipates, we begin to dream anew. And the cycle repeats.
This cycle is the same as that for eating, drinking, breathing, or sleeping. We need to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. We also need to dream. Each of these cycles, of which there are seven, expresses a different level of the vibration of life.
The above was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self. For a detailed description of what I call the seven levels of vibration, you can check them out in my book. Just click on the link to the right of this blog.
Hold on to your Dreams,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
The quality and quantity of our dreams
is exactly reflected in
the experience of our lives.
Life begins with a dream. Dreaming is the most natural thing for a young child to do. We are born with an innate ability to dream. Every great idea has its beginnings in a dream. As life goes on, we tend to be discouraged from allowing ourselves to spend too much time in this state. Why? Because we were told it is not productive. Try telling this to any artist of great works, a writer, or an inventor. Try telling this to an entrepreneur or a leader. Dreams are the visions of what may come. They are the windows to our future. They are optimism in its essence.
Allow yourself to dream. If you are young and dreaming is still a large part of your daily life, be grateful. Enjoy this phenomenon. Exploit it with every opportunity you have and develop it. If you are one of the many who consider themselves to have outgrown this activity, step back from your life for a moment and examine it to see it for what it really is. Are you happy? Dreaming is the best you can do whether you’re nine or ninety. Dreaming is the key to sustained health and youth.
Dreams, like everything in life, seem to be cyclical. A dream precedes creation. From the dream, an idea surges. Ideas are opportunities. If we act on these opportunities, we create. With every act of creation, there is an explosion of energy. Ask any musician, writer, or inventor. He or she will tell you these moments are the most intense moments of life. There is an indescribable satisfaction that comes with experiencing something new. Our interest is sparked, and we begin using this newfound energy. As we assimilate what is new, we begin to feel comfortable in this new level of existence; and the energy begins once again to dissipate. As the energy dissipates, we begin to dream anew. And the cycle repeats.
This cycle is the same as that for eating, drinking, breathing, or sleeping. We need to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. We also need to dream. Each of these cycles, of which there are seven, expresses a different level of the vibration of life.
The above was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self. For a detailed description of what I call the seven levels of vibration, you can check them out in my book. Just click on the link to the right of this blog.
Hold on to your Dreams,
Jeffrey Brandt
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
More on Purpose
If you haven’t read yesterday’s blog, I urge you to do so before reading today’s as this one is a continuation.
You will notice in your list that it went through several stages. First you probably wrote very simple things that would bring you immediate gratification. These have to do with satisfying your ego.
Next your list began to explore ideas that would help you grow as a person. Perhaps you wanted to travel, and in so doing you would obviously be interested in learning about different places and people. Or perhaps you wanted to learn to play an instrument or write a book. These are things that will be more satisfying to the intellect.
Finally you will begin exploring ways to use what you have learned to share with others. This is where you begin discovering your spiritual nature, that part of you that is connected to all of humanity. This is the spiritual realm. This is who you really are. This is where you find purpose.
Your purpose is to share. This I know. What I don’t know is how you are to share, but share I know. All of the greatest people of history were great because they found what it was they were to share with the rest of us, and they found the way. You find the way by moving beyond the ego.
The exercise I showed you is an excellent way to do just that. It takes a little time to do it right, but it is well worth the effort. You may have quite a revelation. Once you have a better idea of what your true purpose is, life tends to go much smoother in your favor. And when it doesn’t, even the tough times seem to be softened.
If you are really interested in finding and living on purpose, I highly recommend a book that was written in 1904. Originally titled As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen, it was rewritten under the new title of As You Think, by Marc Allen of New World Library.
The newer version is practically the same. Marc Allen only edited it slightly, changing a few words here and there that have become obsolete or have come to mean something different. The title was changed because the author obviously meant women as well as men. What he wrote was universal, applying to everyone regardless of sex, age, race, beliefs, social standing, or education.
It is a very quick read. It can easily fit into your pocket or purse. It is short but packed solid with timeless wisdom. I have lost count of how many times I continue to read it. Pure inspiration.
I would like to hear from you regarding your thoughts on this subject or the blog in general. Please leave a comment here or on my Facebook fan page. Thanks for reading and sharing this blog with your friends.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
If you haven’t read yesterday’s blog, I urge you to do so before reading today’s as this one is a continuation.
You will notice in your list that it went through several stages. First you probably wrote very simple things that would bring you immediate gratification. These have to do with satisfying your ego.
Next your list began to explore ideas that would help you grow as a person. Perhaps you wanted to travel, and in so doing you would obviously be interested in learning about different places and people. Or perhaps you wanted to learn to play an instrument or write a book. These are things that will be more satisfying to the intellect.
Finally you will begin exploring ways to use what you have learned to share with others. This is where you begin discovering your spiritual nature, that part of you that is connected to all of humanity. This is the spiritual realm. This is who you really are. This is where you find purpose.
Your purpose is to share. This I know. What I don’t know is how you are to share, but share I know. All of the greatest people of history were great because they found what it was they were to share with the rest of us, and they found the way. You find the way by moving beyond the ego.
The exercise I showed you is an excellent way to do just that. It takes a little time to do it right, but it is well worth the effort. You may have quite a revelation. Once you have a better idea of what your true purpose is, life tends to go much smoother in your favor. And when it doesn’t, even the tough times seem to be softened.
If you are really interested in finding and living on purpose, I highly recommend a book that was written in 1904. Originally titled As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen, it was rewritten under the new title of As You Think, by Marc Allen of New World Library.
The newer version is practically the same. Marc Allen only edited it slightly, changing a few words here and there that have become obsolete or have come to mean something different. The title was changed because the author obviously meant women as well as men. What he wrote was universal, applying to everyone regardless of sex, age, race, beliefs, social standing, or education.
It is a very quick read. It can easily fit into your pocket or purse. It is short but packed solid with timeless wisdom. I have lost count of how many times I continue to read it. Pure inspiration.
I would like to hear from you regarding your thoughts on this subject or the blog in general. Please leave a comment here or on my Facebook fan page. Thanks for reading and sharing this blog with your friends.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Get Passionate!
If I ask you to get passionate about your life, what would be your response? You might ask why. You might ask what there is to get passionate about. You might wonder how you can find passion.
Why get passionate?
Passion is an incredibly powerful elixir for getting things done. It is the adrenaline rush of the spirit. It gets you to jump out of bed in the morning eager to get started with the work ahead of you. It causes time to stand still when you realize hours have passed since you began working on a project. Your energy level seems not to become depleted. It feels good, and real progress is made.
What is there to get passionate about?
Life is meant to be lived with passion. There is no greater reward than knowing that you are contributing to something worthwhile that will have a positive impact on yourself and others. Even more so when that impact stretches beyond your immediate reach of time and space. Every detail of your life can be lived with passion if you understand one vitally important thing.
How can I find passion?
Passion is not something you can simply decide. It must come from inside you. This is because passion is in your core. It is your core, and you must but discover it. There is a word for this. It is called purpose, your purpose, your calling. The great majority of people do not even know what their purpose is in life.
As children we are more open to discover it. By the time we become adults, our lives have become fraught with artificial worries and frustrations limiting beliefs that few of us really know with any specificity what it is we truly want to do with our life. If you are not sure what your purpose is, try this out and see if it helps.
An imaginary game
Imagine for a moment that you have an unlimited amount of money at your disposal. Sound crazy? Stay with me. There is a meaning to all of this. Imagine you no longer have to keep your job. If money were no issue, would you continue working where you do? Chances are you would walk. That’s fine.
Would you like to buy a new car? How about buying several new cars? Go ahead. You have the money, and there’s plenty more where that comes from. Perhaps you would like to buy a house, but you’re not sure where you would like to have this house. Remember you can live anywhere you like. Money is no problem. Go ahead and buy houses in all of your favorite locations. And while you’re at it, a private jet might be nice so you can travel at your leisure.
Now you can probably think about a gazillion toys you would like to have and things you would like to do. Go ahead. Before we get too far along here, I would like you to write out all of the things you want to have and do. Preferably you will fill up the whole sheet, both front and back. If this doesn’t take you long, then I suggest you begin a second sheet.
The idea here is that I want you to continue adding things to this list until it becomes more difficult to think of things to add. I urge you to do this in writing because after a while it may get difficult to remember everything you thought of. And by reading your list you may think of other things to add.
Continue. Continue. Continue. If you keep this up for a good while, you will notice something happening to your list. At first, what you write down will likely be a lot of very materialistic things and activities. This is fine, and I encourage you to exhaust yourself trying to add all of these things you can. I say this because what happens to your list after you have no more you could want in the way of materialistic merchandise and experiences?
If you force yourself to continue writing, you will likely begin to think of other things you really want such as to help others in some altruistic way. Helping out a charity or creating your own charity. Perhaps you would like to have the money to afford learning to write music and record that music. Maybe you would like to spend time writing a great novel or the story of your life. You could even decide to use your time teaching others a thing or two.
What will eventually happen if you actually write out your list is that once you get past the shallow, superficial, egotistical ideas, you will begin to move closer to what your heart really wants. What your heart really wants is for you to fulfill your purpose in life.
This is a great way to help you discover what your purpose is. You have to get past the ego and playing a game of the imagination is a very good way of accomplishing that.
Let me know what results you come up with. I’d be happy to hear from you on this.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Why get passionate?
Passion is an incredibly powerful elixir for getting things done. It is the adrenaline rush of the spirit. It gets you to jump out of bed in the morning eager to get started with the work ahead of you. It causes time to stand still when you realize hours have passed since you began working on a project. Your energy level seems not to become depleted. It feels good, and real progress is made.
What is there to get passionate about?
Life is meant to be lived with passion. There is no greater reward than knowing that you are contributing to something worthwhile that will have a positive impact on yourself and others. Even more so when that impact stretches beyond your immediate reach of time and space. Every detail of your life can be lived with passion if you understand one vitally important thing.
How can I find passion?
Passion is not something you can simply decide. It must come from inside you. This is because passion is in your core. It is your core, and you must but discover it. There is a word for this. It is called purpose, your purpose, your calling. The great majority of people do not even know what their purpose is in life.
As children we are more open to discover it. By the time we become adults, our lives have become fraught with artificial worries and frustrations limiting beliefs that few of us really know with any specificity what it is we truly want to do with our life. If you are not sure what your purpose is, try this out and see if it helps.
An imaginary game
Imagine for a moment that you have an unlimited amount of money at your disposal. Sound crazy? Stay with me. There is a meaning to all of this. Imagine you no longer have to keep your job. If money were no issue, would you continue working where you do? Chances are you would walk. That’s fine.
Would you like to buy a new car? How about buying several new cars? Go ahead. You have the money, and there’s plenty more where that comes from. Perhaps you would like to buy a house, but you’re not sure where you would like to have this house. Remember you can live anywhere you like. Money is no problem. Go ahead and buy houses in all of your favorite locations. And while you’re at it, a private jet might be nice so you can travel at your leisure.
Now you can probably think about a gazillion toys you would like to have and things you would like to do. Go ahead. Before we get too far along here, I would like you to write out all of the things you want to have and do. Preferably you will fill up the whole sheet, both front and back. If this doesn’t take you long, then I suggest you begin a second sheet.
The idea here is that I want you to continue adding things to this list until it becomes more difficult to think of things to add. I urge you to do this in writing because after a while it may get difficult to remember everything you thought of. And by reading your list you may think of other things to add.
Continue. Continue. Continue. If you keep this up for a good while, you will notice something happening to your list. At first, what you write down will likely be a lot of very materialistic things and activities. This is fine, and I encourage you to exhaust yourself trying to add all of these things you can. I say this because what happens to your list after you have no more you could want in the way of materialistic merchandise and experiences?
If you force yourself to continue writing, you will likely begin to think of other things you really want such as to help others in some altruistic way. Helping out a charity or creating your own charity. Perhaps you would like to have the money to afford learning to write music and record that music. Maybe you would like to spend time writing a great novel or the story of your life. You could even decide to use your time teaching others a thing or two.
What will eventually happen if you actually write out your list is that once you get past the shallow, superficial, egotistical ideas, you will begin to move closer to what your heart really wants. What your heart really wants is for you to fulfill your purpose in life.
This is a great way to help you discover what your purpose is. You have to get past the ego and playing a game of the imagination is a very good way of accomplishing that.
Let me know what results you come up with. I’d be happy to hear from you on this.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Is the sixth sense real?
Intuition is something we hear about frequently, but what exactly is it? Is it real? Can I really trust in it? These are questions that I would like to answer in this posting. Please let me know if this helps.
Intuition is a faculty of the mind that is greatly misunderstood. It is underused, and misused by the majority in our society. It is misunderstood because we cannot get a grasp on it in the same way we can with something purely physical. Most people will admit to believing they are something more than mere physical beings, yet they live their life putting very little faith in that part of them that is nonphysical.
Intuition has been described in many ways. You get a hunch. You have a feeling about something. You sense. You get a certain vibe. You pick up on. We all have experience with the intuition. It is a part of us. It is a part that can be a great ally in your life. We often call it the sixth sense because that is precisely what it is. What does it sense?
Just as your ears were designed to read energy of certain frequencies (sound), and your eyes pick up higher frequencies (light), your intuition senses energies of the highest order. It picks up the energy of vibration or thoughts that are being generated by others. Understand you are not actually reading what the other person is thinking. You are reading the energy of those thoughts. Different thoughts generate energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The more positive the thought is, the higher the frequency that is generated. It is the difference in frequency that is being picked up by your intuition. This is why you get a good vibe when you are around certain people and not so with others. It all has to do with the frequency of energy that the person is vibrating.
This reception is perfect. Our interpretation of this energy is not always accurate. In this way, it is similar to your other senses. For example, when you are near someone who is generating a negative vibe, you sense something that is not right about this person. You may feel a sense of repulsion. Your interpretation can be tainted by viewing it through your own memories. You may inject memories of people or situations that you have experienced around this same vibration in the past. You may assume this person is bad in some way.
The truth may be that something terrible had just happened to this person, and she is replaying that experience over and over in her mind as we ourselves so often do. Intuition senses energy pure and simple. Energy is truth. It cannot lie. You can put your complete faith in the energy you sense, but avoid judgment. Bad energy does not make the person bad any more than good energy makes the person good. We all have at some point generated energy of every frequency. It all depends upon what we are thinking in the moment. And what we are thinking in the moment is not necessarily what we think about predominantly.
Consider for a moment the importance of having the use of your eyes to observe your world. How much you would miss without the sense of sight. Certainly you wouldn’t want to live with your eyes closed when you are perfectly capable of using your eyes to see. You may consider the same with your sense of hearing. These are both very important to your functioning in the world. Now consider intuition as just another sense, another way to observe your world.
Intuition is simply another way you have to observe the world around you. And it is something more; you can observe the world within you as well with intuition. Make it an integral part of your conscious observation. Be determined to develop it. You can do so by focusing on what you feel without trying to judge it. Simply observe and note what you learn.
This writing was excerpted from my soon-to-be published book, Manifest By Design Now: A Better Way to Achieve Your Dreams in Five Easy Steps.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Intuition is a faculty of the mind that is greatly misunderstood. It is underused, and misused by the majority in our society. It is misunderstood because we cannot get a grasp on it in the same way we can with something purely physical. Most people will admit to believing they are something more than mere physical beings, yet they live their life putting very little faith in that part of them that is nonphysical.
Intuition has been described in many ways. You get a hunch. You have a feeling about something. You sense. You get a certain vibe. You pick up on. We all have experience with the intuition. It is a part of us. It is a part that can be a great ally in your life. We often call it the sixth sense because that is precisely what it is. What does it sense?
Just as your ears were designed to read energy of certain frequencies (sound), and your eyes pick up higher frequencies (light), your intuition senses energies of the highest order. It picks up the energy of vibration or thoughts that are being generated by others. Understand you are not actually reading what the other person is thinking. You are reading the energy of those thoughts. Different thoughts generate energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The more positive the thought is, the higher the frequency that is generated. It is the difference in frequency that is being picked up by your intuition. This is why you get a good vibe when you are around certain people and not so with others. It all has to do with the frequency of energy that the person is vibrating.
This reception is perfect. Our interpretation of this energy is not always accurate. In this way, it is similar to your other senses. For example, when you are near someone who is generating a negative vibe, you sense something that is not right about this person. You may feel a sense of repulsion. Your interpretation can be tainted by viewing it through your own memories. You may inject memories of people or situations that you have experienced around this same vibration in the past. You may assume this person is bad in some way.
The truth may be that something terrible had just happened to this person, and she is replaying that experience over and over in her mind as we ourselves so often do. Intuition senses energy pure and simple. Energy is truth. It cannot lie. You can put your complete faith in the energy you sense, but avoid judgment. Bad energy does not make the person bad any more than good energy makes the person good. We all have at some point generated energy of every frequency. It all depends upon what we are thinking in the moment. And what we are thinking in the moment is not necessarily what we think about predominantly.
Consider for a moment the importance of having the use of your eyes to observe your world. How much you would miss without the sense of sight. Certainly you wouldn’t want to live with your eyes closed when you are perfectly capable of using your eyes to see. You may consider the same with your sense of hearing. These are both very important to your functioning in the world. Now consider intuition as just another sense, another way to observe your world.
Intuition is simply another way you have to observe the world around you. And it is something more; you can observe the world within you as well with intuition. Make it an integral part of your conscious observation. Be determined to develop it. You can do so by focusing on what you feel without trying to judge it. Simply observe and note what you learn.
This writing was excerpted from my soon-to-be published book, Manifest By Design Now: A Better Way to Achieve Your Dreams in Five Easy Steps.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Can you feel the love in your goals?
What does love and gratitude have to do with achieving your goals? If you’ve been following my blog, or the teachings of any The Secret teachers, you will know that feelings consist of energy. Feelings are actually your conscious awareness of what frequency the energy is vibrating through your body. The higher the frequency, the more positive are the feelings you experience. It is as simple as that.
What determines the frequency that the energy vibrates in your body? Your thoughts and the emotion you inject into those thoughts. Consider yourself as a vibrating mass of energy, because in Truth that is what you are. Your conscious mind is capable of thinking. Your thinking can come from reacting to your environment. Your thinking can also come from an intuitive hunch, or from your imagination. You may also originate thoughts.
When you make a conscious decision to think thoughts of love and gratitude, and you inject positive emotion (naturally) into those thoughts, you are in the process of generating energy of the highest frequency. This high frequency energy can only attract that which is vibrating at the same high frequency. If you maintain only energy of this caliber in your mindset, you will attract the best that life has to offer.
Take time to consider all that you have in your life to be thankful for. Take conscious note of everything good in your life. Your immediate payback is that you will feel better. This feeling is your conscious awareness of the higher frequency energy manifesting and moving through your body.
Beyond this immediate gratification, you will soon begin to notice more things to be grateful for. As you take mental note of these things, you will begin to catch intuitive glimpses of opportunities that can be acted upon to really improve your circumstances. This is the beginning of a wonderful new life that can be yours simply by directing your thoughts.
Sure life will continue to throw garbage in your path. I don’t know of anyone who has a life free from any negativity. The important thing to remember is that when something like this does happen to you that you can keep it in perspective and accept that it happened.
Use your choice to either let it go or begin to search for a way to change it or move beyond it. Learn to know in your heart that you are not bound to live a life of reacting to outside influences. You have every right and duty to be your own influencer.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
What determines the frequency that the energy vibrates in your body? Your thoughts and the emotion you inject into those thoughts. Consider yourself as a vibrating mass of energy, because in Truth that is what you are. Your conscious mind is capable of thinking. Your thinking can come from reacting to your environment. Your thinking can also come from an intuitive hunch, or from your imagination. You may also originate thoughts.
When you make a conscious decision to think thoughts of love and gratitude, and you inject positive emotion (naturally) into those thoughts, you are in the process of generating energy of the highest frequency. This high frequency energy can only attract that which is vibrating at the same high frequency. If you maintain only energy of this caliber in your mindset, you will attract the best that life has to offer.
Take time to consider all that you have in your life to be thankful for. Take conscious note of everything good in your life. Your immediate payback is that you will feel better. This feeling is your conscious awareness of the higher frequency energy manifesting and moving through your body.
Beyond this immediate gratification, you will soon begin to notice more things to be grateful for. As you take mental note of these things, you will begin to catch intuitive glimpses of opportunities that can be acted upon to really improve your circumstances. This is the beginning of a wonderful new life that can be yours simply by directing your thoughts.
Sure life will continue to throw garbage in your path. I don’t know of anyone who has a life free from any negativity. The important thing to remember is that when something like this does happen to you that you can keep it in perspective and accept that it happened.
Use your choice to either let it go or begin to search for a way to change it or move beyond it. Learn to know in your heart that you are not bound to live a life of reacting to outside influences. You have every right and duty to be your own influencer.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Friday, April 2, 2010
You are in control
Throughout every moment of every day, I have become aware of a choice. It is a simple choice. And just knowing that it is a simple choice, I sometimes forget that it is a choice. What am I talking about?
I am talking about my thoughts, my focus, and my awareness. My day may be quite similar to anyone else’s day. Things happen that I would rather not have happen. Things may not always go as I planned. I sometimes find myself in situations that I would prefer to not be a part of. This is life.
If and when this happens, I have trained myself to become aware of a choice that I must consciously make. Do I really need to focus on this something that makes me feel bad, or can I let it go? Can I shift my attention to something better, or at least redirect my thoughts toward a more worthy goal, such as “how do I get myself beyond this?
For example, in my job, many changes are taking place that I find to be frustrating. I do have the choice to dwell on these things over which I don’t have complete control. In essence here I am giving up my control to manifest more positive feelings within me, in exchange for what? For feeling bad. And in the process of feeling bad, I will only attract more things to feel bad about.
Can you relate to this? How many times does something unpleasant happen in your work place, and for the next several hours or days, that is all everybody is talking about? This is not helping the situation at all. And it gets worse still. You see if you focus on the negative side of things, you are adding to the program of your mind to seek out more of the same.
I challenge you to try a little experiment. During the next few days, whenever you get the opportunity to listen on the conversations of others, do so. You will notice something. Say for example someone mentions that her teenager just got into some serious trouble at school or with the police. I can almost guarantee that someone else in the group will follow up with another similar story involving her own child or the child of a friend.
It is almost as if to reinforce the bad feelings going around. Another interesting point is that when someone mentions something good about their child, another usually comes up with something like “good for him or her. I wish my child would study harder” or whatever.
The point of my asking you to try this little experiment is to show you the general programming people have that they are not even aware of. Simply becoming aware of this will help you immensely to begin reprogramming yourself with a more positive mindset. Acknowledgment is half the battle.
The other half is remaining vigilant to not fall into this same trap. Stay conscious of what you are thinking and how you are feeling. This is the one thing in life you really do have complete and 100% control over: your thoughts.
You control your thoughts. The emotion you attach to those thoughts determines the vibration that is generated in your body, in the form of feelings. It is when you truly grasp this that you may begin to control how you feel. You do have control so long as you exercise that control by directing your thoughts and emotions. You give up that control the moment you choose to allow your circumstance to guide your thoughts and emotions.
This may not feel at all natural to you because of all the past programming you have been subjected to in your life. It may very well require some serious effort on your part to overcome that programming. Believe me it is well worth the effort. Your peace, happiness, and well-being is at stake.
Begin to work on this, and take it seriously as you did to learn to walk, to talk, ride a bike or drive a car. It will require your complete concentration until you can make it your habitual way of viewing your life. When this manner becomes the predominant way you think, you will know you have changed your mindset for the better.
You will understand that you control more of your life than you ever thought possible before. You will look at challenges as something to work past rather than as roadblocks to your success.
To help make this easier, be sure to focus on all that is positive in your life, and do what you can to let go of that which is not so positive. Create in your home a sanctuary of sorts. Perhaps you can dedicate one room in particular as your clean room. Do not allow any negative thoughts to persist in this room. Leave the room if you have to.
When you do enter this room, consciously take in the feeling that you wish to acquire from being there. Begin to decorate it in an inspiring way. If you like flowers or art or pictures or writings or whatever, make an effort to fill the room with these items.
Get yourself a good book on Feng Shui and page through it for ideas. What I am getting at is the idea that you need to do something to find the answers. Your action, even if it does not lead you to your desired result, will in some way get you closer. Learn to take an active part in your life and you will feel the shift in your energy.
If reading this blog helps you, by all means continue to read it everyday if you can. And don’t limit yourself to any one idea. There is a wealth of wonderful information out there. The more you depend on your own actions to find this information, the more that information will make itself known to you.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
I am talking about my thoughts, my focus, and my awareness. My day may be quite similar to anyone else’s day. Things happen that I would rather not have happen. Things may not always go as I planned. I sometimes find myself in situations that I would prefer to not be a part of. This is life.
If and when this happens, I have trained myself to become aware of a choice that I must consciously make. Do I really need to focus on this something that makes me feel bad, or can I let it go? Can I shift my attention to something better, or at least redirect my thoughts toward a more worthy goal, such as “how do I get myself beyond this?
For example, in my job, many changes are taking place that I find to be frustrating. I do have the choice to dwell on these things over which I don’t have complete control. In essence here I am giving up my control to manifest more positive feelings within me, in exchange for what? For feeling bad. And in the process of feeling bad, I will only attract more things to feel bad about.
Can you relate to this? How many times does something unpleasant happen in your work place, and for the next several hours or days, that is all everybody is talking about? This is not helping the situation at all. And it gets worse still. You see if you focus on the negative side of things, you are adding to the program of your mind to seek out more of the same.
I challenge you to try a little experiment. During the next few days, whenever you get the opportunity to listen on the conversations of others, do so. You will notice something. Say for example someone mentions that her teenager just got into some serious trouble at school or with the police. I can almost guarantee that someone else in the group will follow up with another similar story involving her own child or the child of a friend.
It is almost as if to reinforce the bad feelings going around. Another interesting point is that when someone mentions something good about their child, another usually comes up with something like “good for him or her. I wish my child would study harder” or whatever.
The point of my asking you to try this little experiment is to show you the general programming people have that they are not even aware of. Simply becoming aware of this will help you immensely to begin reprogramming yourself with a more positive mindset. Acknowledgment is half the battle.
The other half is remaining vigilant to not fall into this same trap. Stay conscious of what you are thinking and how you are feeling. This is the one thing in life you really do have complete and 100% control over: your thoughts.
You control your thoughts. The emotion you attach to those thoughts determines the vibration that is generated in your body, in the form of feelings. It is when you truly grasp this that you may begin to control how you feel. You do have control so long as you exercise that control by directing your thoughts and emotions. You give up that control the moment you choose to allow your circumstance to guide your thoughts and emotions.
This may not feel at all natural to you because of all the past programming you have been subjected to in your life. It may very well require some serious effort on your part to overcome that programming. Believe me it is well worth the effort. Your peace, happiness, and well-being is at stake.
Begin to work on this, and take it seriously as you did to learn to walk, to talk, ride a bike or drive a car. It will require your complete concentration until you can make it your habitual way of viewing your life. When this manner becomes the predominant way you think, you will know you have changed your mindset for the better.
You will understand that you control more of your life than you ever thought possible before. You will look at challenges as something to work past rather than as roadblocks to your success.
To help make this easier, be sure to focus on all that is positive in your life, and do what you can to let go of that which is not so positive. Create in your home a sanctuary of sorts. Perhaps you can dedicate one room in particular as your clean room. Do not allow any negative thoughts to persist in this room. Leave the room if you have to.
When you do enter this room, consciously take in the feeling that you wish to acquire from being there. Begin to decorate it in an inspiring way. If you like flowers or art or pictures or writings or whatever, make an effort to fill the room with these items.
Get yourself a good book on Feng Shui and page through it for ideas. What I am getting at is the idea that you need to do something to find the answers. Your action, even if it does not lead you to your desired result, will in some way get you closer. Learn to take an active part in your life and you will feel the shift in your energy.
If reading this blog helps you, by all means continue to read it everyday if you can. And don’t limit yourself to any one idea. There is a wealth of wonderful information out there. The more you depend on your own actions to find this information, the more that information will make itself known to you.
Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It never seems to last!
I received a question the other day from a friend that echoes the thoughts of many who are trying to improve their lives. She told me that she always feels inspired after reading this blog, for a while. The problem is, she explained, is that after some time has passed she returns to feeling depressed or frustrated or whatever. The good feeling just doesn’t last. “What can I do?”
This is a perfect example of how your mindset operates. In returning to feeling negative after getting inspired, your mind is actually doing what it should do. What!? Yes. The mind operates on two levels. There is the conscious thinking mind, and there is the subconscious feeling mind.
The conscious thinking mind is where all of your intellectual activity takes place. It is the part of your mind you are using to read and comprehend this blog. When you are focused on this blog, it is my intention to help you feel good. I hope I am doing a good job.
Your conscious mind is very powerful in that it can override the subconscious programming while it is focused on something that vibrates at a different level than where you habitually vibrate. Before I go any further, let me explain briefly what I mean by “vibrate.”
Energy vibrates
Your thoughts generate energy that combines with emotion (an elixir) that manifests as feelings in your body. Feelings are your conscious awareness of the frequency this energy is vibrating. When you feel good, this simply means that the energy you are generating in your body is of a higher frequency than when you are not feeling so good.
Now back to the two levels of mind
Your conscious mind is powerful enough to overcome the subconscious, but it does have one weakness. The conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time. This is why we find it difficult to learn how to walk, ride a bike, or drive a car. When we are learning something new, we must do it consciously. This means we must focus on each and every little step to accomplish our objective.
What happens when we practice something long enough? Soon we find we are able to walk, ride a bike, or drive a car without even thinking about it. Literally, we don’t have to think about these things, because we have turned over the operation to the subconscious mind, which is capable of focusing on what may be an infinite number of tasks simultaneously. The subconscious mind does not think. The subconscious mind operates in the form we call habit. Another word for habit is paradigm.
While growing up, you influenced greatly by your surroundings. Imagine for a moment that most of the people around you spent a good deal of their time discussing all that is wrong with the world. There is too much corruption in politics, lousy weather, other people not being considerate, unfair policies, cheating spouses, kids that don’t listen, etc.
Now consider how much did you hear about what is right with the world? The politicians are doing a fine job! Hasn’t this weather been beautiful? I can’t believe how considerate everybody is! I just love all of these new policies they are putting in place in my workplace. I totally trust the opposite sex to be perfectly faithful. Isn’t it great how kids always listen and do what they are told?
Which of these two scenarios more closely describes the conversations you hear on a daily basis? Well now think about what I said about energy. Which of these two scenarios do you believe is cause for more positive energy (vibration)?
Chances are you have developed rather negative mental habits through repetitively hearing more negative influences than positive. In this case, the subconscious mind has become programmed see things in a more negative light.
So what happens when you are consciously focused on something more positive, you feel better. Then as soon as you go back to living your daily life, which is primarily lived through habit, your habitual thought patterns return to the surface. You feel bad.
Understanding this, you can see why the good feelings are short-lived. That is exactly why so many people buy into self-help programs and motivational books and genuinely enjoy them, but soon find that nothing has changed in their life.
What happens is they make a change on the conscious level, but don’t get to the root of the matter. You must reprogram the subconscious mind to make a lasting change in mindset. This takes determination and persistence. It is the same as learning to walk or ride a bike or drive a car.
Can you remember the effort you put forth in learning any new task? Watch a child learning to walk and you will see an expert who tirelessly tries again and again and again until he or she has learned the new task. Does the child fall down two or three or seventeen times and decide it’s not worth the effort? No!
You really can be happy predominantly, but it will require a concentrated effort on your part. When you fall down, don’t beat yourself up or think you have failed. Just get back up and continue on the path that you know is right for you.
I will focus more on this concept tomorrow, so please continue reading. Your sustained happiness depends on it. Until then, have a beautiful day and do something nice for yourself. You are a miracle!
Jeffrey B. Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
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