Monday, June 28, 2010

To be or not to be, that is the focus

“You can have, do, or be anything you want.”

~Dr. Joe Vitale

The Secret

This statement is true. You’ve probably heard said before. If not from Joe Vitale in The Secret, you’ve likely heard a variation of the words. Just hearing those words can make you conjure up images in your imagination of a wonderful life. Using your imagination in this way is called visualizing, one very powerful method of attracting to you what you want to have, do, or be.

Most people have no problems visualizing what they want to have: a new house, a fancy car, a perfect partner, lots of money, etc. Most people have no problems imagining themselves doing what they want to do: travel the world, sky dive, Spend lots of money, win a championship game, etc. Having and doing are ingrained in our very consciousness through the media and in our upbringing. We all want to have and do more.

Very little emphasis is placed on becoming the person it takes to achieve the dreams of having and doing what we want. Think about it.

What you currently have and are able to do is the result of who you are.

It is not the other way around. Getting this backwards is a common error due to the media influence we have received since were very young.

Think about the numerous commercials that transmit the message to you an a daily basis, buy our product and women will love you, people will respect you, impress your neighbors and friends when they see you driving this car, wearing these clothes, sporting this watch, etc. Buy these shoes and you’ll be a champion on the court. It all seems to point to the need to acquire something first, and then as if by magic you will suddenly become something better, a better person.

This concept was developed with the consumer in mind. Buy our product and receive the reward. Ask any champion of sports what their secret is, I’ll bet you don’t one of them saying it’s the shoes they wear, the cologne they use, or the car they drive. Their secret will come down to visualizing themselves as a champion, and a whole lot of hard work.

Whatever your goal in life, the recipe is the same. You must visualize yourself BEING the person you want to become, and you must work toward becoming that person. You didn’t hear me say you had to have anything because having is the result of doing (the work), and getting up the ambition to do the work is the result of being the person that it takes.

Long story short, in visualizing your goal, be sure to focus predominantly on you being the person you will need to be. When and only when you have this down, you will receive inspiration of what you need to do to become this person. Now you need to focus on your doing the right thing in a successful manner. If you follow these steps in the correct sequence, you will have what it is you desire much quicker and you will not so easily lose it.

How many times have you heard of someone coming into a little extra cash, winning the lottery, gambling, refund, or whatever, only to lose it as quickly as they gained it? This is because they did not change. Their financial thermostat remained set to have what they were comfortable with having. On a subconscious level, they had to get rid of that extra cash.

Sounds a lot like we’re talking about your self-image, doesn’t it? You’re right. Changing your self-image can take some time and effort, but it is something you will have to do, if you want to make any change last. If you neglect to mediate on being the right person that is in a vibrational match with that which you want to have, you will not be able to hold on to it, if you do ever get it.

In my new book, Manifest by design Now, I go into this in detail with a very effective method using your inner voice. This book can be purchased on my website, but since this book is new, I’m making a very special offer for a limited time. I am GIVING IT AWAY FOR FREE! How’s that for a special offer? Simply leave me a message on my personal page on Facebook. I will send the ebook (PDF) to your email address. And no worries, I respect your email privacy always. I will not share your information with anyone.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Gift

Manifest by Design Now is a book I wrote that clearly explains the essence of my philosophy of success consciousness. This book, I believe, is one of the most powerful books I’ve read. Not so much because I wrote the darn thing, but because I put my heart and soul into the writing of it. It is the sincerest expression of my understanding of the path to achieving goals, whether they be financial, personal, relational, or whatever.

I came to the conclusion, actually during the process of writing this book that a holistic mind consciousness approach is by far the most effective way to achieve your dreams. What this means is that you must be totally consistent in your thinking-feeling process to attain maximum impact with your efforts.

Being positive about attaining your goals is not always enough. You must be positive about every aspect of your life, and you must be sincere. In short, you must BE before can DO. And when you DO, you will HAVE. I know this as a truth in my own experience. I went through the very same struggles that I imagine most of you have gone or are going through. I came out on top and sincerely wish to do my part to help you do the same.

I didn’t only write this book; I lived it, and still live it every day. I believe in what it says, and I want you to see for yourself. I have learned to freely accept and act upon universal inspiration when it strikes. This is important! And it is important to do so quickly, without any hesitation. The Universe will ALWAYS provide the how. You need not concern yourself with how you will achieve what you sincerely desire. You simply feed your subconscious mind the correct stimulus, through conscious direction of the imagination by the will, and with faith you allow the how to come to you through intuitive hunches. This completes the cycle to the point of manifestation. You simply follow through with correct action.

ALL OF THIS is plainly explained in detail in my new book, Manifest by Design Now. Being true to what I preach, I received a certain inspiration from the Universe, which will certainly be of interest to you. I am going to GIVE a certain number of copies of this book away for FREE. I honestly do not know how many or for how long. I have not received inspiration on this as of yet.

This brings me to a well known quote by Martin Luther King Jr.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”

To give you a little history behind the actual writing of this book:

When I first got inspired to write the book, Manifest by design Now, I knew I wanted to make it a very powerful book, as it should be. I also know from using these very principles that nothing beats the power of a mastermind group.

My definite major purpose is to help as many people as I can to achieve their dreams, and to get started as soon as I could. I posed the question of how to do this to the universe, and this is the answer I got:

“Write the essence of your book. Make it complete in that it will explain exactly the five steps you use to achieve your dreams. Create a website, and get this information out there as soon as possible. You will get a good enough response from enough people to help you make the final book even better than your original dream. You will be helping these people, and they will help you. It is a win-win situation. Be sure to compensate them well, and above all, be sincere in your quest.”

Now at the time I wrote this book I had no idea I was going to give copies away. As I said before, you don’t have to know the how. I am simply following universal inspiration. I trust that you are here right now for a definite reason. I don’t believe in mere coincidence without reason. If you feel so inspired to take me up on this offer, simply send me a message on my personal page on Facebook. This book is currently available only as a downloadable ebook, so you will need to tell me your email address so I will know where to send it.

I thank you for reading my blog and wish you total success in all that you do.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's up with your RAS?

Have you had the experience of desperately looking to find your keys, only to “find” them in your hand? Most likely, I would say yes you have. Everybody has had experiences similar to this, but why?

Most likely you’ve heard of incidents where an eye witness to a crime has been placed under hypnosis to reveal needed information to solve a hideous crime. For example, there was a witness to the kidnapping of a young child by two accomplices in a car. This eye witness saw the car, but in the panic of the moment does think to gather relevant information that would be needed to solve the crime.

Under routine questioning, this witness provides next to nothing and is of little help to the investigators. The case appears to be unsolvable, until someone suggests using hypnosis to help the eye witness recall more information.

A hypnotist is brought in and brings the eyewitness back to the “scene of the crime.” Now the eyewitness seems to be able to describe the crime in great detail. The witness carefully describes the two accomplices, what they were wearing, giving their physical description and of the car they were driving. The witness even gives the investigator the license plate number.

How is any of this possible?

The human brain is an incredible tool. Your mind is absolutely miraculous in the manner in which it operates. At the base of your brain, where it connects to the spinal cord, you will find a small part, about the size of your little finger. This is called the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short.

The RAS acts as switchboard system that filters the flood of information you receive every second after second. Your conscious mind is only able to process about 2,000 bits of information per second. Your subconscious mind, however, can manage what seems to be an unlimited amount of information simultaneously.

Consider your field of vision, for example. You are consciously aware of only a small percentage of what your eyes actually capture. The remainder of this information is not lost. It is simply filtered out by your RAS and sent directly to your unconscious mind. Your total vision goes into memory, however you are only able to consciously recall that which you were consciously aware of at the time.

The same goes for all your other senses. In any given moment you are inundated with more information than your conscious mind can handle. For this reason, it is the job of the RAS to bring to your conscious awareness only that information which is important to your conscious mind. In the case of looking for your keys, you might say this is important to my conscious mind. What gives?

Beliefs. The RAS determines what is important by your beliefs. It always seeks to reinforce your current beliefs. If you believe you had lost your keys, your RAS will help you out in your belief by causing you to over look them, even when they are right there in front of you! Did you understand what I just said? Bow think about this in regards to your beliefs concerning the world around you. Do you consider the world a friendly place that is out to help you achieve your goals in the fastest easiest way?

Chances are, due to your past programming, you believe the life is a struggle. Now when you were just a baby, everything you needed was provided for you. You definitely did not have to struggle. But what were the feelings and words of the people around you? “Money doesn’t grow on trees” “I’m not made of money.” “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” And so on it went.

You were likely programmed that achieving your goals was going to be a difficult, if not impossible task. Once programmed, your RAS took over to show you all the evidence you needed to “prove” that your beliefs were correct. This became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Now here you are years later, and you’re hearing all this talk about The Secret, and life is abundance, and all the positive self talk you are expected to do to be happy. How can I be positive when everything around me screams of negativity?

Understand why it screams of negativity and how it got that way, and you’ve made a quantum leap toward making the change you desire. Is it easy to change a belief? Yes, and no. Beliefs are habits. Habits can be overridden by your conscious mind, but only while you are putting forth a conscious effort. The problem is your conscious mind is only capable of focusing on one thing at a time.

You cannot remain conscious of this desire to see more positive 24-7. You need to concentrate on others things throughout your day as well. So how do you make this change. Here’s a little secret that can help you do wonders in your quest.

Don’t worry about trying to see the positive in everything every minute of every day. Remember, your mind is a tool that you can use or you can let IT use YOU. By bringing to your conscious awareness “proof” of the negativity around you, your mind is doing what it was programmed to do. Your mind is working fine. Your job is to USE your mind to change your mind’s programming.

Take some time every evening before you go to sleep and again when you first wake up to meditate on the your goal of training your mind to look for positive inspiration, but also to let YOU know when it has brought something negative to your attention. Think about this. You are going through your day and all of a sudden, you are struck with a negative thought or observation.

Rather than feeling bad about not seeing more positively, you feel good that you are aware of the fact that you noticed something negative. Congratulate your mind for doing what you asked of it. And with your newfound positive energy, shift your awareness to this positive. Voila. You’ve just made another great step toward becoming more positive.

Now I realize this space is quite limited to get into great detail, but this technique really does work miracles. If you’d like to gain a greater, more detailed understanding of exactly how your mind works, and how you can develop a more positive, goal-oriented mindset, please consider getting a copy of my newest book, Manifest By Design Now, available now as a downloadable ebook at my website.

You really can achieve your goals in an easy manner, once you understand how to better use your mind. If you have any questions, leave me a comment or contact me through Facebook.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I’ve often heard people use the acronym F.E.A.R. as meaning False Evidence Appearing Real. It was from Mark Victor Hansen that I first heard this. It is quite true. When you feel fear, it is very easy to allow yourself to see something that is totally false as being real.

The problem with this is that you forget everything about reality when you feel fear. There’s another acronym for you. What does fear cause you to do?

Forget Everything About Reality.

The reality is you can survive and even thrive in most situations you encounter in life. When you feel fear, however, surviving becomes a challenge and thriving tends to go out the window.

Now I’m sure you are well aware of this, and so there is no need to drive this point home. You are likely looking for a way to get past this thing we call fear. I know I need to overcome my fears, but how? This is the all-important question. And I hope I am able to give you the coveted answer in this brief space.

The truth is you don’t have to eliminate your fears. In fact, trying to eliminate your fears may be an exercise in futility. If you wish to accomplish any worthy goal, you will almost undoubtedly experience fear. The only reason I say “almost” is because I imagine anything is possible, including eliminating all fear. However, I have no experience of going after something big without experiencing at least some fear.

I don’t think you really need to concern yourself with this so much. You definitely don’t want to make it your primary focus. What you focus on will only increase in intensity. So, what to do?

The first step is to understand what exactly fear is. What is its purpose? Fear itself is not a bad thing. Like most everything about us, it makes an excellent tool, but can really cause us havoc when we do not exercise control over it.

There are two fears you were born with, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Every other fear you now have was developed over the years while you were growing up. Public speaking is probably the most common of all learned fears. Either because we were ridiculed or we witnessed someone else being ridiculed while young. We develop fears because we want to avoid possibly painful scenarios.

Whatever fear you have relative to reaching your goals, you need to take some time and get away from all distractions to clearly meditate on what exactly you are afraid of. If you are afraid of doing something, consider what the worst possible consequences of doing this thing are. Imagine for a moment the worst happened, and think, would this really be that bad? Be honest with yourself.

If the worst outcome were to manifest, would you end up dead, hospitalized, or incarcerated? If not, you have no real good reason not to make the attempt. Is there a chance you will go broke, or worse deeply in debt? You might want to consider how great the risks are in this case. The overwhelming majority of fears that stop people are no where near as serious as the above described risks.

You will likely find that even in the case the worst happens, it really would cause nothing more than an uncomfortable situation. Compared to what you might gain, you may decide with a clear head that you ought to go ahead with your idea. Remember, even the most successful people have fears relative to the achievement of their dreams. The difference then is that they do not allow their fears to take the driver’s seat when making decisions.

There is a great difference between simply feeling fear, but plugging ahead, and allowing it to control you to the point you stop yourself from pursuing your dreams. Controlled fear can heighten your senses. It can bring into focus your awareness, so long as you do not allow it to take over.

Don’t be afraid of fear. If you feel it, recognize it. Accept it. And then look it over in your mind. Meditate on it to discover if it really is telling you something you need to pay heed to, or if it is only a sign of letting your conditioned mind get the best of you. Remember, the overwhelming majority of fears you experience are totally unfounded in fact. They are only conditioned reflexes that don’t necessarily serve your greater good.

You will only know the difference if you look your fear straight in the eye and meditate on it with a clear mind. Take the time you need to do this properly. Most people never get clear to begin with before looking at their fears. They simply allow their imagination to play and replay some terrible scenario without any base in their reality. You need to step back and look from a safe place.

Only after you have done this, will you be better prepared to make a wise decision about going ahead with your idea or not. Even if you decide it is best not to go ahead as your original idea, you will now be better prepared to look for viable alternatives. Do this now.

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lessons from the history of others

I received a certain response to a recent blog just last week. It was powerfully written. I would like to share it with you, and to share the lesson it teaches us all.

Blasing Sharon June 17 at 10:44pm

A comment on your Blog:

Reminds me of my Mom. One of her favorite sayings was : "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" We were very poor. Our family life was a constant flow of love, joy, and we were thus, very wealthy.

Mother baked bread every 3 days (always). Need pie...or Strawberry shortcake..we kids were sent into the woods and paths for berries (Blackberries,Blueberries, Raspberries) all wild and the most delicious wild Strawberries. We lived in far northern Wisconsin swampy area with marvelous rich pastures and farms tucked in between the bogs.

As I weeded one of my gardens tonight and found a large amount of Pigweed, I recalled that Pigweed is very good to eat...kind of like sweet Spinach...a childhood memory of resourcefulness. Dad trout fishing,,pan fishing...find wild honeycombs, trapping for a living and the time in 1950 when we had no money..then a fur buyer arrived and bought Dad's wild mink pelt for $29.00. That would pay our $10.00 rent..bring Santa to our home...fill the larder with flour, eggs and a meal with meat for Christmas......

My Mom was a seamstress..she was an absolute genius of a seamstress. Peoole would give us their used clothing....she woudl rip it all aprt, launder it and then make the spiffiest clothing from it for us 3 children..

We did not have a car...just a small 3 room house maybe 600 Sq ft at the most...we were so happy...invented games each night...Mom sitting by lamplite..always as a small child pondering the fact that it was either Mom or the lamp giving the glow to our tiny living room. Dad reading stories to us and listening to the radio...

Necessity is the Mother of Invention....Now my children..all 5 of them (ranging in age from 46 to 26)...savor the legacy that my parents gave us all.

Sharon Baldwin-Blasing

That is a beautiful story. Times were tough, but these memories serve a greater purpose than that of conveying hardships. I often think about this when I see the young of today, I wouldn't wish these hardships on anyone, but I do believe something is lost when a child grows without knowing stories like the one Sharon so graciously shared with us.

I think of these stories as a type of glue that holds families together through their common struggle. Growing up in this way, you inherently know that you belong. We are by nature social creatures.

Many growing up today will never have the experiences expressed by previous generations. The expressions of the previous generations related to the younger generations can be seasoned with love and wisdom, if conveyed in the right manner.

I encourage the sharing of these tales, so the young may keep in perspective the experiences of their own generation. Open the dialog with those older or younger than yourself. Keep the dialog open in both directions, and you will receive much more than a simple relating of tales. You will find the opportunity to bond in ways you never imagined.

Often times we meet people, and we have absolutely no idea what struggles they have overcome in their life. Every struggle overcome carries with it a gold mine in wisdom. Seek to discover this gold in everyone you meet. Seek to find the common thread between you and that other person.

Everybody you meet is both a teacher and a student. This is because eveybody you meet has experiences unique to them. Always kee this in mind. Always be open to hear their song. And of course, be gracious enough to sing your song as well.

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

The above comment was reproduced by permission of Sharon Baldwin-Blasing

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To break free from limiting your resources


I have often heard individuals on their path toward achievement of a great and challenging goal say that their ultimate success depends only upon one thing and one thing only. They say they need to acquire a certain thing or make a certain contact with someone or convince someone of something, etc. The point is this one thing always seems to be something that is outside themselves.

We all are aware that getting something from outside can make achieving our goals easier. It may appear more difficult to figure out an alternative plan. Let me tell you, you don’t have to give up on the idea of getting help. In fact, I would encourage anyone to seek help in whatever way they feel necessary, BUT don’t allow yourself to think that this is your only viable option. After all, it is said “ask and ye shall receive.” Or as Jack Canfield likes to say, “ask, ask, ask.”

People tend to give up when the path isn’t clear. This is especially so when they see a certain avenue as their only salvation. They figure it is this way or no way. That is limiting thinking. Bob Proctor, star of The Secret, said “most everyone who ever accomplished anything worthwhile had no idea how they were going to accomplish it when they began.” You don’t need to know how!

The “how” will be shown to you, but it will never do this if you do not express faith in your own abilities by acting on something. If you are one who is putting your dreams on hold or dedicating all of your energy into acquiring the assistance of someone else, consider your final desired result. Are you placing your energy in going toward that result or are you only throwing yourself into something that may or may not happen?

Remember you do not control other people. It will ultimately be their decision as to whether or not they decide to help you. Each person including yourself is a sovereign individual. You never know what is in their plan and it may be in an entirely different direction than one of joining you in your cause.

Send out your requests for assistance, whatever that may be, and then get busy developing yourself further to be ready for any opportunity that comes by. I could say you might get lucky, but luck really is only preparedness met by opportunity.

No matter what your current situation, there always exists something in which you can focus on to move you closer to your goal. It all comes down to how badly you really want that goal. I say go for it now. And don’t wait for the perfect conditions to arrive.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


“Expression is a statement of your value to the world.”

What impresses you? Turn that around and express it out to the world around you.

Impression: To press upon an inward source.

Expression: To press upon an outward source.

The world affects each individual in a unique way. No two people ever have quite the same experience. This is the beauty of life, uniqueness. With this idea, however, many feel at a loss as to what they are to do with their life. We all want to enjoy the experience of living. But there comes a time when we realize, to be fulfilled we must also offer something of ourselves to add to the cornucopia of experience for others.

Perhaps you are at this point and seek advice or inspiration. I have found the answer often hides in the most obvious place, for it knows in this place we seldom think to look. Well I am here to remind you, my friend, the answer is found in what you yourself are seeking. Come with me on this journey and see if a light is lit for you:

Are you impressed with acts of love, of generosity, of creativity?

What impresses you most is what you are destined to express. By expressing what impresses you most, you are living in perfect alignment with your individual purpose.

For some this may be the confidence of competition, as expressed in the champions of sports. For others it may be the artistic qualities, as expressed in art or music. For still others it may be the originality, as expressed by the great thinkers of our times and of times past. Or perhaps it is humor that connects you to your source. If this be the case, do you not find humor in the most ordinary of situations?


Whatever impresses you most, search within yourself for its source and feed that source that it may grow to overflowing proportions. With this attained, you will naturally begin to express this very quality to others. And others, I would imagine, will be delighted with your gift.

You do this through contemplation. Think about it. Spend time dwelling upon it. When you begin to feel the urge surge from within you, give conception to your expression of the object of your love.

You feed it through imagination. Imagine yourself bringing to the world your very own aspect of this pleasure. If it is music, play the tune over and over in your head until you sense it ready to manifest. If it is art, do the same until you feel ready to pick up the brush or pencil. If it is a book, you will know when you are ready to hit some keys.

Take your first actions with nothing more in mind than to please your own selfish desire. Do not concern yourself with critics. No one has to yet bear witness to the fruit of your creative initiative. Have fun with it. Nurture it, and watch it grow. You will know when it is ready to be brought out into the world. What a good day that will be!

And when you do, you will make from your expression a better impression on those still seeking to only be impressed. And if you impress someone enough, they may then be inspired to express their own individual take. And the circle expands.

Express yourself,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A divided road

During the past few years, I had come to spend a great deal of my time outside of school running around in the slough behind Axtell Park Junior High school. I had come to feel most at home here in nature’s world. More than just a get away from the cold world of civilization, as I considered it in the beginning, my young mind was coming to understand this natural world in a very intimate way. Everything about this world made perfect sense. There was balance in this world and self-renewal.

There was no waste in nature’s way. Everything had a purpose. When the leaves were no longer needed at the end of the summer, the trees would drop them to replenish the soil with nutrients for the next summer’s growth. The food chain was the perfect example of perpetual self-renewal. Even an old can that someone had thrown away was put to use as a home for some little creature.

So different from the world of mankind, where balance was not considered and renewable products were becoming less desirable. It was the decade of the ‘70’s, during which we were becoming a throwaway society. With fast food restaurants popping up everywhere and practically everything was being made to be disposable, litter was becoming commonplace, a part of the scenery.

It was during these years that something disturbing was happening to my secret home. When I first discovered this place, there was nothing but a large chunk of mostly undeveloped land. There was a large field in the midst of this land that was being farmed, usually for corn or soybeans. This didn’t bother me. It was still green and remained pretty wild. What did bother me was that this land was slowly being ripped apart to make room for the construction of apartment complexes. This was like losing my home to me. I felt for the animals, and this saddened me.

It was in seeing these changes to an innocent land that gave me insight into the plight of the American Indian as their home was being altered by the arrival of a new people. This was a people who had no respect for the grand scheme of things, a people who had consideration only for their own selfish and destructive desires, a people who knew little of the interdependence that has sustained life on this planet for so long and has nurtured us.

This year, however, it was no small piece being taken away. Western Avenue was being constructed right through the very heart of this land to bridge another connection to the West Sioux neighborhood. What made this so, very hard for me was not just that it was being done but that it was being done in my plain view. One of my last classes of the day was on the west side of this school. This gave me a clear view of the workers as they were destroying all that meant so much to me, and I could do nothing but watch. This was tearing me up inside.

After my classes finished, I would go behind the school to see more closely the damage that was being done. What was once what my friends and I called the main trail was now becoming a main road as the trees were being torn away to make more room. I knew each one of these trees so very well. They were like family to me. I remembered climbing them so many times. Their branches were like arms that held me securely while I would read a good book, becoming lost in a world from some other time. Now I was looking at them lying there, ripped from the earth, as if they were victims of a horrible war. I cried.

I was feeling the pull of two distinct worlds inside of me as I had felt so many times before. One was the world of today, the world of technology and all that fascinated me about this world. In this moment, seeing the consequences of that world made it seem cold and evil. The other was the world of yesterday, longing to be left alone. This world felt hurt as just another of many wrongs had been done unto it.

The pull of these two worlds was becoming a struggle, internal to me that I was coming to feel more, growing stronger in both directions as my world was changing. I was feeling myself being ripped apart by two possible futures that seemed to be in total contradiction, one from the other. I wanted both worlds but saw no way for these two worlds to live in harmony.

I was feeling a great attraction for the wisdom I had received from the natural world. A wisdom that could not be had even from the best books I had read. There was something very magical about the experience of finding what looked like miniature tadpoles in a discarded container holding stagnant water and keeping this container to watch them grow, only to find out later they weren’t tadpoles at all but mosquito larvae. And to watch them crawl from under the water, coming to stand on the water and later fly away.

The same feeling could be had from watching a lowly caterpillar spin its cocoon, and later watch the butterfly as it emerges and opens its wings to dry in the sun before flying away, or from watching a beaver busily building his dam, creating an oasis for countless other animals. Or even catching a cicada to see what had been making that incredibly loud tune during the late summer months. Experiencing these things gives a child so much more than could be had from any classroom experience.

The child gains more than just knowledge. He gains a respect for life and for all of life’s creatures. His world becomes more than a mere resource for self-indulgent and often wasteful activities. It becomes a friend and personal guide to all of life’s concerns. It promotes inquiry into self and innocent curiosity of the world around us.

This passage was excerpted from my book Inside the Glass, a personal memoir. I would like to dedicate today’s posting to my sister Diane Moberly (1952-2010) who passed on this past week. Her funeral is today. She had mentioned once this particular part of the book as having quite an impact.

A little off the normal theme of this blog, but I wanted to share it with you.

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Saturate your life with Love

Keep Love...

Keep Love in your every action. An action of love cannot be exclusive.

Love is all inclusive.

Keep Love in your every thought. A thought of love cannot be ignorant.

Love is all knowing.

Keep Love in your every feeling. A feeling of love cannot be negative.

Love is all positive.

Life is meant to be lived. And there is no better way to live than in love. In fact, there is no other way to really live than with love. The moment we begin to separate, categorize, rank, sort, or in any way place judgment upon anything, we begin to restrict the flow of love.

To express love is to express no force. Love is pure and pristine, harmony. It is to flow. Its very essence is to freely move between us, and when this movement is fettered, we immediately sense a lack of something so vital to our being. We don’t always realize what it is that we lack; however, if you lack anything at all, you can be sure that it is love, because with love you are complete. You are whole, and nothing lacks.

I say this because we are beings of love. We ourselves were created in love. Love is what sustains us. Love is what frees us from limitation. In creating with love, limitation would be incongruent.

You are a being of love and love should be flowing from your being at all times. It doesn’t matter if you are alone or with others. It doesn’t matter if you are at work or play. When you are out and about, running errands or whatever, be sure you express a loving energy with every person you come across, when placing your order, when paying a bill, when crossing paths with a stranger, in every moment. Try this for just a day and see what a difference it makes. And you can be sure that if you are sincere, it will make a very big difference in the lives of others.

Remember even the smallest gestures can make a world of difference! Stop to hold a door for someone, even if it means a few extra seconds. Smile at someone who looking quite serious. Say hello to someone who seems oblivious to your presence.

And when seeking to achieve your dreams, keep love in mind as the elixir that gives life to mere knowledge you have gained through study. Knowledge applied can move you ahead. Add love to the mix and you soar!

Knowledge is the raw material you need to accomplish a task in uncharted waters. Knowledge alone is information. It is good as dead until into it you breathe the life of love. Love is what will keep you afloat when the seas become rough, as they often do in such ventures.

Love is an outflow of energy from your center. The more you send out, the more will return to you, for that is the nature of love.

With love,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flowers and You!

Plants use the Law of Attraction. You were born knowing how to use it. What happened?

My wife loves to plant flowers. I love to have anything green and living in our home. I guess that makes us a very compatible couple. It matters not to me whether they are flowering plants or just plants. I like how they clean the air and smell so fresh. And of course it is pleasing to the eyes to be surrounded by this life.

I was just thinking recently about the variety of plants we have in and around our home. As I was thinking, an interesting thought came to my mind. Imagine that. How is it that you can take a pot of seemingly ordinary soil, plant a seed in it, and the plant will grow according to the seed you planted?

From the very same soil you could grow an orange tree, celery, apples, a pine tree, coconut, or whatever. The very same soil! The only difference being the seed you plant therein. What a miracle of nature. How is it that whatever seed you plant, this seed will somehow manage to attract to itself whatever specialized elements that particular plant will need to grow? All that my wife ever adds to the soil is water. This consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

This brought me to another thought. Around our home, there are some very large trees. Now I would imagine there is a lot of material that went in to building up those trees to the size that they are. This makes me wonder, from where does this plant get the material it needs to grow so incredibly large? Is it from the soil? Well then, why hasn’t the level of soil around the tree gone down any? What exactly is going on here?

Now I don’t claim to have the answers to these questions. And to be honest, I don’t really care, but this questioning does bring me to a more relevant point. I’m talking about the resources you need to fulfill your desires in life, to reach your dreams. I can’t put a number on how many times I’ve heard someone talk about not being able to reach their real dream in life, because they don’t have the money, the right connections, sufficient opportunities, the right spouse, or whatever they feel they need to get their dreams.

The story is so often about lack. If the story is lack, the focus is lack. If the focus is lack, the results are… I think you know where I’m going with this. My goodness, the plants can do this, why not me? Why not you? All the resources you need do exist, and they exist in abundance. You will never see them, however, without having the faith that they do exist.

You hear people say “oh, I’ve tried this, and I’ve tried that, but nothing works.” So I then ask them if they tried the other thing. “Nothing I try works. What I really need is…” How many times did you fall down while learning to walk? How many mistakes did you make when you were learning to speak? How many times have you really tried to go after success?

Unlike plants, you have a brain. You have a marvelous brain. Using it in the correct manner can be a godsend for you. Not using it, or even worse, using it against yourself is a sin! If you are not sure how to use it correctly, learn. It really is not complicated. In fact, if you do begin to study how you can use your brain to achieve goals, you will find that most of the information you already knew on some level.

This is because using our brain to achieve goals is something we were born to do. It was in our upbringing that our programming got infected with a lot of garbage. This garbage was not intentionally put there, so don’t even begin to think about who you can blame. Blaming others is just another form of expressing a lack mentality. This is not good programming.

When you do begin to learn how and apply your brain in the correct manner, you will find most of the work is not learning, but unlearning. You will see much that you thought you knew, but was somehow corrupted by circumstance and others in your early life.

This is the reason why babies can learn so much so quickly. They haven’t had the chance to become infected with the negative programming that is far too prevalent in our society. A baby can learn several languages simultaneously in the same amount of time it takes to learn one! Have you, as an adult, tried to learn a second language? How did it go?

Are babies any smarter than adults? No, it has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with living in harmony with oneself and the world. Think as a baby would think. There is no judgment going on there. There is an insatiable curiosity for anything new however. And a baby simply uses its brain the way it was designed to be used. The baby hasn’t yet “learned” how to use it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my bottle of warm milk and a nap.

Jeffrey B. Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spirit creates by self-contemplation

Spirit creates by Self-contemplation;
Therefore, What it contemplates itself
as being, that it becomes.
You are individual Spirit;
Therefore, What you contemplate as
the Law of your own being becomes the
Law of your being.

~Thomas Troward

Isn’t this a most powerful statement? The act of creation is carried out through Self-contemplation. It does not say through Self-contemplation in relationship to your environment, your circumstance, your current situation. It does not say in relation to anything at all. Self-contemplation is just that. It is in complete and utter independence from any and all outside comparison.

The second part of this profound statement reads: What you contemplate as the Law of your own being becomes the Law of your being. Can you see how this is in essence reinforcing the idea that the Self of which is contemplated is not only independent of outside comparison, but also independent of precedent? This is truly a most empowering statement.

Now in plain English, what exactly does all of this mean?

The idea of wanting to improve your life situation is a natural outgrowth of the dissatisfaction you sense with your current life situation. You are not entirely satisfied with the ways things are in your life. You want to experience a better life. Whether this means you want more money, a better relationship, a more rewarding career, or simply a sense of purpose; it doesn’t matter. You want something to change.

First of all, realize this is natural. It is not a bad thing. It simply is an expression of your being alive. You want to experience more life, and that is a good thing. Smile.

The next most natural thing to do, once you become aware of your dissatisfaction and your desire to change, is to make a decision to change. This is where understanding the above statement can really make a big difference in how you go about making this change, and thus, the results you will achieve in making that change.

Now when most people decide they want something in their life to change, they focus on that thing that they wish to change.

I want to lose weight.

I want to earn more money.

I want him to notice all that I do.

I want more free time.

Now consider the above statement: “Spirit creates by Self-contemplation”

If you are contemplating that which you wish to change, you are creating more of that desire, to lose weight, to earn more money, his noticing all that you do, more free time. According to the above, to attain the desired outcome, you must contemplate that result within your being.

You have an imagination. It is for this purpose that your imagination serves you. Direct your imagination to create the vision of yourself with your desired result already achieved. Contemplate your self at the ideal weight. Contemplate your earning a surplus of money. Contemplate yourself in any circumstance you wish to experience. What you contemplate yourself as being, that is what you will become.

Now for the second part of the statement: “What you contemplate as the Law of your own being becomes the Law of your being.”

Understand that most people have an idea of how they wish their life to be, but they impose limits as to how far they can go and how fast they can get there. They base their goals or the achievement of those goals on precedent, whether personal, observed, or entirely fabricated from their imagination. They impose limitations based on their sense of self-worth. This can be with goals concerning money, weight, recognition or freedom. Who is really to say how much you can attain or how long it will take you.

This statement makes it clear that precedent is only valid for those who make it valid. In historic terms, think of the following examples:

We make ships of iron that float.

We speak to people anywhere on the planet in real time without having to shout.

We fly through the air and into space.

We breathe under water.

By this time tomorrow, we can be anyplace on this planet.

Think about this. Now consider your thoughts on this from the perspective of someone living just two centuries earlier. What is precedent other than not understanding the first cause of any law? You decide what is possible, not precedent!

“Yes” you say “I can see that whatever I want may be possible, but I don’t know how to bring it into being.” If this or something similar is on your mind, look at the statement again.

“Spirit creates by Self-contemplation;

Therefore, What it contemplates itself

as being, that it becomes.

You are individual Spirit;

Therefore, What you contemplate as

the Law of your own being becomes the

Law of your being.”

If you wish to create a new life for yourself, contemplate yourself as you wish to be. Do not contemplate your current circumstance. Do not contemplate limits to your potential. Do not contemplate precedent. Do not contemplate the path you must take. Simply contemplate yourself as the ideal. The how will come to you in the form of ideas once you get the ideal planted in your marvelous mind.

This marvelous mind is the tool you have to work with. It is the connection you have to communicate to Source, through imagination, envisioning your ideal. It is the connection you have to receive from Source, through intuition, hunches. You are a miracle, a divine miracle. And we are only just beginning to discover what this truly means.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Butterfly

So I heard once the story of a man who was walking along a path through the woods one day. He came upon a certain bush. It was a milkweed bush. Now in the area where I live, milkweed is quite common. In fact, my mother once told me that when she was young during the Second World War, people were actually paid money to collect the pods of this common weed. The silk that made up the interior was used by the military to produce the thread for the parachutes. It was also noted that this particular weed seemed to be the favorite of the caterpillar that would turn into a Monarch butterfly.

Anyway, back to the story. This man who came across the milkweed plant noticed a cocoon attached. This would be the cocoon of the Monarch butterfly. As he was observing this cocoon, he noticed it began to move. Very soon, he saw a small opening being made through which the Monarch butterfly would be able to escape.

This man, a patient man, decided to sit and watch this miracle unfolding before his very eyes. He had never seen this as it was happening before, and he found the process fascinating. And so he sat, and he sat. Slowly the hole became larger and larger. And then he could see the Monarch butterfly begin to come crawling out from the cocoon.

Then nothing happened. The Monarch butterfly was only about a third of the way out when it seemed to be stuck, as if he couldn’t get completely free from the cocoon. This man had a heart, and decided he would offer his assistance to the Monarch by tearing the cocoon open just a little bit more.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened it up, the Monarch came crawling out of the cocoon. It was completely free now, and it took a few steps in freedom. The butterfly’s body looked to be a bit oversized and the legs seemed very wobbly and unsure. Then the Monarch just stopped. His wings never did open up and he sat there for what seemed to be an eternity.

The man then realized that the Monarch butterfly had died. What the man did not realize is that the nature of this process was interrupted by him. A butterfly makes a small hole in the cocoon just big enough to crawl through, but not without a struggle. This struggle serves a very important purpose for the butterfly.

Inside the cocoon, the butterfly’s wings are folded up tightly, and they are full of fluid. When the butterfly begins to force itself through the small opening in the cocoon, the fluid inside its wings is then squeezed out. This takes some time to do. Once free from the cocoon, the butterfly then opens its wings to dry a bit in the sun, and it is able to fly away to do butterfly things.

Well, by tearing open the hole, this man never gave this butterfly the opportunity to drain its wings of this fluid. Without being properly drained, the wings could not be opened and it would never fly, and with this, it died.

There are many examples in nature where what we may perceive as an unnecessary struggle serves a very important purpose. It is not always wise to step in and “lend a hand” when doing so may not be in the grand plan. Everything in nature does serve a purpose. Because we don’t understand this purpose does not make it unnecessary.

Or to look at this from another perspective, if I am struggling dearly with some issue in my life, I may want to consider a purpose for my struggle before I jump for help. The lessons of life can sometimes be difficult to swallow. If we are granted things without the least bit of struggle, we often do not value them.

I’m certainly not advocating masochism. What I am saying is that it may be wise to think for a good while before deciding to complain. If you are suffering, there is a reason. Of this you can be sure. Of the true reason you may not be aware. The universe is not unjust. It is totally fair, loving, and kind. The universe supports you in all you do, even when you are only hurting yourself.

I know this may sound not so loving and kind, but if that be the case, think it over well. What it means is that you have complete and total freedom to act as you please, and the universe is ALWAYS there to provide you with the corresponding result.

Everything begins with the energy of your thoughts. Make them as you wish to experience in your desired results. Forget about your present experience with the understanding that what you are now experiencing is not a reason for cause, but the result of earlier less enlightened thought processes.

The present had to come from somewhere. It came from the past. Your circumstance is an outside manifestation. This manifestation had to come from somewhere. It came from the same source all manifestation of your circumstance has come, from you. Your thinking is creation in the form of energy. Focused energy manifests in the physical.

Choose your thoughts wisely that they reflect ONLY your ideal. Focus on these new thoughts, and they will become manifest. Manifest by design Now.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting

Monday, June 7, 2010

One more step: How may I serve you?

It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful way circumstances work out in my life to show me something more in a way that impacts me profoundly. For example, most recently, I have been getting almost inundated with emails and messages from people who are so close to breaking free in their lives, from a life filled with struggle on different levels. The most common theme I notice is a financial one. “If I could only…” is the essence of their message.

I say they are so close because in their letters they speak of the Law of Attraction in ways that can only be said by someone who has seriously done their homework. They know the Law! Even having a great and detailed understanding of the Law does not give one a free ride to infinite abundance. There is something more needed. We’ve all heard that this something more is action, and yes I believe action is necessary, but I think I just found something more.

Just today I viewed a video from a good friend that definitely had the same sentiment. Heart breaking as it was to watch this video; something struck me while watching it. The very fact that there are so many in this very same situation, and each one feels that they have something so wonderful to offer the world, “if” they could just get a boost.

These are basically good people who sincerely want to help others, but they feel they need a hand to get their ideas off the ground. I was in this place for a while myself, only I did not realize the lesson at the time. I was expressing to the universe that I was in a rather desperate situation, hoping, praying that someone would come along and help me out. I was not looking for a handout. I only wanted someone to realize what I had that was so valuable and help get it started.

This was the key! Expressing to the universe that you have something valuable to offer that will genuinely help others, but that you just NEED someone to help you break free. That is the message you send, and that is the response you will get back from the universe. Simple as it sounds, the Law of Attraction is working perfectly in this case, as in every case. Change the message you are sending! Everything begins with YOUR thoughts.

I do go into detail in this in my book, Manifest By Design Now, but the essence is this: You have options. I don’t care where you are standing now. Everybody who ever did anything exceedingly great with their lives likely began their venture on a shoestring at best. Many even went into debt with no guarantee of success. A good number of them actually went bankrupt, some more than once.

What they all shared was enthusiasm for their goal and invincible determination to carry it through no matter what. Getting there does not have to be easy. In fact if it is easy, it may not even be worth shooting for. You want a goal that will stretch you. You want it to be a goal that will affect others in a positive way.

If you have these two criteria, as most of those who have written me do, then all you need is to begin doing what it is you want to do. If it truly is to help people, then begin helping them now. Money may allow you to help a greater number of people, but you can begin helping those in your immediate circle without money.

Give advice, encouragement; teach a skill or talent that you have. Even if what you offer has nothing to do with your ultimate goal in life, beginning where you are now and giving what you can will open up doors to more opportunities.

Another valid point to reflect on is this. If you believe your success is dependant upon a certain condition (i.e. somebody helping you) you are placing parameters on how the universe may do its job. Do NOT concern yourself with the how. Focus only on the final result of what it is you want, and show your faith by allowing the universe to do its job. Its job is the how. Remember that. Convince yourself of that. Live that.

You don’t control the universe. The universe does not control you. You are in partnership with the universe. You each have a specific task in the process of manifestation. As a partnership, you simply need to do your part, and let the universe do its part. It will without fail. It always does.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lucky Forever

Last night I took my family to the Sioux Falls Rib Fest to see a concert with Blue Oyster Cult. It was a really great show with the skies above threatening to come down in a fierce storm. There were thunderheads all around as the sun went down and even during the show you could see lightening. The effect was pretty cool, and the power of the show seemed to keep at bay any rain, more than just a few stray drops carried by the wind.

I do enjoy concerts of the eighties bands: however, they often leave me feeling just a bit melancholic. You see I used to have a band during the eighties and early nineties as well. We were called “Lucky” and we were all original. For me there would be no other way to be. The key board player, Lynn Albers and myself wrote the music for the band. It was very pop style with a great deal of variety. We had a trademark sound.

Anyway, this morning when I got up, I was still thinking about the show last night. I grabbed one of my guitars (yes, I still do play once in awhile), and I began messing around with it. As I began playing what could be considered our theme song, Lucky Forever, I got to thinking these lyrics have a very good message that I would like to share with you. They speak of going after your dreams, which just happens to fit right in with this blog.

So here they are, and sorry you don’t get to hear the music as well, but enjoy them just the same.

Lucky Forever

It’s a feeling

You know so well

When you feel it

You’re under a spell

You can do it

You know you can

Because you’re Lucky

Lucky Forever

When You’re Lucky

You never say never

You’re feeling too clever

Don’t you know it?

You’re Lucky Forever (repeat four times)

You’ve got what it takes

Your spirits are high

You spread your wings

You’re ready to fly

You aim for the stars

So far away

Let go of the anchor

You’re on your way!

It’s a feeling

You know it so well

When you feel it

You’re under its spell

Can you do it?

You know that you can

Because you’re Lucky

Lucky Forever

When you’re Lucky

You never say never

You’re feeling too clever

Don’t you know it?

You’re just plain…

Lucky Forever (repeat four times)

You’ve got all you want

With plenty of friends

When the money’s no problem

The fun never ends

When you’re Lucky

Lucky Forever

Wherever you go

The spotlight’s on you

So begin the show

Show us what you do!


It’s a feeling

You know it so well

When you feel it

You’re under the spell

You can do it

And you do it so well

Because you’re Lucky

Lucky Forever

When You’re Lucky

You never say never

You’re too damn clever

Don’t you know

That you’re just plain…

Lucky Forever (repeat four times)

Words and music by Jeffrey Brandt

Enjoy your weekend and remember YOU are Lucky Forever

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A new beginning

It is said, from every ending comes a new beginning. I have always believed this. I feel it is this belief, which has always given me the strength to look forward to better things when all seems to be lost. Some call it hope, or faith. Others may say it is foolishness. No matter what people think to call it, it is this quality which can be the deciding factor in a person’s character.

Everything that happens in a person’s life can be taken however that person chooses to take it. It is not so much what happens as it is how a person reacts to what happens that can make the difference. Everything that happens is an opportunity. It is very easy to see the opportunity when ‘good’ things happen to us. Though it is not always so easy to see the opportunity when ‘not-so-good’ things happen to us, it is important for us to remember that opportunity still exists. There is NEVER a time in our life when we have no opportunity.

It is by our own emotions of fear, anger and apathy that we tend to create paradigms. Paradigms are the limits we place upon ourselves. By learning to control these emotions, we break free from the paradigms. A whole new world of opportunities opens itself up to us.

Fear is an emotion of uncertainty. Fear of the unknown. It is the same water, where one man freezes with fear and drowns while another man enjoys a swim, the same water. One man has taken the time to learn to swim. The other has not. Fear is also the base of all other negative emotions.

Anger is the emotion of ignorance. Anger separates an intelligent debate, where both sides learn from the other and come to a consensus from a heated argument where both sides talk a lot but say very little. Neither side listens, nor learns.

Apathy is an emotion of indifference or lack of interest. Every child comes into this world with a spark; a desire to learn from each experience, as each experience is relevant to the child’s world. When we begin to lose this spark, we begin to lose our youth. There is no greater satisfaction than the satisfaction of learning something new for a young child. Hang on to this excitement, for it is the key to a life of fun and happiness.

By gaining control of these emotions, we gain control of our life. No longer are we a slave to our emotions. We are free to look at our world as it truly is without fear. We are able to make our decisions with less ignorance to the facts without anger. We are more likely to take action, rather than react, without apathy.

I believe it was at this point in my life that I was beginning to grasp the concept of the fourth Truth, the Truth of Success. That is, to know one’s potential. With this, we can truly grow in the eyes of God. It is not about what we accomplish in a worldly sort of way at all. It is what we accomplish within our heart that truly matters, how we grow to be as adults, our character. Any man who can claim no regrets from the heart has a grasp of this Truth. There is no fear, anger or apathy in this man’s heart.

This realization came to me at what I would consider to be the lowest point of my life. I had lost my wife. I had lost Kathy. I had lost Krystal. I had no money, home or a car. I had no front teeth and no means of replacing them. My hopes of getting somewhere at work were not becoming. Yet, through it all, I maintained not only my sense of sanity but I can honestly say I was happy with myself.

Why? The world can give and the world can take itself from you but the world is not our essence. We exist within it because God put us here. This is an opportunity. We have the world as a resource, to use as we will. Hopefully, we will use it to grow in our heart, our mind and body. Only the body comes from this earth. Only the body shall return to this earth. Our essence is so much more than this. It is what is within our mind and our heart. For this reason, I could be happy. I became very wealthy with the wisdom I had gained from my experiences. I had nothing, but I also had it all...

Thank you,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Using ALL of your mental faculties

Here’s a question for you. How well do you use your whole mind when making decisions and working toward your goals? What? Do you use your whole mind? When you life something very heavy, it may require you to use more of your muscle groups than if it were something light. Am I correct?

Well consider what you want out of life. Would you like to create something much greater in your life than you are currently experiencing? If so, then are you prepared to use more of your mind? Now when I say this, many may begin gearing up their will power to meet the task of overcoming any resistance that may get in the way of achieving their dreams.

This is like trying to use brute force. It may get you somewhere but there is a better way. There is a much better way. That would be using your whole mind. So here we are back to a question. Do you know what I mean by whole mind? Your mind has several distinct faculties. How many are there? Do you know? And what are they each used for?

First of all your mental activity takes place on a conscious level, and it also functions on a subconscious level. Conscious simply means that you are aware of this activity, if you pay attention. The subconscious activity is activity that takes place below your conscious awareness, thus the name.

Now for obvious reasons I cannot go into a great deal of detail here. This is only a blog. But I would like to give you a brief description of what can be of tremendous assistance to you in using your mind more efficiently.

Your mind is used to perceive things. This is the faculty of perception. You are aware of using your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Perhaps you are aware of some other sense, commonly known as the sixth sense. This is considered another faculty, intuition.

The intuition serves in the same way as the physical senses in that it picks up vibratory frequencies. Your ears pick up on the frequencies of sound. Your eyes pick up on the frequencies of light. Your intuition picks up on the frequencies of thought. Mind you , you do not read the actual thoughts of others, you simply pick up on the frequency of those thoughts.

You have the faculty of memory. Everything you have ever sensed, experienced, even thought is stored away in your memory. Your memory is perfect in this. It is your ability to recall that information that is less than 100%.

We are all aware of our faculty of imagination. This faculty is fun to use. It can also cause us much problem when it is not used correctly by us. It has been rightly called the workshop of the mind. It is the seat of creativity, but many do not know how to use this faculty to produce real results.

The faculty of reason is the one where our society has placed much emphasis. And yes, it is a very important faculty; however, it is only one of the many that we have access to. This is the seat of logic and is considered to be our intelligence. It is used to come to conclusions based on what it is fed as information.

And there is the will. This is the head of all conscious activity, or at least it should be if you are using the mind correctly. The will is very powerful; however, it is often used for the wrong purpose. The will correctly used drives the other faculties of the conscious mind. It can be compared to the CEO of a Company.

So how many faculties do you have? And how well do use each one of them in the achievement of your goals? If you are serious about going after your goals in life, I can’t emphasize enough how important a better understanding of these faculties is to you.

If this does interest you, I recommend reading Napoleon Hill’s book, The Master Key to Riches. Another very good book, The Answer, was written by John Assaraf, one of the stars of the hit DVD, The Secret.

And I’ve gone into great detail to clearly explain the correct use of each of these faculties in my latest book, Manifest by design Now, available by clicking Here. This link will take you to my website Jeffrey Brandt Products.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Infinite Truth

Truth is Infinity. You can know it most intimately, yet the more time you spend with it, the more your relationship with it continues to grow deeper.

~ Jeffrey B. Brandt

I recently heard a comment from an acquaintance that he at one time read many books and studied on various themes. He told me it was then that something inside him clicked and he felt no further need to read. He has since this time done very little reading or writing. His reasoning was that he discovered that he already possessed all the answers within him and felt no need to look outside.

I pondered his words, and felt genuine happiness that he had indeed figured it out that answers must come from within to be real for each one of us. This is Truth. No person, no book, nothing outside of you can ever change you or enlighten you. However, his statement and decision also touched me with a certain feeling that I could not just let go of without dwelling on for awhile. It was almost melancholic.

I am in full and complete agreement that answers to our questions exist within each one of us from time immemorial. We really do have no need to look anywhere else for answers. But this is not the whole reason to read and write. If one is not drawn to read or write, so be it. Each person is unique in what they are called to be drawn to.

It was in the reason given that I felt this friend may be missing something. Like art, what do we really gain by looking at art? It is the admiration, the curiosity, the appreciation of the expression that draws us. I see reading and writing much the same. In truth, I learn next to nothing in what I read, and I do read some very intense books. Still I am drawn to them much the same as a connoisseur of art is drawn to the galleries. There is a joy to be had.

I admire the expression of truth that proceeds from the fountain of another life. I am curious as to their unique journey. And I appreciate the fact that they are sharing with the world where they have been and what they have seen. We see a movie not always to learn but to enjoy the value it holds in the form of entertainment.

A book on our search for Truth need not be void of this very same quality. Learning is entertaining, if it is a subject we are drawn to. And the whole concept of being one with all that is seems to be contradicted by the statement of I felt no further need to read or write. Because we are one with others does not lesson our need or desire to be around others. We are social creatures, even if there are times we would rather be alone.

I guess what I am saying here is that no one should take anything too seriously. I think it is best not to cut yourself off from any source of influence, whether it is really needed or not. The whole idea of energy is to flow, and when we deliberately cut that flow, it is we that somehow suffer for the action.

This kind of brings me back to something I posted about a week ago, It is YOUR life. Please check this one out if you have not yet done so.

Thank you,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting