“You can have, do, or be anything you want.”
~Dr. Joe Vitale
The Secret
This statement is true. You’ve probably heard said before. If not from Joe Vitale in The Secret, you’ve likely heard a variation of the words. Just hearing those words can make you conjure up images in your imagination of a wonderful life. Using your imagination in this way is called visualizing, one very powerful method of attracting to you what you want to have, do, or be.
Most people have no problems visualizing what they want to have: a new house, a fancy car, a perfect partner, lots of money, etc. Most people have no problems imagining themselves doing what they want to do: travel the world, sky dive, Spend lots of money, win a championship game, etc. Having and doing are ingrained in our very consciousness through the media and in our upbringing. We all want to have and do more.
Very little emphasis is placed on becoming the person it takes to achieve the dreams of having and doing what we want. Think about it.
What you currently have and are able to do is the result of who you are.
It is not the other way around. Getting this backwards is a common error due to the media influence we have received since were very young.
Think about the numerous commercials that transmit the message to you an a daily basis, buy our product and women will love you, people will respect you, impress your neighbors and friends when they see you driving this car, wearing these clothes, sporting this watch, etc. Buy these shoes and you’ll be a champion on the court. It all seems to point to the need to acquire something first, and then as if by magic you will suddenly become something better, a better person.
This concept was developed with the consumer in mind. Buy our product and receive the reward. Ask any champion of sports what their secret is, I’ll bet you don’t one of them saying it’s the shoes they wear, the cologne they use, or the car they drive. Their secret will come down to visualizing themselves as a champion, and a whole lot of hard work.
Whatever your goal in life, the recipe is the same. You must visualize yourself BEING the person you want to become, and you must work toward becoming that person. You didn’t hear me say you had to have anything because having is the result of doing (the work), and getting up the ambition to do the work is the result of being the person that it takes.
Long story short, in visualizing your goal, be sure to focus predominantly on you being the person you will need to be. When and only when you have this down, you will receive inspiration of what you need to do to become this person. Now you need to focus on your doing the right thing in a successful manner. If you follow these steps in the correct sequence, you will have what it is you desire much quicker and you will not so easily lose it.
How many times have you heard of someone coming into a little extra cash, winning the lottery, gambling, refund, or whatever, only to lose it as quickly as they gained it? This is because they did not change. Their financial thermostat remained set to have what they were comfortable with having. On a subconscious level, they had to get rid of that extra cash.
Sounds a lot like we’re talking about your self-image, doesn’t it? You’re right. Changing your self-image can take some time and effort, but it is something you will have to do, if you want to make any change last. If you neglect to mediate on being the right person that is in a vibrational match with that which you want to have, you will not be able to hold on to it, if you do ever get it.
In my new book, Manifest by design Now, I go into this in detail with a very effective method using your inner voice. This book can be purchased on my website, but since this book is new, I’m making a very special offer for a limited time. I am GIVING IT AWAY FOR FREE! How’s that for a special offer? Simply leave me a message on my personal page on Facebook. I will send the ebook (PDF) to your email address. And no worries, I respect your email privacy always. I will not share your information with anyone.
To your Infinite Abundance,
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
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