Monday, September 27, 2010

A stubborn mind can be your greatest asset

There does exist a lot of fear in the world today. If you look at many of the world affairs, you can easily see not only evidence of this, but apparent justification for the basis of these fears. It doesn't matter whether you're thinking of the economy, the wars, the human condition or the environment, but this is not what I want to talk about.

I do receive a number of emails and messages from people who have what you might call "personal problems" as well. I often get asked for help in resolving relationship difficulties and people who are dealing with negative energy in too many forms to describe here. But I don't want to talk about this either.

What I do want to talk about then is the answer to all of these so-called "problems." You see I do practice what I preach. If you've read this blog for any time or if you've read any of my books, you will see that I am quite adamant about maintaining control of my own thoughts, in spite of anything that comes into my experience.

Now does this mean that I am claiming to be living free from problems? In no way. But I can tell you this, when a problem does come into my awareness, I have trained my mind to recognize it for what it is. I realize that something inside of my own thinking is lacking in harmony. And I do not dwell upon the "problem."

I immediately begin redirecting my thinking to thoughts of what I have to be grateful for, thoughts of abundance, thoughts of service to others. If what I sense is a physical need, such as realizing I've been pushing myself for too long to get something done, I listen to my body and put whatever it is aside for awhile to rest.

This can be frustrating sometimes as I tend to get overly ambitious at times with myself. I take that break and do it with a pleasant mind. Everything I do, I consciously do it with a contented mindset. When I am doing the chores that I do around the house that I may not feel are all that in line with what I would rather be doing, I make the conscious decision to do it with pride. For example doing the dishes or taking out the trash, or making the bed. When I make breakfast for my family on the weekends, I do with love, even when I'm not particularly thrilled at the thought of doing this at first. I make the commitment to change my thinking before I even start.

Simply put, I refuse to do anything in a grudgingly fashion. Refuse!

What all of this comes down to is really quite simple. Live in the moment. Whatever you are doing in this moment. Focus on that task only. Keep in mind what thoughts you are entertaining surrounding this activity. If they are not the most positive thoughts you can imagine, then imagine better thoughts. This you CAN control.

Right in line with living in the moment is living within yourself. It may be easy to allow yourself to be drawn into the negative conversations that tend to prevail in the workplace during break time. The same goes for anytime you are interacting with others in a leisurely manner. Negative commentary is so common we scarcely recognize it unless we train our mind to remain alert for it.

Don't get sucked up in this negative energy. Focus on the positive around you, or the positive thoughts that you create yourself. Dwell on your ideal life, your dreams and goals. Think about the plans you have and consider how you might move in the direction of their completion. You have options. Use them.

If someone tries to draw you into a conversation filled with gossip or whoa-is-me subjects, try to steer the conversation in a different direction or kindly excuse yourself, and then run as fast as you can away from there!

All I am asking is that you be more aware of what is going in inside your head. After all, it is what goes on in there that is creating your life experience, not the other way around. To be successful with this, you will have to develop a stubborn attitude, but know that you are worth it. You are a miracle in the works!

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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