Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Five years time

Consider five years. Is this a long time? Is it a short time? Why five years? Actually I just pulled this number out of the blue, but it could just as easily be any other number. I will say five years because it is somewhat relative to a University education.

Now let's apply this to your primary goal. I am assuming you have some kind of a big goal since you are reading my blog. Even if it is somewhat of a vague goal. If your goal is rather vague I would definitely suggest you put some time and effort in to clarify that goal, if you want clear results. This only makes sense.

There is an interesting thing about people when they do set goals for themselves. People tend to overestimate what is possible for them in the short term, and they underestimate what is possible for them in the long term. Let's just say it may take you five years to reach your goal, IF it is a large goal and IF you are working toward it consistently during the next five years.

I can hear you now: "Five years? That's a long time!" As I said it may be less, but then again it may be more. I would like to make a point with this five years however.

What CA N you do in five years time? I would say one of the very best things you could do with the next five years is read a few books. Think about this. If you were to read, say, one new book every month for the next five years, do know how many books that would be?

That's sixty books. Now what kind of books you read can make a very big difference in your life. If your goal is related to business or sales or marketing, you will want to read books about business and sales and marketing. You get the idea.

How much better prepared will you be in five years after having read this many books? How much more of an edge will you have over others who want the same goal as you? Sixty books is a lot of books. that is a lot of information.

What if during these five years you also began searching out information on the web relative to your goal. You began watching videos, listening to audios, getting newsletters or checked out blogs.

What if during these next five years you began experimenting with the ideas that came to you, ideas that might help you reach your goal? If money is tight, don't be discouraged. If your mind is focused on your goal long enough, ideas will come to you that require little or no money.

Can you just imagine what your life may look like after five years time if you would actually DO these suggestions? I would imagine you would be a completely different person, at least relative to your ability to get your goal.

You still may be thinking five years is just too long. Well, I thought someone might say this. So I would then say this: Where will you be in five year's time if you continue doing as you are right now?

I would be willing to bet you won't be much different, except that you will then be five years older! If you are feeling frustrated right now because you want your goals to be realized, I imagine you will feel even more frustrated after five years have passed, if you choose to do nothing about it.

So what if it takes you five years to get there? At least you will get there! As I said before, it may take you longer. It may take you less. Just remember the time will pass in any case. I can guarantee you will feel better and be better off if you are doing something about your goals and dreams as this time passes than if you don't.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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