In a recent conversation with a good friend, the subject came up about balance. Referring to the balance of good and bad. The question was this person was not so sure about what comes back to you when you put something out there.
I can see how this question might come up in any inquisitive mind when looking to the world for answers. What we see in the media is often a sign of the most corrupt among us (putting out bad) enjoying the most reward (controlling what we might consider an obscene amount of money and freedom), although at the expense of others.
Let me start this off by saying it is not my intention to get into the motives behind the media and what stories they promote and why. That would be a whole other blog post, if not a book! The focus here then is on what constitutes balance and is there actually a balance.
When you give out good, an equal good must return to you. When you give out bad, an equal bad must return to you. This is Law, as I hope to explain. It does not matter if you are referring to an individual or to society as a whole. It all works the very same way.
What you do give out is compared to a seed, whether this seed be in the form of your thought, your attitude, or your beliefs. The same concept has been mirrored in nature with an apple seed, for example. You will never get anything but an apple from an apple seed. Period.
The world is filled with what we might consider good and what we might consider bad, equally at any time. The truth is that what is simply is. Good or bad are relative terms. It is kind of like the man who walked around all day long complaining about not having shoes to wear, until he met another man who had no feet.
If you choose to focus on the bad, you will find all the evidence you need to confirm that the world is bad (war, economy, social disintegration, etc.). If you focus on the good, you will find all the evidence you need to confirm that the world is good (opportunities for growth and improvement, emerging consciousness, the potential for free energy, etc.).
Approximately 95% of the focus may be on the negative, and only a mere 5% on the positive. However, with a positive thought being some 10 times more powerful than a negative thought, in the big picture of mass consciousness it all balances out. That 5% x 10 = 50%.
You may not be able to control what goes on in the world. But you do have complete control (if you choose to USE this control) of your own focus, your thoughts. A large percentage of the population freely allows their thinking to be controlled by outside sources. This IS their choice.
Make a determined effort to remain focused on what YOU decide. You have, in doing this, the power to create your own experience the way you choose. This is all based on the infallible Law of your being. Focus your thoughts on the good.
Good will only produce good. This brings up a point that tends to frustrate many. What happens when we do a good deed, and we are betrayed? Did this Law suddenly stop working? No.
First of all, understand that you have many, many thoughts throughout your day. It is very likely that you have many good thoughts and you have a number of not-so-good thoughts. For this reason, your results tend to be mixed, some good and some bad. the goal should be for you to get your predominant thinking to a more positive level. This is when you will see real results.
Another point to consider is the Law of Gender and Gestation. It takes a certain amount of time for any thought to actually manifest. Again back to the seed analogy. It takes time for a seed to produce the plant. It takes time from the conception of a baby to when you're changing diapers.
In other words, as James Ray said in The Secret, "This is not who you are. This is who you were." You are living in a residual form of your previous thinking. If you could change and make ALL of your thoughts positive from this point on, you would still continue to have some not very pleasant experiences for a time to come.
One last point on this is that results do not have to come from where you expect them to come from. You may plant the seed of a good thought or deed in one place, and the result may come from somewhere totally off your radar. If you plant the good seeds of thought, you will get good results from those thoughts. Guaranteed.
If you begin to raise your awareness of your thinking, you will be able to prove all of this to yourself. This proof will mean so much more than anything I or someone else might say to you. Try it.
You should not expect to be able to control every thought throughout your day, at least not when you first begin to exercise this control. You have far too many thoughts to be able to do an efficient job of keeping track of them. However, their is an easier way.
Your thoughts initiate the manifestation process in your body in the form of feelings. When you are thinking harmonious thoughts, those in line with your own higher self, you feel good. When your thoughts are lacking in harmony, you are not thinking in line with your higher self, and you feel bad.
Feelings are much easier to recognize. Simply consider how you feel throughout the day. If you are feeling good, your thoughts are going where you want them to go. The moment you feel anything less than good, pay attention to your thoughts and consciously guide them back to something more positive. Begin by thinking of gratitude.
This may take some time if you are not accustomed to monitoring your own feelings. Have some fun with it. When you catch yourself feeling not good and are able to trace it to the conversation you just had earlier about the economy or a bad relationship, you will know that you are beginning to get a hold of your own thoughts.
You will begin to see how changing your focus in thought and in conversation will change your very state of being. When you feel better, you can know that you have discovered the true meaning of Balance.
I want YOU to Succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way