Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Many people come to a point in life when they feel dissatisfied with their current circumstances. When this happens, it is common to feel depressed. Understand that dissatisfaction is no reason to become depressed. The dissatisfaction is simply a loving message from your higher self, your real self.

The message is telling you that you are something more than you are currently expressing. This is a beautiful thing. Just imagine for a moment; life is telling you that you are ready to grow further, to become more than you are at present. You are being given a gift, but you must first understand how to open this gift.

And this, my friend, is what I would like to share with you. I want to show you how to open that gift and receive the blessing that is yours. At Christmas time, when you receive a gift, you don't sit there with your gift in front of you and wait for someone else to come along and open it for you , do you?

Often times the Truth is hidden in the most obvious place, a place no one would ever think to look for it. This is definitely the case with dissatisfaction. You see, everything you are currently experiencing is a result of what you have brought unto yourself. You can look outward and blame other people, circumstances, or whatever you want. But in doing so, you are only continuing to live in this dissatisfaction, and it will become even stronger.

You assure the continuing dissatisfaction because you have not yet learned that it is you who draws to you the circumstances you must confront each and every day. By believing that others are at fault, you must by default believe that others must do something to make your own life better. The Truth of the matter is, you must make that change yourself.

If you do already know this much, you may be asking "how do I GET this change?"

You don't GET the change, you must BE the change. Mahatma Gandhi said it well when he told us we must BE the change we want to see in the world. The same holds true with your personal self. You must BE the change you want to see in yourself.

If you want a changed life, you must change the way YOU are living. This sounds simple enough, and it is. Why is it that so many people know and understand this, yet they fail to do something differently?

Some people will try something different, and if it fails to bring the desired change they seek, they give up. Does a child give up trying to learn to walk, to talk, to ride a bicycle?

The child still lives in you, and this child knows what is needed to get you what you desire. Take the lesson in. How does a child go about learning something new? He does it without fear or reserve. Does the child master the new task without meeting failure?

Of course not. He will fail over and over again, until he gets it right. Failure is not a concern until we learn to be concerned with it. Just begin doing what it is you want to do in the best way you know how to do it. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't. With time and practice, you will begin getting it right.

It doesn't matter if you don't yet have all of the resources you need to do it as you might like to do it either. If you really do need more resources, they will become available to you as you become ready for them. You must begin to act with what you have at hand, before more will come to you.

Here again, look to the lessons that can be learned from a child. They are incredibly attuned to their possibilities and how to use their imaginations. They don't give up on what they want simply because they don't have all of the necessary resources at hand. They get creative! You can too!

The more you can begin to look at the process of going after your goals as a game, it will not only become more enjoyable for you, but you will also begin to make more headway than you ever had before. There is a method to this madness. and it all begins with a certain dissatisfaction with our current circumstances.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest By Design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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