Pay attention to your thoughts! "What you think about you bring about." I believe it was John Demartini that said that. And it is so true. Where you are focused you are sending energy that must return in kind to your life. It is for this reason that so many have lives they themselves describe as less than desirable.
Listen to the conversations of others and you will hear exactly what I mean. "Did you hear about so and so?" "You think that's bad. You should listen to this!" And so on it goes. Sometimes I think there must be a competition going on. Who's got it the worst in life.
There was a time that even I played part in this cruel game. That was a very long time ago. And my, how my life has since changed! I will go far out of my way to avoid being in earshot of negative talk. Most commonly I would hear this sort of talk during break time at work. Think about it. Go ahead and try this tomorrow; go to work and do not get involved in the conversations you hear during break. Just listen and you will be shocked at just how common this is.
The reason is because we are for the most part unconscious to our trivial conversations throughout our day. Not any more! Pay attention to your own thoughts, and pay attention to the feelings behind the words of others around you. Try to shift the conversation to something more positive if you can, or remove yourself from the vicinity. If you take this advice to heart, you will be glad you did.
You don't have to even be taking part in the conversation. Your mind loves to pick up on the energy of what others are talking about, and your mind will carry on with this negative energy even though you are not "with" them. You have been trained or conditioned in this way for most of your life. It's time to begin reprogramming your mind to focus on what YOU want it to focus on.
You might begin with focusing on gratitude. Feel gratitude for the fact that you are now beginning to take control of your mind by directing your thoughts. You are not allowing the whims of Other People's Programming (OPP) to hijack your energy.
Look for things that are pleasing to your senses. When you think of the past, be sure you are thinking of the times that you enjoyed, that you excelled, that you triumphed. When you consider the future, consider the very best possible outcome. It's possible! When you think about other people, try to see only the good.
When you do notice things that are not to your liking, do not remain there in thought, replaying a terrible scene over and over again in your mind, as we so often tend to do. Reprogram your mind. How? Begin by not condemning it. Simply recognize it as something you don't like and let it go at that. Shift your awareness to something else.
Make this a game. Learn to enjoy the back and forth you will surely experience until you get your mind better trained at looking for the good in your life. Make it a game to have fun with it now, because you may not see much change in your life until this changed view becomes the predominant way you view things.
When it does become your predominant way of viewing the world, you will see and experience some amazing things. Your whole life will evolve from the simple act of redirecting the energy of your thoughts, your focus, your attention.
Give this a try for a month and see for yourself. If you are thinking something like "a whole month?" Hey, how badly do you want to see real change in your life. This is only a mental exercise. It's nothing physical. But hey, in general, it is mental work that more people shun than any other thing. At least that is the way it is for the ninety or ninety-five percent that live less than ideal lives.
Don't you want to move up to the other five to ten percent?
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.
This blog is all about mindset, developing a prosperity consciousness. Opportunities abound. It is up to us to see them through the focus of our mental energies.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Get to know yourself
To create something big in your life, begin by enlarging yourself. A common answer you hear when you ask somebody want they want is "I want a million dollars." They want the money, but they neglect to consider the important thing is even if they were given a million dollars, as in the case of lottery winners, they will likely lose it and be right back to where they started.
Why does this happen? Because in their minds they view their life as a struggle. they view money as something hard to come by. They view their circumstances as an enemy to their financial stability. They're looking to get screwed.
You really are not dealing with life as you might imagine. You are dealing with your own mind, your perception.
Your mind is very powerful, indeed. It has so much power locked up inside of it that it can be frightening unless you learn one very important thing about it. Your mind does not live apart from "you." It does not fight you. It is very powerful, yes, but it is a very obedient servant. You control it, but to exert this control, you must understand how it works.
I like to think of the mind, or rather its faculties as undisciplined children. You can believe you have no control over its tendencies and allow it to truly cause havoc in your life, or you can give it direction. If you give it simple direction, it will amaze you with the efficiency in which it performs for you.
You see, your mind is not you. it is not another entity, apart from you. It is a part of you. This part is a tool, which you may use by guiding it. If you neglect to give it direction, it has a tendency to go off on tangents as any child would. The mind does not long stay idle.
When it does begin to take off without your guidance, it does so according to what it perceives from the outside world, that which comes to you through your senses. You are passively watching the news, and your mind begins to dwell on all the negativity that is portrayed through your television set. You are out somewhere among other people and your mind picks up the energy or conversations of others and begins to judge and recreate its own images and scenarios.
Whatever you do throughout your day, pay attention to your mind, and give it something positive and constructive to work on. Set for yourself the goal of noticing all the good you see in your daily life for a day. Remind your mind throughout your day of this task that you have set for it.
Get to know your mind. Get to know its unique qwerks and habits. Begin to discover how it really wants to work with you. It can be compared to a dog that loves to be thrown a stick to fetch. It will tirelessly bring back to you the answers you seek.
Getting to know your mind is getting to know yourself. You will learn much of yourself that you may never have considered before. Spend the next few days contemplating this and try to see what you come up with. You will be amazed.
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Why does this happen? Because in their minds they view their life as a struggle. they view money as something hard to come by. They view their circumstances as an enemy to their financial stability. They're looking to get screwed.
You really are not dealing with life as you might imagine. You are dealing with your own mind, your perception.
Your mind is very powerful, indeed. It has so much power locked up inside of it that it can be frightening unless you learn one very important thing about it. Your mind does not live apart from "you." It does not fight you. It is very powerful, yes, but it is a very obedient servant. You control it, but to exert this control, you must understand how it works.
I like to think of the mind, or rather its faculties as undisciplined children. You can believe you have no control over its tendencies and allow it to truly cause havoc in your life, or you can give it direction. If you give it simple direction, it will amaze you with the efficiency in which it performs for you.
You see, your mind is not you. it is not another entity, apart from you. It is a part of you. This part is a tool, which you may use by guiding it. If you neglect to give it direction, it has a tendency to go off on tangents as any child would. The mind does not long stay idle.
When it does begin to take off without your guidance, it does so according to what it perceives from the outside world, that which comes to you through your senses. You are passively watching the news, and your mind begins to dwell on all the negativity that is portrayed through your television set. You are out somewhere among other people and your mind picks up the energy or conversations of others and begins to judge and recreate its own images and scenarios.
Whatever you do throughout your day, pay attention to your mind, and give it something positive and constructive to work on. Set for yourself the goal of noticing all the good you see in your daily life for a day. Remind your mind throughout your day of this task that you have set for it.
Get to know your mind. Get to know its unique qwerks and habits. Begin to discover how it really wants to work with you. It can be compared to a dog that loves to be thrown a stick to fetch. It will tirelessly bring back to you the answers you seek.
Getting to know your mind is getting to know yourself. You will learn much of yourself that you may never have considered before. Spend the next few days contemplating this and try to see what you come up with. You will be amazed.
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Is it really a dream?
Whoever said dreams are free never truly dreamed.
I heard once when I was young the saying "Dreams are free, so why not dream big?" This phrase caught my attention. I liked the sound of it, and I often repeated it throughout my life. I guess I liked it because I always had "big dreams."
Well, life has a way of changing our perspectives if we live it consciously. This past year has been one of phenomenal growth for myself. I could hardly have imagined the things that were to happen to me, had someone told me one year ago where I would be today, and I do know now that this is just the beginning of what is becoming a grand journey.
I can't say that I believe dreams are free any longer. I think this phrase rather belongs to fantasies. I've come to see a dream as something quite different. I'd like to share with you the definition of a dream as I've come to know it.
A dream has substance, mass, and according to physics, anything with mass also has gravity. It draws other objects towards it. I believe a dream has the force to draw you into it, if you get anywhere near it, as in seriously contemplating its possibilities.
What I mean to say in that it draws you into it is that a true dream will compel you to act. It pushes you to dwell upon it in thought, plan it out, live it in your mind and open yourself to opportunities to bring it into manifested form. This is the price of a dream.
If you want your dream, as you should, you will pay any price in terms of your time, energy, and resources. If you do pay the price, you can be sure the reward will be far greater than any price you could pay to attain it. This is what makes a dream valuable.
And this is what separates a dream from mere fantasy. Everybody has fantasies. A good number of people have dreams. It is only the most courageous that decide to go after their dreams and give themselves to paying the price.
If that thing that calls you to action is in fact a dream, you will know because it will swallow your fear as you begin to move toward it. You will still feel fear, but your dream will gain strength greater than your fear. It will excite you. When your faith in the dream becomes sufficiently strong, you will find that it also excites others.
This is when the real fun begins. Do you have a dream? Decide to pay the price. Decide to give your time, energy, and resources to it without holding back. Allow yourself to catch fire with it. Feed it by dwelling on it throughout your day. Open yourself to every opportunity and jump at the chance to show your faith by taking action when you are inspired to do so.
You may pay a hefty price, if your dream is worthy. But I can assure you, that you will never regret it. Give yourself to your dream and your dream will set you free. Free in a way that you never before knew. With love as the fuel, you will live each day a little better than the day before.
Whoever said dreams are free had not a dream, but a fantasy.
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Power by Rhonda Byrne
I just received my copy of The Power by Rhonda Byrne in time to begin my weekend. I devoured it as I have done the same with every book of this caliber. I would like to share with you my take on this particular book now.
Let me start by giving you a little perspective on my perspective. I have read, reread, and studied literally dozens of books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, and hundreds more about success in general. This would include books on business, sales, management, psychology, marketing, spirituality, religion, and the mind.
On books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, I've seen very deep and profound books, such as the works of Thomas Troward, Charles Haanel, Prentice Mulford, Robert Collier and the like. I've read very practical books. I've read very scientific explanations of the subject. I've even read more esoteric works, religious works, feel-good works, etc.
I was my major plan, when I discovered this idea, to come at it from every angle possible to get a more comprehensive grasp on the subject. I'm a big advocate of applying accelerated learning techniques, one of which includes coming at something from several angles to increase the number of neuronal links in the brain. We get a much better understanding of something when we can see how it relates to other ideas.
Obviously, to do this requires a very strong commitment. I am definitely committed, and seeing the most amazing results from this commitment. I've spent years studying and learning to apply these concepts.
I'm very excited at the recent explosion of resources that are coming out into the market place and getting more widespread attention. I believe this has been due to the release of The Secret more than any other factor.
The Secret is what I would classify as a feel good approach. In the movie, each of the Secret teachers does an exemplary job of explaining what you need to do to put the Law of Attraction into operation for you to attract what you want. They tell you the what, and they do so in a way that makes you feel good, at least for the time being while you are watching it.
This was the reason this movie became so popular with so many millions and spread so rapidly. Even Rhonda Byrne explained that she used the Secret to create The Secret. Ingenious!
The Power really does go further. It does what it says it would do in the preview video, if you did get a chance to see it. In The Secret, they spoke of the importance of feeling good, but in The Power, this topic goes to new levels beyond the "what" to explain more the "why" and the "how" to accomplish this.
My hat's off to Rhonda Byrne on this one for sure. The power is exactly what it has been advertised to be. It is a Masterpiece. Because it was just released, I really don't want to explain in great detail what it is about. I would rather you go out, get it, and see for yourself.
But I will say this. If you understood The Secret enough to know that it has substance, even if you didn't get the full results you wanted, you have to get this book. If you read it with intention and feeling, you will gain an in depth understanding of the power behind the Secret. Maybe this is all you need to have a truly amazing life. I know I have.
I want YOU to succeed!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Let me start by giving you a little perspective on my perspective. I have read, reread, and studied literally dozens of books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, and hundreds more about success in general. This would include books on business, sales, management, psychology, marketing, spirituality, religion, and the mind.
On books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, I've seen very deep and profound books, such as the works of Thomas Troward, Charles Haanel, Prentice Mulford, Robert Collier and the like. I've read very practical books. I've read very scientific explanations of the subject. I've even read more esoteric works, religious works, feel-good works, etc.
I was my major plan, when I discovered this idea, to come at it from every angle possible to get a more comprehensive grasp on the subject. I'm a big advocate of applying accelerated learning techniques, one of which includes coming at something from several angles to increase the number of neuronal links in the brain. We get a much better understanding of something when we can see how it relates to other ideas.
Obviously, to do this requires a very strong commitment. I am definitely committed, and seeing the most amazing results from this commitment. I've spent years studying and learning to apply these concepts.
I'm very excited at the recent explosion of resources that are coming out into the market place and getting more widespread attention. I believe this has been due to the release of The Secret more than any other factor.
The Secret is what I would classify as a feel good approach. In the movie, each of the Secret teachers does an exemplary job of explaining what you need to do to put the Law of Attraction into operation for you to attract what you want. They tell you the what, and they do so in a way that makes you feel good, at least for the time being while you are watching it.
This was the reason this movie became so popular with so many millions and spread so rapidly. Even Rhonda Byrne explained that she used the Secret to create The Secret. Ingenious!
The Power really does go further. It does what it says it would do in the preview video, if you did get a chance to see it. In The Secret, they spoke of the importance of feeling good, but in The Power, this topic goes to new levels beyond the "what" to explain more the "why" and the "how" to accomplish this.
My hat's off to Rhonda Byrne on this one for sure. The power is exactly what it has been advertised to be. It is a Masterpiece. Because it was just released, I really don't want to explain in great detail what it is about. I would rather you go out, get it, and see for yourself.
But I will say this. If you understood The Secret enough to know that it has substance, even if you didn't get the full results you wanted, you have to get this book. If you read it with intention and feeling, you will gain an in depth understanding of the power behind the Secret. Maybe this is all you need to have a truly amazing life. I know I have.
I want YOU to succeed!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Are you a duck?
Not long ago, I read a cute little story about a conversation between a very successful, enterprising man and his apprentice. The young apprentice was almost dumbfounded as he considered all that his mentor was able to accomplish and even more so that he could make it all look so easy.
The young apprentice asked his mentor how he was able to be so successful when it seemed he didn't even have to try. Everything he set out to do, he accomplished quickly and easily. You could almost sense a touch of jealousy in the young apprentice's voice.
"That is because" said the mentor to his apprentice "I am a duck."
"A duck? What do you mean by that?" asked the apprentice.
Well the mentor began to explain: "Have you ever watched how a duck seems to just glide across a pond, so gracefully and effortlessly? It really is a beautiful sight, for sure. But if you were able to look below the surface of the water, you'd see a different story. You would see that his little feet are going like hell."
You see, the message here is that what most people see when they look at any example of success is only the surface, the end results of what has surely been a long and arduous struggle for the individual involved. Success can come to anybody, but it won't come to you until you've done your homework. This takes initiative on your part. It takes effort. It takes many things.
The most important, I believe, is it takes the correct mindset. You really have become the person you want to be in your mind before you will see results in your circumstance. In any case, when you do see examples of success in any form, you can know that person has been doing something to have gotten to where they are.
Don't think for a moment that you can simply wish your way to success. There will be work involved, but if this work is in alignment with who you are (your purpose), it may not feel so much like work. it will be enjoyable to you. enjoyable as it may be, it still means doing something, and the more you do in the way of working towards the achievement of your dream, the sooner you will arrive.
And one very great benefit of finally achieving a long awaited dream, is that you will then have the opportunity to tell someone that you are a duck!
Be sure to continue following my blog or my Facebook page for updates on my upcoming phone call with Paul Martinelli. You are invited to this call as well. I will be sending out a link to join in the call as soon as the specific time and date have been set. This should be in less than two weeks.
Thank you,
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
I want YOU to succeed!!
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my Website.
The young apprentice asked his mentor how he was able to be so successful when it seemed he didn't even have to try. Everything he set out to do, he accomplished quickly and easily. You could almost sense a touch of jealousy in the young apprentice's voice.
"That is because" said the mentor to his apprentice "I am a duck."
"A duck? What do you mean by that?" asked the apprentice.
Well the mentor began to explain: "Have you ever watched how a duck seems to just glide across a pond, so gracefully and effortlessly? It really is a beautiful sight, for sure. But if you were able to look below the surface of the water, you'd see a different story. You would see that his little feet are going like hell."
You see, the message here is that what most people see when they look at any example of success is only the surface, the end results of what has surely been a long and arduous struggle for the individual involved. Success can come to anybody, but it won't come to you until you've done your homework. This takes initiative on your part. It takes effort. It takes many things.
The most important, I believe, is it takes the correct mindset. You really have become the person you want to be in your mind before you will see results in your circumstance. In any case, when you do see examples of success in any form, you can know that person has been doing something to have gotten to where they are.
Don't think for a moment that you can simply wish your way to success. There will be work involved, but if this work is in alignment with who you are (your purpose), it may not feel so much like work. it will be enjoyable to you. enjoyable as it may be, it still means doing something, and the more you do in the way of working towards the achievement of your dream, the sooner you will arrive.
And one very great benefit of finally achieving a long awaited dream, is that you will then have the opportunity to tell someone that you are a duck!
Be sure to continue following my blog or my Facebook page for updates on my upcoming phone call with Paul Martinelli. You are invited to this call as well. I will be sending out a link to join in the call as soon as the specific time and date have been set. This should be in less than two weeks.
Thank you,
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
I want YOU to succeed!!
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my Website.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Conversation with Paul Martinelli
It is my sincerest desire to do all I can to give you the tools you need to discover and attain the success you desire and deserve. If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you will have found in it many nuggets to help you to this end. I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few weeks on how to upgrade the impact I may have on helping others on their journey.
I just got off the phone with Paul Martinelli, who just returned from a European tour. You may have seen him in the DVD Beyond The Secret. He is an amazing human being who travels the world helping people like you and I learn how to bring out the greatness we all hold inside. He is also a business partner with Les Brown, who is also very well known as a mentor and motivational speaker to many Fortune 500 companies.
In my conversation with Paul, he offered to do a phone call in which I am inviting you to listen in on and to ask any question you like relative to achieving your dreams. This presents an amazing opportunity for you. Just imagine, what is it you most want to know about how to create the life you truly desire!
But I do need your help right now. The topic of self-help/personal growth is vast. I'd like to hear from you what specific topic ideas you would like to hear Paul talk about. You may leave a comment here or on my page in Facebook. Just click the Facebook link to the right.
The exact time and date are to be determined, but it will be within the next couple of weeks, so do let me know your topic suggestions and questions. And don't forget one of the most important lessons of success is to avoid procrastination. Success does not stand still and wait for anybody. So let me know and we'll "see" you on the phone call!
I want YOU to succeed!!
Or as Paul Martinelli would say, "Hold your image!"
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
I just got off the phone with Paul Martinelli, who just returned from a European tour. You may have seen him in the DVD Beyond The Secret. He is an amazing human being who travels the world helping people like you and I learn how to bring out the greatness we all hold inside. He is also a business partner with Les Brown, who is also very well known as a mentor and motivational speaker to many Fortune 500 companies.
In my conversation with Paul, he offered to do a phone call in which I am inviting you to listen in on and to ask any question you like relative to achieving your dreams. This presents an amazing opportunity for you. Just imagine, what is it you most want to know about how to create the life you truly desire!
But I do need your help right now. The topic of self-help/personal growth is vast. I'd like to hear from you what specific topic ideas you would like to hear Paul talk about. You may leave a comment here or on my page in Facebook. Just click the Facebook link to the right.
The exact time and date are to be determined, but it will be within the next couple of weeks, so do let me know your topic suggestions and questions. And don't forget one of the most important lessons of success is to avoid procrastination. Success does not stand still and wait for anybody. So let me know and we'll "see" you on the phone call!
I want YOU to succeed!!
Or as Paul Martinelli would say, "Hold your image!"
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You can have all the Gold!
"You can have all the gold you want, if you are willing to dig for it." ~Jeffrey B. Brandt
If you ask around, most everybody will tell you they have a dream, something they would really like to be, do or have. If you ask them what they are doing to achieve that goal, they will immediately begin telling you why they are not doing anything, or there will simply be a moment of silence, an uncomfortable silence.
Achieving a dream, even a big dream does not have to be impossible. In fact, most dreams are very possible, more so than most realize. But these dreams are not just going to fall into your lap, without any effort on your part. Logic will tell you this, Common sense will tell you this. Anyone who has ever accomplished anything worthwhile will tell you this.
So why so do few people ever really go after their dreams? I don't know and I don't think it really matters. Why? Because I'm not one of those who doesn't do anything when it comes to dreams. You hear much about "the secret" to achieving your dreams. Do you want to know what the secret really comes down to is getting involved with your dream.
This involvement begins in your mind. You need to make a definite decision that you are going to go after your dream. Then comes determination to follow through with what you decided. You must keep the dream in the forefront of your mind, as you go through your day. Keep yourself open to ideas and act on those ideas when they come.
This sounds very simplistic, I know. And yes, there is more to it, but not in essence. This really is the basic secret. Of course, to follow through with this secret, you would be wise to delve into it more deeply. And that is the purpose of this blog. I invite you to read through the archives and you will find a veritable gold mine of information and inspiration.
Most importantly, you must get your mind set on the idea that achieving your dream, if it is a big one is that first, it is possible. It is! Secondly, it will require you to grow. this means you will have to learn new things, try new things, and so on. there will be some trials, some failures, and some successes. you will move a little closer, and you will feel, at times, that are moving further away.
Your dream may begin as a destination in your mind, but soon enough you will discover that it is a journey, in truth. Don't let this realization stop you from embarking upon the journey. Because as you discover that the journey involves more work than you might have considered originally, you will also discover that the achievement will involve more reward than you considered originally also.
If you are ready to begin your journey, you are in a good place. I am here to help you in everyway I can to make your journey one of growth and excitement as you will definitely learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible.
I want YOU to succeed!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
That's easy for YOU to say!
I've heard it before. I've even thought it before. So I know where you are coming from if you're thinking it too. What? You hear one of the Secret teachers telling you how you should think more positively and put yourself in that place that you desire to be in order to make it happen for you. And there you are thinking "yes, that's easy for YOU to say. Look at your life. You're living the life that dreams are made of."
Well, let me tell you in no uncertain terms that so long as you don't change your beliefs, nothing outside will change either in any lasting way. If you're thinking something like:
"If I could only break myself free from this energy sucking job, this stress-filled relationship, or this impossible situation, then I could really take off."
Your life will not change in this case, because it is very clear where your beliefs lie. You're stuck! If you believe yourself to be stuck, you will remain stuck. Until you can change this belief, you will never find that opportunity to break free. I know this sounds like a paradox, but you have to believe you are free before you will be free. But, how?
This is a very challenging concept to accept for many, but for those who do grasp it, miracles happen. The very best advice I can give you is to look for examples of people who did this and managed to break themselves free from circumstances even worse than your own. There are examples. Find them. Use them to inspire yourself to change your mentality.
Even if you don't know how this can be possible right now, by seeing that others have done it, you will at least learn to see that it has to be possible. this is the beginning of your transformation. It may take some time to come around, but consider this:
Would it not be better to spend that time working on changing your own beliefs? If it does take time, so be it. The sooner you can begin thinking in this way, the sooner you will be able to grasp the concept of believing you are "freeing" yourself.
When you can honestly believe that you are freeing yourself, you can begin to work on believing you are already free. Think of your job as a stepping stone. It pays the bills while you work on educating yourself in success. The bad relationship educates you in all that still have to learn about creating a beneficent relationship. Your situation teaches you how to avoid getting yourself into this type of problem down the road, and to really appreciate the good you can see in your life.
And in any of these cases, you will learn something of value to offer others in the form of wisdom once you come out on top of things. This is the essence of service to others, which is a key to true and lasting success.
The idea is to change your focus in the ways so that you can do so as much as possible right now in this very moment. Work on maintaining your focus there until it becomes your predominant way of thinking. When this happens, you will surely begin seeing miracles happen in your life.
In short, you will actually see breaking free as something imminent. When you see it as imminent, you will have begun to lift yourself to a new level of existence. It will soon be your turn to hear someone say to you "Yes, that's easy for YOU to say. Look at your life. You're living the life that dreams are made of."
I want YOU to be successful!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting his website.
Well, let me tell you in no uncertain terms that so long as you don't change your beliefs, nothing outside will change either in any lasting way. If you're thinking something like:
"If I could only break myself free from this energy sucking job, this stress-filled relationship, or this impossible situation, then I could really take off."
Your life will not change in this case, because it is very clear where your beliefs lie. You're stuck! If you believe yourself to be stuck, you will remain stuck. Until you can change this belief, you will never find that opportunity to break free. I know this sounds like a paradox, but you have to believe you are free before you will be free. But, how?
This is a very challenging concept to accept for many, but for those who do grasp it, miracles happen. The very best advice I can give you is to look for examples of people who did this and managed to break themselves free from circumstances even worse than your own. There are examples. Find them. Use them to inspire yourself to change your mentality.
Even if you don't know how this can be possible right now, by seeing that others have done it, you will at least learn to see that it has to be possible. this is the beginning of your transformation. It may take some time to come around, but consider this:
Time will pass whether you are working towards something to free yourself or not.
Would it not be better to spend that time working on changing your own beliefs? If it does take time, so be it. The sooner you can begin thinking in this way, the sooner you will be able to grasp the concept of believing you are "freeing" yourself.
When you can honestly believe that you are freeing yourself, you can begin to work on believing you are already free. Think of your job as a stepping stone. It pays the bills while you work on educating yourself in success. The bad relationship educates you in all that still have to learn about creating a beneficent relationship. Your situation teaches you how to avoid getting yourself into this type of problem down the road, and to really appreciate the good you can see in your life.
And in any of these cases, you will learn something of value to offer others in the form of wisdom once you come out on top of things. This is the essence of service to others, which is a key to true and lasting success.
The idea is to change your focus in the ways so that you can do so as much as possible right now in this very moment. Work on maintaining your focus there until it becomes your predominant way of thinking. When this happens, you will surely begin seeing miracles happen in your life.
In short, you will actually see breaking free as something imminent. When you see it as imminent, you will have begun to lift yourself to a new level of existence. It will soon be your turn to hear someone say to you "Yes, that's easy for YOU to say. Look at your life. You're living the life that dreams are made of."
I want YOU to be successful!!
Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.
All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting his website.
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