Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows

Pay attention to your thoughts! "What you think about you bring about." I believe it was John Demartini that said that. And it is so true. Where you are focused you are sending energy that must return in kind to your life. It is for this reason that so many have lives they themselves describe as less than desirable.

Listen to the conversations of others and you will hear exactly what I mean. "Did you hear about so and so?" "You think that's bad. You should listen to this!" And so on it goes. Sometimes I think there must be a competition going on. Who's got it the worst in life.

There was a time that even I played part in this cruel game. That was a very long time ago. And my, how my life has since changed! I will go far out of my way to avoid being in earshot of negative talk. Most commonly I would hear this sort of talk during break time at work. Think about it. Go ahead and try this tomorrow; go to work and do not get involved in the conversations you hear during break. Just listen and you will be shocked at just how common this is.

The reason is because we are for the most part unconscious to our trivial conversations throughout our day. Not any more! Pay attention to your own thoughts, and pay attention to the feelings behind the words of others around you. Try to shift the conversation to something more positive if you can, or remove yourself from the vicinity. If you take this advice to heart, you will be glad you did.

You don't have to even be taking part in the conversation. Your mind loves to pick up on the energy of what others are talking about, and your mind will carry on with this negative energy even though you are not "with" them. You have been trained or conditioned in this way for most of your life. It's time to begin reprogramming your mind to focus on what YOU want it to focus on.

You might begin with focusing on gratitude. Feel gratitude for the fact that you are now beginning to take control of your mind by directing your thoughts. You are not allowing the whims of Other People's Programming (OPP) to hijack your energy.

Look for things that are pleasing to your senses. When you think of the past, be sure you are thinking of the times that you enjoyed, that you excelled, that you triumphed. When you consider the future, consider the very best possible outcome. It's possible! When you think about other people, try to see only the good.

When you do notice things that are not to your liking, do not remain there in thought, replaying a terrible scene over and over again in your mind, as we so often tend to do. Reprogram your mind. How? Begin by not condemning it. Simply recognize it as something you don't like and let it go at that. Shift your awareness to something else.

Make this a game. Learn to enjoy the back and forth you will surely experience until you get your mind better trained at looking for the good in your life. Make it a game to have fun with it now, because you may not see much change in your life until this changed view becomes the predominant way you view things.

When it does become your predominant way of viewing the world, you will see and experience some amazing things. Your whole life will evolve from the simple act of redirecting the energy of your thoughts, your focus, your attention.

Give this a try for a month and see for yourself. If you are thinking something like "a whole month?" Hey, how badly do you want to see real change in your life. This is only a mental exercise. It's nothing physical. But hey, in general, it is mental work that more people shun than any other thing. At least that is the way it is for the ninety or ninety-five percent that live less than ideal lives.

Don't you want to move up to the other five to ten percent?

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.


  1. Wow, yes. I like this Jeffrey. The game is more of a tool. I think that sometimes it's hard to see around the good parts for me though-with people. As you probably know we are learning lessons and at a certain point it is time to move on from that negative environment which may or may not include certain people. There is only so much we can teach and there is only so much they can learn. I have been discussing this with a woman close to me going through a break up. I find it important to listen to all sides in order to get the full shabang of information. Yes, I am grateful that I am not stuck with a mindset that does not grow, that is not open to change for the better. Yet I do not have to be around those who aren't willing to do the same. la paz!

  2. To Anonymous,

    Yes, I believe you've got the right idea and are on a great path to see wonderful change in your life. I agree it is often the people part of the equation that tendsa to be the most difficult part for many. We ARE social creatures! Just give out the most positive support you can for your friend, but realize any decision for change or not to change is ultimately up to that other person. Forcing a decision upon someone makes the choice not theirs in any case.

    The best way I've found to help others is through providing the very best example through your own life. Become the example for them to choose.

    Thank you for your comment and the best to you.

    I want YOU to succeed!!



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