Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is HARMONY We Seek

Everybody is looking for, basically, the same thing:

Security, peace, comfort, happiness...

In short, it is HARMONY we seek. We seek a world that harmonizes with our ideals and beliefs, or we seek to harmonize with the ideals and beliefs of others.
To harmonize is a good thing. Consider the beauty of harmonizing notes in music, colors in art, movement in dance. Life is the same. A life based in HARMONY is a beautiful life.
There is a problem that surges when we confuse conformity with HARMONY. If every note in music were the same in tone and duration, you would no longer have a beautiful song. There would be no music. In color, there would be no art. In movement, there would be no dance.
With conformity, the energy stagnates. What happens to a river that stagnates, that no longer flows? The purity becomes corrupted. The natural balance is compromised. HARMONY ceases.
Consider this in life; we are all seeking to grow. There are a variety of methods to accomplish this. In every method, whether based in religion, philosophy, psychology, science, or just motivation, you will find people who swear by it as well as those who have had little or no success with it.
The burden of this book, Close Your eyes to Find Your Way, is to convey an understanding and acceptance of this simple Truth and to teach you to find your inner guidance, what works for you. The premise is that in the diversity of life we find real HARMONY. Share what works for you, but do not impose your way on others. We are all individuals, and we are all inherently good individuals.

To YOUR journey,
Jeff Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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