Thursday, February 18, 2010

T Harv Eker, The Missing Secret Teacher

T. Harv Eker is one amazing person. He is totally dynamic, outgoing, and ambitious. He holds no punches when he teaches the secrets of the millionaire mind. In his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, he clearly explains the different ways people think and act when it comes to their financial affairs. He’s very blunt. Some may be offended, but if you stick with him, you will see that his methods work.

I heard he was to be one of The Secret teachers; however, he was on a speaking tour at the time of the taping. He would have done an excellent job. He’s a bit different than the others as you can see in his book.

I was so captivated by his book that I went out and bought it on CD also. This was the first book I bought in audio format, and doing so changed my life.

I downloaded the CDs onto my computer and then put them on my MP3. I listened to this book over and over again during my day while I was at work. While most people would listen to music, I was cramming Harv’s mindset strategies into my brain, and what a difference it made in my thinking!

After this experience, I began buying more audio books. I discovered this is exactly what is necessary to overcome all of the negative conditioning most of us grew up with surrounding money and our ability to earn it. I’m telling you, all that you may have heard about thinking positive and visualizing what you want in life works. The problem is not much thought is given to how much we each need to overcome before the new mindset can begin showing us our progress.

If you are serious about making a real and lasting change in your thinking, I would say to you go out and get audio recordings that teach what you want to learn. Even if you’ve “already learned” these things but are not getting the results you had hoped for, start saturating your mind with the information repeatedly, and you will see results sooner than you thought possible.

Understand that mindset is a habit. It took time to form, and it will take time to be changed. You cannot try something different one or two or even three times and expect it to stick. This is especially true with a mindset that has had years to develop and be reinforced. Give it time and be consistent. Use multiple means to insert the information into your head. Read books, listen to CDs, and watch Video. Spend your mentally idle time dwelling on what it is you want. Stay positive and expect the results you wish to obtain.

Another point to consider when it comes to learning what you need to achieve your goals is this: How much time does one dedicate to becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a mechanic, a plumber, an electrician or engineer? Now how much time have you really dedicated to becoming a better person?

I sometimes wonder how many people have read a book or watched a simple video like The Secret and claimed it didn’t work, that it was all garbage. You need to be realistic. Do you expect to change your life by reading one book and be done with it or by watching a 90 minute video? Your results will echo the effort you put forth. That is the law of attraction. What you give out is what you receive back.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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