Saturday, October 30, 2010

How do you read a good book?

I was listening to an interview with Bob Proctor, of The Secret, the other day, and he said something that just jumped out at me like a ghost on Halloween. (I'm sorry, it's October 30th and I couldn't resist). Anyway, what Bob said was when most people read a book, they think they've read the book.

Now I know this may sound a little strange, but let me explain the context from which this statement came. Many people are seeking desperately for an answer. They want change in their life, and they think reading a good book will give them the answer they seek. And the truth is that there are a great many books out there that do answer the question of how. I've even written one of them.

Reading a good book is like getting into the mind of the writer. Depending on where this writer is coming from, that can mean having access to some very wise counsel. Take Napoleon Hill's famous book, Think and Grow Rich. Mr. Hill spent something like 12 years studying the 500 richest and most successful people of his time to put together a formula for others to follow to become successful themselves.

Evidently he did an excellent job at this too. After all, there are dozens of successful people today that credit this book as the basis for their own success. Bob Proctor repeatedly mentions this title as the initiating spark that set him on a path to success.

With testimonials like this, it is no wonder this book and others like it make their way to the best seller lists. There are thousands who want to have this same experience, or so we hear. But there really is more to the story.

Often times, someone will hear of a good book, and they will go out and buy it. They read it, and nothing happens. They may even do everything the book suggests. Still they get no real results. Then they may feel frustrated, but there is something more.

When Bob Proctor was given Think and Grow Rich, he didn't just read the book. He read it this book again and again and again. I've heard him say that he is still reading this book. He's also read a few other books. I heard him say he has something like 3,000 books in his personal library.

Beyond reading the book, Think and Grow Rich, Bob said he even got the recorded version. Mind you this was in the day of the vinyl records! He said he got an adapter to play this recording in his car as he was driving around. Came you imagine the dedication to not only receive the message of the book, but to get that message planted into his subconscious mind?

This is tenacity. Bob often mentions Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich as another book he has read countless times. One other was James Allen's As a Man Thinketh. By the way, I've read each of these books a number of times and agree that they are awesome books.

I have always been a rather voracious reader myself, and I do have certain books that I continue to read over and over again to the point I know them like the back of my hand. When I was really struggling I knew there had to be something in these books I was reading that would help me if I just kept at it long enough. This something I just knew instinctively.

It was when I was reading one of Brian Tracy's books that I learned I was doing the right thing. He suggested reading a book every week. He pointed out how far this would get you in the way of an education after a year, or after five years. It really is amazing when you stop to think about it. You can have the equivalent of a PhD after a few years of this. The years are going to pass by regardless of what you do, so why not get yourself a top rate education?

Dr. Joe Vitale is only too eager to point out his love for books. Les Brown says the same. The list goes on and on. The books are valuable, but you have to know how to use them. I don't know how others read but I do have a peculiar manner of reading a good book. I'd like to share it with you. You might want to try it. I'm not saying it is the best way for you, but I would suggest you give some thought as to how you read as well as what you read.

I really get into a good book while I am reading it. I want zero distractions. I demand this much. I'm thinking about the words and trying to get myself into the head of whoever wrote those words. When I come to something that is particularly deep or profound, I read that part through a second time and underline the words while I am reading them.

After I have done this, I pause to reflect on what I had just read for a few minutes. I first take in the depth of the meaning in its whole. Then I find a relation to the concept in my own life experience. I take my time on this. Sometimes I even write a short note in the margins of the page to remind me when I read this book again at a later date. I am in no hurry to move on when I am contemplating something profound.

Finally I will read this part through one more time before I do continue on. If the book I just finished reading was very good or intense, I will read it a second time immediately after finishing it. Then I usually move on to another book. At some future date, I will surely go back and read this book again.

I read daily. I do not read a new book every week any more. I did this for about five or six years. Now I am constantly going back and forth between new books and my many favorites, including the above mentioned titles. I also haev become a big fan on listening ot books on my MP3 Player. I will easily listen to the same book over and over again for a week straight and love every minute of it!

And by the way, I also read the books I've written, over and over again. I learn much from reading them as well. Reading is one of the best pass times you can choose. Especially when you are hungry to grow.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes To Find Your Way, Manifest By Design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dreams Really Do Come True!

Inspiration is a spark that comes from within. When it is fanned with your awareness, it becomes a desire. Continued awareness injected with positive emotion causes it to grow into a burning desire. Napoleon Hill stated in his book, Think and Grow Rich, that every great thing begins with a burning desire. A burning desire is the first ingredient to success.

If you sense a burning desire within you, know that you have the means to manifest that desire. It only requires a definite decision on your part to begin the process. What can you do today to begin living towards your dream? If you can do it today, then begin doing it. The simple act of taking that first step will bring into your awareness the next step to take. This is how it all begins.

If you follow through on this process, you will gather momentum in time, and before you realize it, you will be well on your way to living your dream. You will be in a position to go even further than you ever before dreamed possible. You have within you infinite potential. No limits whatsoever. Give yourself to your dreams and see just where they will take you. You will be amazed.

I often get asked just where one begins to make a change. It all begins in the same place, no matter where you are coming from, the first step is in the decision. I'm not talking about deciding you want to make a change. Many people decide they want to make a change, and nothing ever happens with this other than they sense a growing frustration with their current situation.

The decision you make must be not that you want to make a change, but that you are going to make the change, and you must back this decision up with determined action. As Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world." You must also be the change you wish to see in yourself.

Last night I had a phone call with Paul Martinelli. I first "met" Paul last March when I asked him to be friends on Facebook. Paul read a post in my blog titled "How I Found Success with Rice Krispies." He left a nice comment on my wall about this particular post, and inspiration struck. I took action on that inspiration, and last night's call was the eventual result.

Paul taught a very valuable lesson: 10 Steps to Creating a New Belief. If you missed the call, no worries. I will be posting the recording here on my blog and on Facebook very soon. You will definitely want to listen in on this one. Paul has passion in his message.

In any case, whatever your dream, the process is the same. Make your decision, back up your faith in that decision with determined action. Don't concern yourself with the bumps in the road that you will face. They are only bumps and serve to test your commitment. Correct your course and continue. Most of all, enjoy the journey. All of it!

Whatever you desire in life, so long as it is for the greater good, can be yours. The Universe wants to back you up, to support you in your endeavor. When you begin to fearlessly go after your dream, you will find this to be true. The impossible does become possible. I can say this, because I have seen it happen on numerous occasions in my own life experience.

I believe you can, and you ought to believe as well. If you doubt, I ask you to begin learning more about the subject of YOU. You can do this through books, audios, videos, seminars, seeking out more uplifting relationships. The list goes on. We are truly blessed with so many options in this day. Take advantage of them now.

I want to help you because I believe the world will be a better place with each new success story. Make yours the next. I have an excellent book that explains in great detail how to achieve your dreams in five easy steps. The book is called Manifest By Design Now, and is available here as an instant download in PDF.

I'd like to thank you for following this blog. Apply what you learn to go after what inspires you to be a better person and change the world in a better way.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Rhythm of Life

When you consider life, you may notice that it has its ups and downs. This should be no great revelation to you if you've spent any time at all reflecting on your life. This is normal and it even has a name: The Law of Rhythm.

You cannot change the Rhythm, but you CAN change the direction of the rhythm.

I imagine a wavy line on a piece of paper like the waves you would see on the ocean. What happens in the case where a person decides to become more successful in life? A common result of a person's efforts is to make the crest of this wave pattern higher than the previous crests.

However, this can become disheartening when that crest naturally begins to subside, which it will eventually do in its course. Often times this is when someone might decide that the effort is simply too great and not worth it.

If you are someone who has had some success in your efforts at improving your life, but your successes have been short-lived, I have something that just might change everything for you. It is the ability to change your perspective of this natural rhythm or to actually change the orientation of that rhythm.

Instead of picturing this rhythm pattern as a wave that goes up and down from left to right across the page, imagine that you were able to turn the paper forty five degrees in a counter clockwise direction. This wave would appear more as a staircase.

The upward part of the wave will appear as going up vertically rather than a smooth upward angle. Where the "wave" had been going downward before would now appear to be going horizontally, as the next step on a staircase.

This change in perspective can really change your potential results, if you know how to actually apply it to your real life. Can it be done? Yes, it can. Is it easy to do? Not so much, at least in the beginning.

Consider when most people make an attempt at improving their life. They obviously put forth some amount of effort and their life improves somewhat. For most people this effort is short-lived and the results as well are sort-lived.

Rather than go upwards at a forty five degree angle (minimal effort), imagine yourself giving 100 percent effort for a determined time. Giving 100 percent effort is something that takes a great deal of commitment, and it is understood that not everyone is willing to do so. What exactly does it mean to put forth 100 percent commitment?

This means focusing on your goal to the exclusion of EVERYTHING else. This is where most people falter. The idea of such a radical change in your thinking and acting can be frightening for sure.

Know that this can be easier to digest when you consider these diagrams. The first step is to realize that it is possible for you. It really is achievable. Start small, and give yourself time to witness the results. With time, you will find the motivation to take even bigger steps. Most importantly, remember this is a process.

How exactly can you go about beginning to use this concept?

One step at a time. Dedicate yourself for a set time each morning to consciously focusing on purely successful thoughts. Consider your primary goal or objective. Write it out every morning, even several times if it is short.

Then spend some time affirming it out loud. In front of a mirror is better. Finally, spend about 10 to 15 minutes visualizing your life with this goal already accomplished. Make this visualization as real as you can to the point you can actually feel the sensations throughout your body. Enjoy this time immensely. It is very important that this does not simply become a routine without really feeling it.

Some other suggestions are to write out some relevant quotes or affirmations to carry with you throughout your day and pull them out of your pocket when you get a chance to read through them again, with FEELING.

In the evening, give yourself a break from your usual routine. If you tend to watch the television, change your television time for reading or contemplating, meditating or writing. Do something relative to your goal.

Understand this may take discipline. That is the idea! But don't look at it as a chore or some kind of compromise. Look at it as the path to your eventual freedom. Turning that forty five degree upward direction into a vertical direction will take, perhaps, Herculean effort for a time. Do it with gusto, as a great challenge that will pay even greater dividends, because it will!

After a time, you will eventually begin to level out naturally. Now you only have to maintain for a time while you assimilate to this new level. When this new level begins to feel even the least bit restrictive, you will know that it is time to push again, and on you go to another level.

Honestly, this lifestyle requires commitment. This is why it is experienced by so few, I imagine. However, when you get into this lifestyle, I am pretty sure you will decide that it is a much better way of living. You will see opportunities never before available. You will have access to new forms of leisure also.

You will truly be living YOUR life, not what someone else has dictated to you. This is freedom at its best. Challenge yourself. Do it now. Go for it. I know you can.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What did you Expect?

Thoughts are interesting things. A single thought is like a drop of water. Alone it may seem rather insignificant. Add enough drops of water together, you create a puddle. Continue adding more drops, and you have a pond, a lake, and, eventually, an ocean.

An ocean has power. It has power to change the geology of the earth! Nothing more than many "insignificant" drops of water, but the power, when added to itself, is beyond our comprehension.

Water may change form as well. In the air you find moisture that may be invisible, but it is there. As this moisture becomes denser, it forms clouds. Clouds can be seen. If the clouds continue to become denser still, they will produce rain. Rain has the power to change things. Water may become solid. We call it ice.

Ice, water, vapor, humidity. The difference is in the rate of vibration of the molecules. Thoughts are a form of energy. They vibrate at a very high rate. If a thought is dwelled upon in the mind, its energy begins to transmute into emotions. Emotions manifest in the body as feelings. Feelings have a vibration as well. Others can pick up on this vibration.

You can usually tell how someone is feeling when you are near them. In other words, the energy of feelings is "dense" enough to have a real effect on others. If the thoughts that created these feelings is dwelled upon long and strong enough, action will follow. The action will ALWAYS be in accordance (in harmony) with the originating thoughts.

Action may create something physically real. Consider the thought of an imaginary animal. You find this imaginary animal humorous. Feelings manifest in your body when you dwell in thought of this humorous animal. You become engrossed in these feelings long enough and strong enough to take action.

You grab a pencil and paper and you manifest this thought on paper. You have drawn an image of your imaginary animal. Others see this image and smile as well. Can this happen? Do you remember Shrek? Where did ogres come from?

What I have been describing is actually a Law. It is called the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. What it is saying is that everything is either coming into or going out of form. This process works both ways and can change direction at any time.

This is very significant. It is important to understand how it relates to your achieving goals. With this example you can see how everything originates as an idea. You plant an idea in your mind by considering it.

When you dwell upon the idea in your mind, emotions surge. The emotions that surge will be in accordance (in harmony) with the thought you are dwelling upon. If your thoughts are of successfully accomplishing something, the emotions that surge will be positive. They will manifest as good feelings in your body. These are feelings of faith, confidence, enthusiasm, eagerness, etc.

If this continues, you will be prompted to successful action to create your original idea. It does not matter what the idea is. It can be an invention, a work of art, or whatever success means to you. Anything. The process is the same.

Now consider your having an idea that excites you and you begin to dwell upon it in thought, but the emotions that surge are not so positive. The feelings that manifest in your body will be of stress, doubt, fear, etc.

What will happen to your idea? The process will reverse itself. In short, even if you take action on the idea, it will fail to manifest in the way you wanted it to. No matter how badly you want to succeed with your idea, something will come along and get in the way.

What happened? Go back to your thoughts. You have the idea to accomplish a certain thing. This may be something you want, but the mind suddenly begins to think about not being able to accomplish that thing. This is not a positive thought.

This not so positive thought then becomes the "goal" your mind begins working towards.

So how do you correct this? This is when people generally look at outside circumstances for the cause. They blame others, politics, the economy, whatever. However, in understanding this process, you can see that it all begins with your thinking. So where did this negative thinking originate?

We all have programs, determined ways of thinking. These programs begin developing at a very young age. We are programmed by our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, the media. Everything we experience adds to this programming.

This programming runs on a subconscious level, where habits reside. Habits do not require conscious effort. Walking, driving a car, tying your shoes, brushing your teeth are all examples of habits. In these examples it is easy to see how habits can benefit us.

I've heard something like 90% of our actions are done out of habit. Understand, most of your "thinking" is done in a habitual manner as well. Habits are created through repetition. And they can be changed through conscious effort and repetition.

This is the key. If you are thinking that circumstances or others are getting in the way of your success, realize this is only in your thinking. Even if things really are getting in the way, the reason they are is because of earlier thoughts you have created and likely have made habitual. You can change these originating thoughts.

You do so through consciously choosing the thoughts you wish to manifest and holding those thoughts in your mind through repetition. You can add to the effect of this repetition by doing whatever it takes to encourage positive feelings in association with those thoughts.

Use visual reminders around your home of what it means to you to be successful. Relative pictures or quotes works great for this. Use affirmations. Take time to meditate or dwell positively in your imagination of you experiencing the successful result. Write out your goals and positive thoughts. Read inspirational writings. Watch videos and listen to audios that will help you think more positively.

All of this comes down to the idea that to attain a goal that you find beyond your reach, you can bring it within reach by focusing on yourself and your thinking first. This may seem like you are diverting your attention from what you really want, but I assure you the long term benefit will be so much greater. Your "out-of-reach" goal will become child's play. You will be in a position to go even further.

When you experience this process, you will understand well why so many successful people have said:

"More important than achieving the goals I have in life, was becoming person I had to become in order to reach those goals."

This is Holistic Mind Consciousness. And this is what I would like to help you with.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest by design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ask and you shall receive!

If you feel there is something you'd like to have the might help improve your life or the life of another, ask. You may ask God, the Universe, or your higher self, whichever feels more comfortable to you. When you ask, there are certain things you can do to make yourself more receptive to getting the desired answer you seek.

First you want to consider what it is you are asking. If what you are asking for is something that will only add to your life or to the life of another in a positive way, I encourage you to go ahead and ask. There is no reason for you to consider whether you are worthy of anything good. You are!

In doing so, you are not expressing weakness, but connectedness. Thoughts, energy, life are all meant to flow. Asking and offering, giving and receiving are the means in which things flow. It is all natural and it is all good.

Second you want to be sure you are asking with a mindset of gratitude. Many times people ask for help in a desperate way. You may feel you are in a desperate situation and are grasping at straws. This is a common predicament for those who are not accustomed to asking. They wait until their circumstances are critical and they feel there is no other option.

This desperate energy has a power to it, but it may not be the kind of power you want to express in asking. A desperate or futile energy will only repel what it is you are seeking to gain. If you are genuinely feeling desperate, I suggest you first clear this energy from your mind BEFORE asking for anything.

You can use gratitude that you feel for other things to accomplish this. Focus on anything for which you may feel gratitude. Do you have your health? Do you have a family? Do you have a job? Do you have food to eat? Obviously if you are reading this, you've got plenty that you can feel grateful about.

This is where you begin. In feeling and expressing gratitude, your energy will automatically shift to a more positive nature. A more positive energy will better connect you with the universal good, God, or your higher self.

Once you find yourself in a genuine state of gratitude, begin your request by giving thanks for all the abundance of good that you already have. Make your request and express how your receiving this request will enhance the quality of your life or the life of another.

Express your belief and confidence that it is possible that you will receive this blessing. Do this by giving thanks for it even before you have seen evidence of it. Pay attention to the feelings you are experiencing as you carry on this dialog. You should be feeling comforted. If you are still feeling negative in any way, focus more on love and gratitude before placing your request.

When you feel comfort in asking for your desire, you can know your request has been received and it will only be a matter of time before you will, in fact, see evidence of it. This is a given so long as you maintain your image of having it in your mind. Focus on the wonderful feelings your desired thing brings to you, and experience those feelings.

Remain open to any intuitive push you may sense to do your part. It is through your own action that you will finally receive what you asked for. Understand what you ask for may not come in the final package. You will get whatever it is you need in the way of resources, ideas, or connections that you may use to get your desired result through action.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest By Design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by My Website.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Child's Play

You make a decision to better your life in some way, any way. It could be in your health, finances, learning a new skill, changing your personality, anything. This decision is made in your conscious mind, your thinking mind.

Immediately you begin consciously searching for the how. This seems so natural, doesn't it? Why do you concern yourself with how? Because this is what you were taught for as long as you can remember. You were taught this by others who were also taught this by others who were taught this by still others, etc.


I'm asking you to forget about trying to think of how. Seriously! You've got an imagination, correct? Rather than trying to figure out how to bring this change into your life, simply imagine your life as if this change were already real for you. Really imagine it with absolutely no, no, no limitations. Make this change as vivd as you possibly can in your imagination.

Step two: begin feeling it, and acting it out the best you can. Physically impossible you say? Have you seen a young child pretending to be something they obviously are not? They do a pretty good job of it, don't they? Yes? Do the same.

Immerse yourself in this image you have created in your imagination, and live it the best you can. Have no qualms about telling others what you are going to have, do, or become. You've surely heard a child do this. Do the same.

If you do this, and continue to do this, you will achieve what it is you desire. You have doubts? Why? Consider a child learning to walk with absolutely NO INSTRUCTION on how. Does this child learn to walk? Yes.

Consider a child learning to speak a language with absolutely NO INSTRUCTION on how. Does this child learn a language? Yes. Some children learn two or three or even more languages simultaneously! And they don't confuse the languages.

Don't tell me you don't know how to accomplish something. You have a mind, and that is all you need. What you really must do is go back to using your mind the way it was intended to be used. The way a child naturally uses their mind, until they "learn" that the way to learning is through consciously looking for the how.

Before they learn this concept of "how," they simply went ahead and did what they intended to do. When they were learning to walk, they fell down, perhaps countless times. When they were learning to talk, they made countless errors.

None of this even phased the idea of learning in their tiny little uneducated minds. They simply continued, and in the most natural manner, they made their course corrections through observation and repetition until they were successful. They did this without missing a beat!

You can do the same.

Everything you are today, your personality, your position at work, your standing in the community, your health, is the result of your subconscious programming, your thoughts. You don't need to worry about how to continue being the way you are. It's in your programming.

If you want change, don't worry about how. Simply begin being the change in the best way you can, living it fully in your mind and your body will follow.

As an adult, you have resources to help you make this change in ways that a child cannot. This is good, and you should take advantage of these resources. However, don't discard the methods a child uses as if they were useless and trivial.

Remember, that child managed to learn far more naturally than adults generally do. Use their methods without hesitation. Use them in conjunction with whatever other tools you have at your disposal. Expand your consciousness about the ways you may learn something new.

You see, adults tend to depend only on their conscious will for getting things in their life. The conscious will is only a part of you. Use your will to guide your imagination to experience that which you seek to be, do or have before the fact.

 When you guide your imagination in this way, you will conjure up emotions. Encourage the positive emotions and consciously make the decision to let the others go on their way. This is the key to getting your image (desired result) planted into the subconscious mind. If you persist in this way, it will become quickly become habit to see yourself in this new way.

Habit is what will bring your results to you, and they do so without conscious effort. This becomes your new programming. When you learn to grow in this way, life becomes exciting again. You regain that spark of youth that you left behind perhaps long ago.

You were never meant to struggle as you have learned to do. You were meant to continue growing and seeking still more growth. This is child's play, and it is something you may use no matter your age. Turn your struggles into challenging adventures. Enjoy the task at hand. I believe in you.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest by design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting This Website.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Jackrabbit Factor

I don't very often read fiction. However, I did make an exception recently when I chose to read The Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder. And I am so glad I did! This story is absolutely incredible. It is a well-written modern day parable that ingeniously explains the Universal Laws and how we can apply them to get optimum results in life.

Leslie Householder is the author of this gem of a book. She lives what she teaches and this becomes apparent from the insight she so eloquently expresses in her writing. I also read her companion book to The Jackrabbit Factor. This one is titled Hidden Treasures and is written in nonfiction format.

These two books together can have a tremendous impact as they speak to both the right and left hemispheres of your brain. The Jackrabbit Factor is creative fiction and easily plants the ideas into your subconscious mind by way of the imagination which is sparked by immersing yourself in the story.

Hidden Treasures does a superb job of explaining why these concepts work, as Leslie shares many of her personal experiences with learning them. These experiences are so very understandable because they are truly universal experiences. I was stunned by the similarities I saw with the experiences in my own life.

Leslie has also co written a sequel to The Jackrabbit Factor with Garrett B. Gunderson. This book is called Portal to Genius. I cannot honestly give much detail on this book just yet, because I am only reading it now as I write this blog. But I can tell you so far, I am finding it riveting. And yes, being a sequel, it is also a fictional story with a grand purpose.

If you have already read Portal to Genius, I would love to see your comments added to this post below.

Please do check out her work. She is a genuine soul who has put her own struggles with learning these Laws to work in her teaching in the most humble, sincere way. You can see more of her at the following list of websites:

or her personal website:

I can attest it is through gaining a greater understanding of these very Laws that Leslie teaches in her books, seminars, and other programs, that miracles can and actually do happen, when they are consciously applied. Take the time to study these Laws.

Whether you get the information from Leslie's products, my products, or anywhere else doesn't matter so much so long as you do get it somewhere. Create a better life for yourself and then share what you've learned with others so they may then do the same.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest by design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The 12 Universal Laws & 21 Sub-Laws Everyone Needs to Know for Success in Life

This is just something extra I would like to share with you all. It is very important wisdom that will help you achieve exactly what you want in life. I don't care what it is you want or where you find yourself in this moment. If you gain an inderstanding of these Universal Laws and actually apply them in your life, you WILL succeed! Guaranteed.

The 12 Universal Laws & 21 Sub-Laws Everyone Needs to Know for Success in Life

I would like to sincerely thank my good friend Liz Green for sharing this link. Please leave your comments.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Process

Imagine Waking up to the sound of a semi-truck in front of your home and a whole lot of noise. You get up and look out the window to see what is going on and you find your front yard is filled to overflowing with building materials.

You quickly get dressed and go outside to find out exactly what is going on only to find the people are gone and the truck is already driving away.

You look around at the abundance of materials, and you find a note. The note has your name on it and it simply states "Here is everything you need in material and tools to build your dream home. Enjoy!"

You notice there is a bit of fine print at the bottom of the page which reads "The one requirement is that you must begin building the moment you find this note. Immediately! Any hesitation on your part, and you will lose all these materials."


Well, tell me, would you be able to build your dream house? Unless you knew how to use the tools and materials, you would probably not be able to build your home as you would like it to be. This would require many skills and much knowledge that most people just don't have.

Even with all the materials and tools, you are still missing one very important component: the mind to accomplish this task.

Of course for all I know you might already have the skills necessary to build a house if you were provided all of the tools and materials. Perhaps you do this for a living. But generally, most people would not have a clue as to where to begin.

The point I am trying to make here is that this is the way it is for most people when it comes to accomplishing their dreams. They may have a very good idea of what they want, but until they buckle down and get things right in their mind, they will accomplish very little.

How do you get things right in your mind to accomplish a dream, any dream? There is a process, and this process is simple, although not always easy. It could be that because it is so simple people tend to discredit it. It's true that many actually believe that accomplishing a big dream does have to be a complicated affair.

First of all, ask yourself who is saying this. It seems the people who have never accomplished anything great in their lives are the ones who are most outspoken about what it takes to do so! Be careful where you seek advice, if you are serious about going after a dream that is important to you.

Find the ones who have been there. You will find, although they are more than willing to share their advice, they are not about to try and shove it down the throats of others who are trying to get there. they are confident , but seem to know not everybody is truly "ready" for this information.

They know what it takes because they have been there. They are generally not so outspoken because they were humbled by the experience of their own struggles to get there. They are willing to help a serious student, because they are human, and they understand what a difficult journey it can be without proper guidance.

What you will learn, if you listen with an open mind, is that most of the work is mental, not physical. Living on the more common plane, we grew up experiencing life more on a physical level. Our mental lives have been a nice distraction, but we were never taught the key to living well is based on thinking well.

I can hear the argument for getting a college degree as refutable proof that what I say is not true, but I'm not referring to the kind of education we receive in our traditional school or university system. The type of education needed to discover, go after, and attain your goals in life is largely ignored in our current educational system, which is focused more on conformity than unique expression.

There are sources of the type of education I am talking about, however. You will find this information in books, CDs, DVDs, seminars, and in the booming Life Success coaching business. It would be hard to not have noticed this explosion in the past few years.

As I said above, there is a process, and this process is simple; however, it is not easy. I believe it is not always easy because the thinking involved goes in almost total contradiction to the mass mentality we experience. And if you think about it, this actually makes sense.

Only about three to five percent of the population use this manner of thinking on a consistent basis. This very same three to five percent just happen to be some of the most successful individuals in the population as well. Chew on that.

The process:

1. Clarity:

Know with detail exactly what it is you want and why. Write it out in detail as if you had already accomplished it, and use words loaded with positive emotion (how it feels to have achieved this goal).

3. Visualize:

Spend as much time as you can vividly imagining yourself experiencing this goal already accomplished using ALL of your senses.

4. Clear

Avoid any thought not in harmony with the achievement of your goal. When conflicting thoughts do enter your mind, simply acknowledge them and allow them to leave as you consciously shift your awareness to more harmonious thoughts and feelings.

5. Awareness:

Expect results to come to you in whatever form they may come. Maintain an open mind to receiving whether it be ideas, contacts, opportunities, resources, intuitive nudges, etc. You never know how the Universe (or higher power) will help you in getting what you desire.

6. Action:

Be prepared to act on any idea, or intuitive nudge you do receive without hesitation. Do not concern yourself with what the outcome of this action may be. If you are inspired to take a specific action, there will certainly be a benefit attached, even if it does not bring the completed goal to you. It may bring you something you need to then receive.

7. Faith:

Faith is something you must live and express throughout this entire process. Faith is something that may not come naturally to you. This is why I say this process, although simple, may not always be easy. Faith is something you can learn to acquire through working with this process. Actually, this may be the first part of your goal-seeking if it is something you need help with.

 The best way I know to build your faith is through educating yourself in these principles through multiple sources and actually putting the process to the test. In any case, you will want to learn as much as you can about this process to get yourself to the point you can internalize it. This is when it becomes fun to see what you can do with it.

There are several laws that make up the foundation of this process, and I encourage you to look into these laws. The more you know about this process and the underlying laws, the more you will have confidence in it.

This blog is filled with very relevant information to this process. Please take the time to look through the archives and see for yourself what resonates with you.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Five years time

Consider five years. Is this a long time? Is it a short time? Why five years? Actually I just pulled this number out of the blue, but it could just as easily be any other number. I will say five years because it is somewhat relative to a University education.

Now let's apply this to your primary goal. I am assuming you have some kind of a big goal since you are reading my blog. Even if it is somewhat of a vague goal. If your goal is rather vague I would definitely suggest you put some time and effort in to clarify that goal, if you want clear results. This only makes sense.

There is an interesting thing about people when they do set goals for themselves. People tend to overestimate what is possible for them in the short term, and they underestimate what is possible for them in the long term. Let's just say it may take you five years to reach your goal, IF it is a large goal and IF you are working toward it consistently during the next five years.

I can hear you now: "Five years? That's a long time!" As I said it may be less, but then again it may be more. I would like to make a point with this five years however.

What CA N you do in five years time? I would say one of the very best things you could do with the next five years is read a few books. Think about this. If you were to read, say, one new book every month for the next five years, do know how many books that would be?

That's sixty books. Now what kind of books you read can make a very big difference in your life. If your goal is related to business or sales or marketing, you will want to read books about business and sales and marketing. You get the idea.

How much better prepared will you be in five years after having read this many books? How much more of an edge will you have over others who want the same goal as you? Sixty books is a lot of books. that is a lot of information.

What if during these five years you also began searching out information on the web relative to your goal. You began watching videos, listening to audios, getting newsletters or checked out blogs.

What if during these next five years you began experimenting with the ideas that came to you, ideas that might help you reach your goal? If money is tight, don't be discouraged. If your mind is focused on your goal long enough, ideas will come to you that require little or no money.

Can you just imagine what your life may look like after five years time if you would actually DO these suggestions? I would imagine you would be a completely different person, at least relative to your ability to get your goal.

You still may be thinking five years is just too long. Well, I thought someone might say this. So I would then say this: Where will you be in five year's time if you continue doing as you are right now?

I would be willing to bet you won't be much different, except that you will then be five years older! If you are feeling frustrated right now because you want your goals to be realized, I imagine you will feel even more frustrated after five years have passed, if you choose to do nothing about it.

So what if it takes you five years to get there? At least you will get there! As I said before, it may take you longer. It may take you less. Just remember the time will pass in any case. I can guarantee you will feel better and be better off if you are doing something about your goals and dreams as this time passes than if you don't.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The garden of your mind

If you've studied the topic of how to achieve goals for any length of time, you've surely heard the analogy of the mind being as a garden and ideas being seeds. This analogy is the most perfect analogy I've yet heard. I first heard it from Earl Nightingale in The Strangest Secret, but it's been used by many others, as well.

Whatever thought you allow into your mind, if it is fed through repetition and focus, will eventually manifest in your life. So why is it that so many have a difficult time getting the thoughts they want to manifest, to sprout from the garden of their mind and into their life?

The reason often has to do with the fact that besides the seed they consciously want to plant, they also have planted many other thoughts. And these many other thoughts are often in direct conflict with the thought they want to grow and manifest.

A garden in the earth is capable of growing any seed you plant into it. The corresponding plant will sprout if given the chance. When we look at an untended garden, however, we often don't see the plants that we originally planted. Rather we can only see a number of other plants growing. Weeds. The reason is because time was not taken to care for this garden.

The same thing happens with the garden of your mind. When you take the time to consciously plant a thought (a goal) into your mind, your job is not then finished. Understand you need to tend to this garden of the mind. You must take care not to allow the weed seeds to overcome the one seed you desire. These are other thoughts or goals that you don't necessarily want to come to fruition.

Where do these other thoughts come from? They may come from anywhere. to give you a few examples, consider this. Every conversation you have with others, your mind is at work, evaluating that conversation. If the person happens to be discussing something negative, your mind will automatically begin focusing on the negative as well. You are planting negative seeds!

Be alert to what is going on in your mind when dealing with others and avoid negative conversation like the plague. Another example of how you may pick up unwanted thought seeds is from the media. This works the same way when you are watching a program on the television. Actually you are more prone to being programmed in a negative way through watching the television.

Why? Because the television has a way of putting your mind into a light trance. This is similar to being hypnotized. remaining consciously alert to catching and rejecting negative thoughts while watching television is extremely difficult, if possible at all. It is the most natural thing to become mentally passive within minutes of setting down in front of the television.

Besides the program itself, the commercials are specifically aimed at planting programs in your mind, taking advantage of the docile state of your conscious awareness. Trust me, these companies know what they are doing, and it is intentional.

I'm not asking you to make any drastic changes in your life. It is your life, but I would like for you to consider these factors when you become serious about wanting real change in your life. Trying to achieve your goals should not cause you to throw your arms up in defeat.

It may just be a matter of realizing patterns in your life that are making it more difficult. Get used to the idea of monitoring your thoughts more closely. Or better yet, monitoring your feelings. If you're not feeling calm and confident when you consider your goals, you can know you have conflicting thoughts going through your mind.

In this case, spend more time visualizing the ideal of having achieved your goal already and encourage more positive feelings when doing so. At the same time, spend less time around whatever may be having a negative influence on your thinking.

How far you want to go with this all depends on how seriously you want to see your goals come to fruition, but you can know that if you want to see great change in your life, YOU will have to do some changing.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Becoming successful

Becoming successful has absolutely nothing to do with luck or chance. It has almost nothing to do with the resources you have in this moment. It has been said that luck is nothing more than opportunity meeting up with preparation. I believe this with all my heart.

As for resources, they do play a factor; however, you have the resources you need to be successful already, if you are able to read this blog. It really is not so much a matter of what resources you have as it is how you use them. This is the message I would like to convey to you.

You can begin right now in this moment to build upon what you have and your opportunities will increase with every step forward. But you do have to begin taking those steps. Take account of what you have going for you in this moment and decide right now to begin using what you have.

Be bold and step out of your comfort zone. You cannot expect to grow if you are not willing to stretch. If you feel uncomfortable or even fearful to try something, so what? Do it anyway. What if you fail in your attempt? So what? Do it anyway. Decide right now that failure is simply a price you are willing to pay in order to learn the correct path.

Life is meant to be lived, not simply contemplated. To live means to experience. Experience only comes to those who are willing to try. You cannot write a book without writing! This sounds very obvious, but you wouldn't believe the number of people who have told me they wanted to write a book, but have not yet written anything.

The same goes for getting a business off the ground. It will never happen until you actually do it yourself. Dreaming is a wonderful thing to do. But a dream is only the beginning. Take your dream whatever it may be, get on it, and ride.

Look around and find what resources you have to use now. Don't worry if you don't see much that you can do in this moment. Do whatever you can. I guarantee that if you do, more resources will then make themselves available to you, but you will not see them until you first use the ones you now have.

This is the way it works. There really is no secret. If you remember in the film, The Secret, Jack Canfield used the analogy of driving from Los Angeles to New York in the night. Your headlights only reveal the next 150 feet or so at a time, but this is sufficient. As you move forward, more will be revealed to you, and you progress.

This has been my own personal experience and it is the same experience I have seen described by every successful person I know. Everybody has dreams, but few have the courage to make them happen. I believe this is because people want to see the whole path laid out in front of them.

The word faith comes to mind. Have the faith and take that first action. Really what do you have to lose? You won't be any worse off than you are now. With your new experience, you will be able to make a wiser choice next. One step at a time you will begin to walk. You have to walk before you can run. When you run fast enough, you will be able to fly.

You have much to offer the world, and I want you to begin expressing this truth. You do so through your actions. I am here to help and I look forward to doing so.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.