Friday, August 27, 2010

Get to know yourself

To create something big in your life, begin by enlarging yourself. A common answer you hear when you ask somebody want they want is "I want a million dollars." They want the money, but they neglect to consider the important thing is even if they were given a million dollars, as in the case of lottery winners, they will likely lose it and be right back to where they started.

Why does this happen? Because in their minds they view their life as a struggle. they view money as something hard to come by. They view their circumstances as an enemy to their financial stability. They're looking to get screwed.

You really are not dealing with life as you might imagine. You are dealing with your own mind, your perception.

Your mind is very powerful, indeed. It has so much power locked up inside of it that it can be frightening unless you learn one very important thing about it. Your mind does not live apart from "you." It does not fight you. It is very powerful, yes, but it is a very obedient servant. You control it, but to exert this control, you must understand how it works.

I like to think of the mind, or rather its faculties as undisciplined children. You can believe you have no control over its tendencies and allow it to truly cause havoc in your life, or you can give it direction. If you give it simple direction, it will amaze you with the efficiency in which it performs for you.

You see, your mind is not you. it is not another entity, apart from you. It is a part of you. This part is a tool, which you may use by guiding it. If you neglect to give it direction, it has a tendency to go off on tangents as any child would. The mind does not long stay idle.

When it does begin to take off without your guidance, it does so according to what it perceives from the outside world, that which comes to you through your senses. You are passively watching the news, and your mind begins to dwell on all the negativity that is portrayed through your television set. You are out somewhere among other people and your mind picks up the energy or conversations of others and begins to judge and recreate its own images and scenarios.

Whatever you do throughout your day, pay attention to your mind, and give it something positive and constructive to work on. Set for yourself the goal of noticing all the good you see in your daily life for a day. Remind your mind throughout your day of this task that you have set for it.

Get to know your mind. Get to know its unique qwerks and habits. Begin to discover how it really wants to work with you. It can be compared to a dog that loves to be thrown a stick to fetch. It will tirelessly bring back to you the answers you seek.

Getting to know your mind is getting to know yourself. You will learn much of yourself that you may never have considered before. Spend the next few days contemplating this and try to see what you come up with. You will be amazed.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

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