Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Power by Rhonda Byrne

I just received my copy of The Power by Rhonda Byrne in time to begin my weekend. I devoured it as I have done the same with every book of this caliber. I would like to share with you my take on this particular book now.

Let me start by giving you a little perspective on my perspective. I have read, reread, and studied literally dozens of books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, and hundreds more about success in general. This would include books on business, sales, management, psychology, marketing, spirituality, religion, and the mind.

On books that deal specifically with the Law of Attraction, I've seen very deep and profound books, such as the works of Thomas Troward, Charles Haanel, Prentice Mulford, Robert Collier and the like. I've read very practical books. I've read very scientific explanations of the subject. I've even read more esoteric works, religious works, feel-good works, etc.

I was my major plan, when I discovered this idea, to come at it from every angle possible to get a more comprehensive grasp on the subject. I'm a big advocate of applying accelerated learning techniques, one of which includes coming at something from several angles to increase the number of neuronal links in the brain. We get a much better understanding of something when we can see how it relates to other ideas.

Obviously, to do this requires a very strong commitment. I am definitely committed, and seeing the most amazing results from this commitment. I've spent years studying and learning to apply these concepts.

I'm very excited at the recent explosion of resources that are coming out into the market place and getting more widespread attention. I believe this has been due to the release of The Secret more than any other factor.

The Secret is what I would classify as a feel good approach. In the movie, each of the Secret teachers does an exemplary job of explaining what you need to do to put the Law of Attraction into operation for you to attract what you want. They tell you the what, and they do so in a way that makes you feel good, at least for the time being while you are watching it.

This was the reason this movie became so popular with so many millions and spread so rapidly. Even Rhonda Byrne explained that she used the Secret to create The Secret. Ingenious!

The Power really does go further. It does what it says it would do in the preview video, if you did get a chance to see it. In The Secret, they spoke of the importance of feeling good, but in The Power, this topic goes to new levels beyond the "what" to explain more the "why" and the "how" to accomplish this.

My hat's off to Rhonda Byrne on this one for sure. The power is exactly what it has been advertised to be. It is a Masterpiece. Because it was just released, I really don't want to explain in great detail what it is about. I would rather you go out, get it, and see for yourself.

But I will say this. If you understood The Secret enough to know that it has substance, even if you didn't get the full results you wanted, you have to get this book. If you read it with intention and feeling, you will gain an in depth understanding of the power behind the Secret. Maybe this is all you need to have a truly amazing life. I know I have.

I want YOU to succeed!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting my website.


  1. “The knowledge contained in The Power can and will change lives instantly. And the profound revelations are amplified by the book’s breathtaking illustrations – the book’s beauty is truly astounding.”

    The Power is the book Rhonda Byrne was inspired to write after answering several thousands of letters from readers of The Secret.
    I am reading it right now. It is good......I'll get back when I am done reading it:)

  2. Yes, The Power has power to change lives. ANd I must agree also about its beauty. Every page is unique! I absolutely love it in every way. And I cannot recommend it enough to all who read this.

    Thank you for sharing your comment.

  3. I used to "try" to be more loving, but when something went wrong, it was very easy to slip back into the excuse that the situation was too difficult to show love. Now, once I have read just half the book, it is actually easier for me to not react negatively and without "trying" any more. The author also tells you that you don't need to read The Secret, her previous book, to understand this one, and she is correct--this one wraps everything up in one neat package.

  4. You made a key distinction with the word "try" as so many have "tried" without success. To love really is the simplest and most natural action for us as humans, but because of our programming, it has become more difficult.

    Thank you for sharing your comment. You can also find me on Facebook.


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