Friday, March 12, 2010

Time Spent on Improving Yourself

Have you ever stopped to think about how much time and money people spend on getting an education? Besides the years spent going through the standard school system, many continue on to college, university, or vocational technical school. Even beyond this, there are still more who continue to attend extra classes, seminars, and workshops to advance their careers.

Now think about the reason why people are so willing to invest in getting an education. For the most part, the reason is because they want to improve their position in life. We want a better job, more pay, to be happier or more skilled or to have more talent. The reasons are endless, but the root of all of these reasons remains to improve your position in life.

Often times a person who has devoted much to their own education will find they are still lacking in some quality. Although they have the specialized knowledge to move far ahead of where they are, there is something that yet holds them back. Perhaps they are not sure exactly what that something is either. I can tell you this; there is something you can learn that will move you light years ahead of where you are now. It has nothing to do with specialized knowledge. It is about getting to know your own self.

You know there are an incredible number of books, CDs, videos, and programs on the topic of personal growth. Most of them have valid information that can be helpful. The information in these programs is fine, but I’ve noticed something interesting about how people treat this information. Perhaps you’ve noticed as well that when someone decides it is time to make a change in their life, they find what they consider to be a good book or program and settle in to absorb it.

They will go through the material, or at least a part of it, and then they will stop. They either give up, thinking it’s too much work or even that they wasted their money on something that really has nothing valuable to offer them. In any case, this seems to be a cycle that is often repeated several times over time.

What is it about self-help material that tends to be so misunderstood? Perhaps it is in the marketing of it. Most marketing will tell you something like this book (program, CD set, etc) can change your life. True, it can change your life. But you will still need to invest a fair amount of time to absorbing it.

People in general don’t give self-help material the chance it deserves. They don’t think about the fact that it takes years to become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, or even a plumber. Yet they somehow expect their lives to be changed simply by reading a single book or watching a DVD! Think about it. Most self-help material has a great deal of good material in it. You just need to take some time to really absorb that material and make it your own. That takes time regardless of the source.

To Your Success,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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