Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flowers and You!

Plants use the Law of Attraction. You were born knowing how to use it. What happened?

My wife loves to plant flowers. I love to have anything green and living in our home. I guess that makes us a very compatible couple. It matters not to me whether they are flowering plants or just plants. I like how they clean the air and smell so fresh. And of course it is pleasing to the eyes to be surrounded by this life.

I was just thinking recently about the variety of plants we have in and around our home. As I was thinking, an interesting thought came to my mind. Imagine that. How is it that you can take a pot of seemingly ordinary soil, plant a seed in it, and the plant will grow according to the seed you planted?

From the very same soil you could grow an orange tree, celery, apples, a pine tree, coconut, or whatever. The very same soil! The only difference being the seed you plant therein. What a miracle of nature. How is it that whatever seed you plant, this seed will somehow manage to attract to itself whatever specialized elements that particular plant will need to grow? All that my wife ever adds to the soil is water. This consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

This brought me to another thought. Around our home, there are some very large trees. Now I would imagine there is a lot of material that went in to building up those trees to the size that they are. This makes me wonder, from where does this plant get the material it needs to grow so incredibly large? Is it from the soil? Well then, why hasn’t the level of soil around the tree gone down any? What exactly is going on here?

Now I don’t claim to have the answers to these questions. And to be honest, I don’t really care, but this questioning does bring me to a more relevant point. I’m talking about the resources you need to fulfill your desires in life, to reach your dreams. I can’t put a number on how many times I’ve heard someone talk about not being able to reach their real dream in life, because they don’t have the money, the right connections, sufficient opportunities, the right spouse, or whatever they feel they need to get their dreams.

The story is so often about lack. If the story is lack, the focus is lack. If the focus is lack, the results are… I think you know where I’m going with this. My goodness, the plants can do this, why not me? Why not you? All the resources you need do exist, and they exist in abundance. You will never see them, however, without having the faith that they do exist.

You hear people say “oh, I’ve tried this, and I’ve tried that, but nothing works.” So I then ask them if they tried the other thing. “Nothing I try works. What I really need is…” How many times did you fall down while learning to walk? How many mistakes did you make when you were learning to speak? How many times have you really tried to go after success?

Unlike plants, you have a brain. You have a marvelous brain. Using it in the correct manner can be a godsend for you. Not using it, or even worse, using it against yourself is a sin! If you are not sure how to use it correctly, learn. It really is not complicated. In fact, if you do begin to study how you can use your brain to achieve goals, you will find that most of the information you already knew on some level.

This is because using our brain to achieve goals is something we were born to do. It was in our upbringing that our programming got infected with a lot of garbage. This garbage was not intentionally put there, so don’t even begin to think about who you can blame. Blaming others is just another form of expressing a lack mentality. This is not good programming.

When you do begin to learn how and apply your brain in the correct manner, you will find most of the work is not learning, but unlearning. You will see much that you thought you knew, but was somehow corrupted by circumstance and others in your early life.

This is the reason why babies can learn so much so quickly. They haven’t had the chance to become infected with the negative programming that is far too prevalent in our society. A baby can learn several languages simultaneously in the same amount of time it takes to learn one! Have you, as an adult, tried to learn a second language? How did it go?

Are babies any smarter than adults? No, it has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with living in harmony with oneself and the world. Think as a baby would think. There is no judgment going on there. There is an insatiable curiosity for anything new however. And a baby simply uses its brain the way it was designed to be used. The baby hasn’t yet “learned” how to use it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my bottle of warm milk and a nap.

Jeffrey B. Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

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