Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Infinite Truth

Truth is Infinity. You can know it most intimately, yet the more time you spend with it, the more your relationship with it continues to grow deeper.

~ Jeffrey B. Brandt

I recently heard a comment from an acquaintance that he at one time read many books and studied on various themes. He told me it was then that something inside him clicked and he felt no further need to read. He has since this time done very little reading or writing. His reasoning was that he discovered that he already possessed all the answers within him and felt no need to look outside.

I pondered his words, and felt genuine happiness that he had indeed figured it out that answers must come from within to be real for each one of us. This is Truth. No person, no book, nothing outside of you can ever change you or enlighten you. However, his statement and decision also touched me with a certain feeling that I could not just let go of without dwelling on for awhile. It was almost melancholic.

I am in full and complete agreement that answers to our questions exist within each one of us from time immemorial. We really do have no need to look anywhere else for answers. But this is not the whole reason to read and write. If one is not drawn to read or write, so be it. Each person is unique in what they are called to be drawn to.

It was in the reason given that I felt this friend may be missing something. Like art, what do we really gain by looking at art? It is the admiration, the curiosity, the appreciation of the expression that draws us. I see reading and writing much the same. In truth, I learn next to nothing in what I read, and I do read some very intense books. Still I am drawn to them much the same as a connoisseur of art is drawn to the galleries. There is a joy to be had.

I admire the expression of truth that proceeds from the fountain of another life. I am curious as to their unique journey. And I appreciate the fact that they are sharing with the world where they have been and what they have seen. We see a movie not always to learn but to enjoy the value it holds in the form of entertainment.

A book on our search for Truth need not be void of this very same quality. Learning is entertaining, if it is a subject we are drawn to. And the whole concept of being one with all that is seems to be contradicted by the statement of I felt no further need to read or write. Because we are one with others does not lesson our need or desire to be around others. We are social creatures, even if there are times we would rather be alone.

I guess what I am saying here is that no one should take anything too seriously. I think it is best not to cut yourself off from any source of influence, whether it is really needed or not. The whole idea of energy is to flow, and when we deliberately cut that flow, it is we that somehow suffer for the action.

This kind of brings me back to something I posted about a week ago, It is YOUR life. Please check this one out if you have not yet done so.

Thank you,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting http://www.shop.jeffreybrandtproducts.com

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