Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spirit creates by self-contemplation

Spirit creates by Self-contemplation;
Therefore, What it contemplates itself
as being, that it becomes.
You are individual Spirit;
Therefore, What you contemplate as
the Law of your own being becomes the
Law of your being.

~Thomas Troward

Isn’t this a most powerful statement? The act of creation is carried out through Self-contemplation. It does not say through Self-contemplation in relationship to your environment, your circumstance, your current situation. It does not say in relation to anything at all. Self-contemplation is just that. It is in complete and utter independence from any and all outside comparison.

The second part of this profound statement reads: What you contemplate as the Law of your own being becomes the Law of your being. Can you see how this is in essence reinforcing the idea that the Self of which is contemplated is not only independent of outside comparison, but also independent of precedent? This is truly a most empowering statement.

Now in plain English, what exactly does all of this mean?

The idea of wanting to improve your life situation is a natural outgrowth of the dissatisfaction you sense with your current life situation. You are not entirely satisfied with the ways things are in your life. You want to experience a better life. Whether this means you want more money, a better relationship, a more rewarding career, or simply a sense of purpose; it doesn’t matter. You want something to change.

First of all, realize this is natural. It is not a bad thing. It simply is an expression of your being alive. You want to experience more life, and that is a good thing. Smile.

The next most natural thing to do, once you become aware of your dissatisfaction and your desire to change, is to make a decision to change. This is where understanding the above statement can really make a big difference in how you go about making this change, and thus, the results you will achieve in making that change.

Now when most people decide they want something in their life to change, they focus on that thing that they wish to change.

I want to lose weight.

I want to earn more money.

I want him to notice all that I do.

I want more free time.

Now consider the above statement: “Spirit creates by Self-contemplation”

If you are contemplating that which you wish to change, you are creating more of that desire, to lose weight, to earn more money, his noticing all that you do, more free time. According to the above, to attain the desired outcome, you must contemplate that result within your being.

You have an imagination. It is for this purpose that your imagination serves you. Direct your imagination to create the vision of yourself with your desired result already achieved. Contemplate your self at the ideal weight. Contemplate your earning a surplus of money. Contemplate yourself in any circumstance you wish to experience. What you contemplate yourself as being, that is what you will become.

Now for the second part of the statement: “What you contemplate as the Law of your own being becomes the Law of your being.”

Understand that most people have an idea of how they wish their life to be, but they impose limits as to how far they can go and how fast they can get there. They base their goals or the achievement of those goals on precedent, whether personal, observed, or entirely fabricated from their imagination. They impose limitations based on their sense of self-worth. This can be with goals concerning money, weight, recognition or freedom. Who is really to say how much you can attain or how long it will take you.

This statement makes it clear that precedent is only valid for those who make it valid. In historic terms, think of the following examples:

We make ships of iron that float.

We speak to people anywhere on the planet in real time without having to shout.

We fly through the air and into space.

We breathe under water.

By this time tomorrow, we can be anyplace on this planet.

Think about this. Now consider your thoughts on this from the perspective of someone living just two centuries earlier. What is precedent other than not understanding the first cause of any law? You decide what is possible, not precedent!

“Yes” you say “I can see that whatever I want may be possible, but I don’t know how to bring it into being.” If this or something similar is on your mind, look at the statement again.

“Spirit creates by Self-contemplation;

Therefore, What it contemplates itself

as being, that it becomes.

You are individual Spirit;

Therefore, What you contemplate as

the Law of your own being becomes the

Law of your being.”

If you wish to create a new life for yourself, contemplate yourself as you wish to be. Do not contemplate your current circumstance. Do not contemplate limits to your potential. Do not contemplate precedent. Do not contemplate the path you must take. Simply contemplate yourself as the ideal. The how will come to you in the form of ideas once you get the ideal planted in your marvelous mind.

This marvelous mind is the tool you have to work with. It is the connection you have to communicate to Source, through imagination, envisioning your ideal. It is the connection you have to receive from Source, through intuition, hunches. You are a miracle, a divine miracle. And we are only just beginning to discover what this truly means.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.


  1. Hi. Don't know if I'm a registered user or not, but I did want to make a comment, my new friend.
    I had the privilege of taking class work with Ernest Holmes. He often discussed Troward and agreed with you on the importance of his work. But he also cautioned (and I tend to agree) that law without love is really only half of the Truth.

    This is not meant to be critical in any way, but I thought I would just add it anyhow.

    thanky you for being my new "friend" and I hope you will accept this note with the love that cames with it.

  2. Oh but love is the grand thing Troward speaks of in contemplating this Power. Have you read The Creative Process in the Individual?
    "This Creative proces, it must be Life, Life must be Love. Life guided by Love must also be Light. From this proceeds Power. Because the Spirit is Life, Love, Light, and Power, it is also Peace. Next, Spirit must be Beauty. And lastly the Spirit must be Joy."

    Love is everywhere throughout his work. Without Love you cannot maintain the consistancy to have the ideal and lasting results.

    I do appreciate your comments and welcome discussion. To your Infinite Abundance, Jeffrey


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