Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To break free from limiting your resources


I have often heard individuals on their path toward achievement of a great and challenging goal say that their ultimate success depends only upon one thing and one thing only. They say they need to acquire a certain thing or make a certain contact with someone or convince someone of something, etc. The point is this one thing always seems to be something that is outside themselves.

We all are aware that getting something from outside can make achieving our goals easier. It may appear more difficult to figure out an alternative plan. Let me tell you, you don’t have to give up on the idea of getting help. In fact, I would encourage anyone to seek help in whatever way they feel necessary, BUT don’t allow yourself to think that this is your only viable option. After all, it is said “ask and ye shall receive.” Or as Jack Canfield likes to say, “ask, ask, ask.”

People tend to give up when the path isn’t clear. This is especially so when they see a certain avenue as their only salvation. They figure it is this way or no way. That is limiting thinking. Bob Proctor, star of The Secret, said “most everyone who ever accomplished anything worthwhile had no idea how they were going to accomplish it when they began.” You don’t need to know how!

The “how” will be shown to you, but it will never do this if you do not express faith in your own abilities by acting on something. If you are one who is putting your dreams on hold or dedicating all of your energy into acquiring the assistance of someone else, consider your final desired result. Are you placing your energy in going toward that result or are you only throwing yourself into something that may or may not happen?

Remember you do not control other people. It will ultimately be their decision as to whether or not they decide to help you. Each person including yourself is a sovereign individual. You never know what is in their plan and it may be in an entirely different direction than one of joining you in your cause.

Send out your requests for assistance, whatever that may be, and then get busy developing yourself further to be ready for any opportunity that comes by. I could say you might get lucky, but luck really is only preparedness met by opportunity.

No matter what your current situation, there always exists something in which you can focus on to move you closer to your goal. It all comes down to how badly you really want that goal. I say go for it now. And don’t wait for the perfect conditions to arrive.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

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