Monday, June 7, 2010

One more step: How may I serve you?

It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful way circumstances work out in my life to show me something more in a way that impacts me profoundly. For example, most recently, I have been getting almost inundated with emails and messages from people who are so close to breaking free in their lives, from a life filled with struggle on different levels. The most common theme I notice is a financial one. “If I could only…” is the essence of their message.

I say they are so close because in their letters they speak of the Law of Attraction in ways that can only be said by someone who has seriously done their homework. They know the Law! Even having a great and detailed understanding of the Law does not give one a free ride to infinite abundance. There is something more needed. We’ve all heard that this something more is action, and yes I believe action is necessary, but I think I just found something more.

Just today I viewed a video from a good friend that definitely had the same sentiment. Heart breaking as it was to watch this video; something struck me while watching it. The very fact that there are so many in this very same situation, and each one feels that they have something so wonderful to offer the world, “if” they could just get a boost.

These are basically good people who sincerely want to help others, but they feel they need a hand to get their ideas off the ground. I was in this place for a while myself, only I did not realize the lesson at the time. I was expressing to the universe that I was in a rather desperate situation, hoping, praying that someone would come along and help me out. I was not looking for a handout. I only wanted someone to realize what I had that was so valuable and help get it started.

This was the key! Expressing to the universe that you have something valuable to offer that will genuinely help others, but that you just NEED someone to help you break free. That is the message you send, and that is the response you will get back from the universe. Simple as it sounds, the Law of Attraction is working perfectly in this case, as in every case. Change the message you are sending! Everything begins with YOUR thoughts.

I do go into detail in this in my book, Manifest By Design Now, but the essence is this: You have options. I don’t care where you are standing now. Everybody who ever did anything exceedingly great with their lives likely began their venture on a shoestring at best. Many even went into debt with no guarantee of success. A good number of them actually went bankrupt, some more than once.

What they all shared was enthusiasm for their goal and invincible determination to carry it through no matter what. Getting there does not have to be easy. In fact if it is easy, it may not even be worth shooting for. You want a goal that will stretch you. You want it to be a goal that will affect others in a positive way.

If you have these two criteria, as most of those who have written me do, then all you need is to begin doing what it is you want to do. If it truly is to help people, then begin helping them now. Money may allow you to help a greater number of people, but you can begin helping those in your immediate circle without money.

Give advice, encouragement; teach a skill or talent that you have. Even if what you offer has nothing to do with your ultimate goal in life, beginning where you are now and giving what you can will open up doors to more opportunities.

Another valid point to reflect on is this. If you believe your success is dependant upon a certain condition (i.e. somebody helping you) you are placing parameters on how the universe may do its job. Do NOT concern yourself with the how. Focus only on the final result of what it is you want, and show your faith by allowing the universe to do its job. Its job is the how. Remember that. Convince yourself of that. Live that.

You don’t control the universe. The universe does not control you. You are in partnership with the universe. You each have a specific task in the process of manifestation. As a partnership, you simply need to do your part, and let the universe do its part. It will without fail. It always does.

To your Infinite Abundance,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

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