Saturday, July 24, 2010

Acting is NOT Becoming

Simply being happy is key, but this concept is often misunderstood. I’ve seen countless examples of those who suddenly decide they’re going to make the Law of Attraction work for them. They begin indulging in positive thinking, acting, speaking, etc. Soon they are spewing out positive affirmations to everyone they meet.

They may “appear” to be undaunted by their current situation and continue spewing more positivism, until…

They break.

Next thing you know they are right back to feeling as they predominantly felt before their sincere effort to change. Only now they may be feeling a little more depressed than usual. They feel as if they failed. They express wonder in that they tried everything they could to maintain positivism, yet nothing really changed for them.

I suspect this is because they expect their efforts to change their circumstance, when they really need to focus on their self. Whatever effort you expend should ultimately be to change your own inner self, without concern for the outside circumstances. This comes back to what Gandhi so eloquently said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

You must understand all manifestation happens on two levels and always in the same order. First it will happen within and only then will it happen out in the world. The above example I described was typical of most people who focus on the positive with the hopes of creating a better outside without even considering that the outside they are currently experiencing is because of who they are on the inside.

In short, what is it they were doing that did not produce the results they wanted? They were acting happy. They were acting secure. They were acting successful. They were simply acting, rather than becoming. Can you sense the difference? On an energetic level, there is a great difference between the two.

The difference is between falseness and truth. Truth will always win out. So how does one truly become happy, secure, and successful? This will only happen through growth. Growth is only possible through expanding your awareness of yourself and of your world.

You really do need to expend some effort to create real change. It does not simply happen because you say it is now your new reality. You’ve surely heard the critics condemning the Law of Attraction saying that it is nothing more than bunk. It is because they are looking at it from this superficial level. They think what it is supposedly all about is expressed in the well known phrase, “fake it ‘til you make it.”

In truth, there is no faking involved. On the contrary, you cannot fool the Law. Your internal change must be real before you will see real results. Due to the amount of negative programming that is so prevalent in our society and culture, you may likely spend a great deal of time and energy just on getting your own perspective to be more congruent with what you desire.

Time and effort, yes, it may cost you, but in the end, I guarantee it will be well worth whatever price you now must pay. You spend your time and effort in learning more about the Law of Attraction from books, audios, videos, or other people. Then, you must dwell upon what you have learned, again and again until it becomes your habitual way of thinking.

Once this thinking becomes your predominant way of thinking, you will then have the foundation to create what you could only have described as miracles before making this transition. Once you achieve something you thought of as impossible before, you suddenly become a different person. More then becomes possible for you. This becomes a cycle and you find yourself beginning to soar.

Have patience with yourself. You really cannot hurry this along by force. I will give you a hint, however. You can speed up the process by focusing on all that you have with gratitude. A thankful heart, is a heart that is open to receive. But, remember, in being grateful, it must be real!

Thank you and enjoy your journey. I want YOU to succeed!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

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