Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Whether you like it or not...

Whether you like it or not, whether you plan it or not, whether you try to or not, whether you are even conscious of it or not, you are doing it every moment of every day. You are making decisions, and these decisions you are making, are having an effect on your futire circumstances. Think about it!

It’s true; you cannot escape from making decisions. This is your undeniable reality. So, you may as well get this reality into your conscious mind and begin taking control of the decisions you are making. I say this because by not consciously making a decision, you have made the decision to let someone or something else make that decision for you. Why would anyone give up control of their life to someone or something else?

Just to give you an idea of the number of decisions you make every moment spend a few moments thinking about it. What will you wear today? What will you eat? What will you do? What will you think about? How will you feel? Who will you spend time with? You can go on and on and on with this, but I think you’ve got the idea.

You may think most of this is not so important. You may be right about most of this. However, there is one area of your life that making the correct decision is absolutely vital to your future well-being. It is a decision that most do not even think about. What decision is that? Your attitude.

Yes, you decide on the attitude you have. No one can make this decision for you unless you first decide to give them permission to decide for you. This is very important! You decide what your attitude is going to be today and everyday. Sure things that happen in your life may be great or they may be terrible. They may be whatever you decide they are.

Am I trying to say that you should be happy that your car didn’t want to start this morning making you late for work? And that after borrowing your husband’s car, you made it to work only to find you had a flat tire when you were leaving work to go home? Well, no, this would be enough to bother most anybody, but that doesn’t give you reason to make it worse by deciding to dwell on these unfortunate incidents.

You may not decide the particular circumstance you find yourself in, but you do decide your follow up attitude. And I am a strong believer in that your general attitude tends to attract to you more that will reinforce that attitude.

A man with a grumpy attitude generally brings others down and gets that grumpy attitude brought back to him. A nervous woman fearing she won’t do well in a job interview may only increase her chances of not getting the job, because she has shown herself to be insecure and perhaps not capable of the responsibility.

A person with an attitude of confidence will generally go about a day filled with harmonious happenings. Would you not agree? Oftentimes people blame a bad attitude on circumstance. When you hear advocates for the Law of Attraction, you tend to hear that the attitude is the root cause and circumstance is but an effect or result. Which one do you believe?

I can tell you this; whichever one you believe, you will find plenty of evidence to support your belief. I find this to be true with many things in life. This tells me something very important about life; you find what you are looking for!

In the case of attitude, where many get hung up on believing their attitude is only because of their circumstances, you might consider this: attitude causes circumstances in accordance with that attitude, and circumstances then cause an attitude that corresponds to those particular circumstances. This can become a vicious cycle, and on that is not easily broken.

Circumstances don’t usually change immediately after a shift in attitude. This can be frustrating when you are trying to change your circumstances by controlling your attitude. If this is your case, use that frustration to drive yourself harder to develop a positive attitude. Think to yourself, how frustrating this is and that you MUST persevere with maintaining a more positive outlook to break free from this chain. It will happen, and you will be all the better off for it.

I want YOU to succeed!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.


  1. thank you :) i have personally been working on this exact thing and my life is drastically improving, slowly but surely!

  2. Thank you for the comment. Improvement is what it is all about! Even if it is slow at first, as it usually is, you can use whatever change you do notice to feed your confidence to gradually accelerate the process as you gain more confidence in yourself and the process.

    Congratulations and keep on keeping on!!!


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