Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are YOU living below the neck?

I’ve seen or heard statistics that only about 5% of the population attains mega success. What about the other 95%? They would be the average and below. About 95% of the population watches TV on a regular basis. This leaves about 5% that rarely, if ever, watch TV. Did you know it is precisely the same 5% that are considered to be the most successful that watch the least TV?

About 95% of the population believes it is important to consider security when investing their money. And the other 5%? They are less concerned with security. They are really looking for potential return on investment (ROI). The 95% are thinking about saving for retirement. The 5% are thinking about creating multiple streams of income of the passive type.

How much do you really know about this 5%? If you don’t know much about the way they think, I suggest, no, I URGE you to begin looking into the way they think. YOUR future depends on it! Where do you find this information? Well, there may be many ways of doing so, but I’ll let you know an easy and efficient way to get an in depth understanding of their thinking processes, and how you can make these processes your own.


I’ve read dozens of books on the topic, but I’ll just mention a few of the best I’ve read to get you started. If you’re anything like me, after reading a few of these you’ll want to continue reading more. If that is the case, let me know and I’ll be glad to share with you more titles. But one word of extremely IMPORTANT advice: Don’t stop at reading these books. Put them into ACTION!

The best book I know on this subject is one I’ve mentioned in one of my first blog posts. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. Wow, this book is loaded with all the ammunition you’ll need to take off, if you do as the book says. It is broken in down into seventeen “wealth files” that explain the most powerful differences between the thinking of the rich from the poor and middle class. This book is a must read for sure.

How To Think Like A Millionaire by Mark Fisher and Marc Allen is a short but important work that will give you great insight into new ways of thinking. This was one of the first books I’ve read by Marc Allen, who has written several very good books. He is also the founder and Publisher of New World Library.

If you enjoy reading fables you will definitely enjoy one written by Mark Fisher called The Instant Millionaire. This was one of the first I read on the topic and has had a most extraordinary impact on my life, and I don’t normally read fiction. I highly recommend it.

Bob Proctor has two books I cannot recommend enough: You Were Born Rich, and It’s Not About The Money. Bob really makes it clear the importance of changing the way you think and he eloquently explains how to do this in either one of these two books.

Now I could go on and make quite a list but rather I will say this. Read anything by any of the following writers: Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, or any of the teachers from The Secret.

The main goal of my blog is to help you change your mindset in a way to help you achieve your goals. Reading these books will help you immensely! I’ve only mentioned a few of the many I’ve read and use daily, but like I said, you will likely want to read more once you begin. That my friend is the key. Devour this information and your change will happen faster than you can imagine.

Now back to the title of this post: Are YOU living below the neck? What does it mean? Well, if you remember I was making a lot of comments about 95% vs. 5%. Your head consists of roughly 5% of your total body mass. 95% of the people are working in jobs that basically require their body but not so much their head. Those who use their heads are the ones who earn more and find their lives to be far more satisfactory. Think about everything you do in your daily life. Are YOU living below the neck? If so, know that you can change this right NOW.

Decide for once what it is you want and decide for once that you are going to get it. Decide for once that you are going to spend some time everyday learning something new that will lead you in the direction of what you want. Read books. Study them. Contemplate what you learn. Imagine your ideal. Open yourself to ideas and inspiration. Begin living in a new way. Begin living above the neck.

Send me message on Facebook and ask for my new book, Manifest By Design Now. I’ll give it to you for FREE because I want you to be successful. This offer will not last for long but I do want you to have it now so you can begin your new life. Show some initiative to better your life, and in the process help to make a better world for all. That’s what I’m asking. Do it now.

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.


  1. Great blog , this reminds me Jeff of the importance and value of reading books.This is really the key to mastering life and our finances.The force be with you...

  2. Yes, Elmer, and if you look at any of the most successful in life, you will find someone who reads a great deal. Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Brian Tracy, and the list goes on!

    But, more than read, you must be serious about putting into practice that which you learnfrom these books.

    Many people will buy a good book about creating a better life. They might even read it through once, but do nothing, and of course, nothing will happen.

    These very same people understand that it takes years to become a doctor, a mechanic, a lawyer, or work in any trade, but don't realize that overcoming a mediocre life to begin living with success takes the very same tenacity.


    Thank you Elmer for your thoughts,


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