Friday, July 30, 2010

Two very important points

It seems the number of people who are beginning to feel the urge to really get ahead in life is growing everyday. Maybe it’s the economy. Maybe it’s the state of affairs in the world. Maybe it’s divine intervention. It doesn’t really matter the reason why this is happening, but I do see it happening, and that is a good thing.

Another thing I have noticed is that many people who really want something better in their lives are not sure how to go about getting it. This is not a problem, however. It’s not a problem because the answers to what they are looking for are not that difficult to find.

I’d like to share with you two very important points that can help you, if you are someone who desires to better your life but don’t know where to start. The whole purpose of this blog is to help you to be the success you deserve to be. I want to help.

First point: I’ve found there is a very large and growing number of successful people in every area who are feeling the desire to share their ideas of how they became successful.

Second point: The ideas they each express are not at all difficult to grasp.

So how do you find this information? You can find it in the books they write or books that have been written about them. You can find audios, videos, online courses. You can speak directly with many of them or people who have access to them.

In fact, an entire field is opening up called life coaching, success coaching, mentoring programs and many other related programs. It truly is booming. Now, this brings up something I often hear from people in a tough spot in life. “What about people like me? I don’t have the money to invest in many of these programs, and how do I know which program will work best for me?”

First of all you need to recognize this kind of thinking is exactly the kind of thinking that is keeping you from becoming the success you desire to begin with. You’re thinking limitations. Limitations will keep you right where you are at right now. You need to expand your thinking in a way that you can know that somehow, someway, you are going to find the way!

This is so very important. And you will need to develop this mindset before you will even begin to move ahead. There is always a way, no matter where you are currently coming from. Even if you can’t see how just yet, at least take the time to meditate on this idea until you can open yourself to the possibility.

You may have heard of Joe Vitale, teacher in the hit DVD The Secret. He was living on the streets of Dallas when he began his journey. He began by going to the public library and reading books by and about successful people. Now that’s determination!

If you’re reading this blog, you’ve obviously got an internet connection. Use it to Google successful people. Begin with people that resonate with you, and expand from there. You might start with the names you’ve heard mentioned in The Secret. Or you might begin with the names of famous people in business, other writers. Just begin looking. This costs you nothing more than your time.

The idea is to begin something. Just complaining and not doing anything about it will get you no further than you are in this moment. You might be surprised how much good information is out there that won’t cost you a dime. This will at least be enough to get you started on your own road to success.

As you begin to grow, you will surely come across more opportunities, but these opportunities will never come into your awareness if you don’t first get out there and begin looking for them. You can start right here by looking back through these archived blogs. There is a wealth of very good information.

If you are seeking to achieve your goals, I also have an excellent book that tells you specifically how to attain the right mindset to quickly achieve those goals. Manifest By Design Now: A Better Way to Achieve Your Dreams in Five Easy Steps. You can find a downloadable ebook version at Jeffrey Brandt Products.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.

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