Friday, October 15, 2010

Ask and you shall receive!

If you feel there is something you'd like to have the might help improve your life or the life of another, ask. You may ask God, the Universe, or your higher self, whichever feels more comfortable to you. When you ask, there are certain things you can do to make yourself more receptive to getting the desired answer you seek.

First you want to consider what it is you are asking. If what you are asking for is something that will only add to your life or to the life of another in a positive way, I encourage you to go ahead and ask. There is no reason for you to consider whether you are worthy of anything good. You are!

In doing so, you are not expressing weakness, but connectedness. Thoughts, energy, life are all meant to flow. Asking and offering, giving and receiving are the means in which things flow. It is all natural and it is all good.

Second you want to be sure you are asking with a mindset of gratitude. Many times people ask for help in a desperate way. You may feel you are in a desperate situation and are grasping at straws. This is a common predicament for those who are not accustomed to asking. They wait until their circumstances are critical and they feel there is no other option.

This desperate energy has a power to it, but it may not be the kind of power you want to express in asking. A desperate or futile energy will only repel what it is you are seeking to gain. If you are genuinely feeling desperate, I suggest you first clear this energy from your mind BEFORE asking for anything.

You can use gratitude that you feel for other things to accomplish this. Focus on anything for which you may feel gratitude. Do you have your health? Do you have a family? Do you have a job? Do you have food to eat? Obviously if you are reading this, you've got plenty that you can feel grateful about.

This is where you begin. In feeling and expressing gratitude, your energy will automatically shift to a more positive nature. A more positive energy will better connect you with the universal good, God, or your higher self.

Once you find yourself in a genuine state of gratitude, begin your request by giving thanks for all the abundance of good that you already have. Make your request and express how your receiving this request will enhance the quality of your life or the life of another.

Express your belief and confidence that it is possible that you will receive this blessing. Do this by giving thanks for it even before you have seen evidence of it. Pay attention to the feelings you are experiencing as you carry on this dialog. You should be feeling comforted. If you are still feeling negative in any way, focus more on love and gratitude before placing your request.

When you feel comfort in asking for your desire, you can know your request has been received and it will only be a matter of time before you will, in fact, see evidence of it. This is a given so long as you maintain your image of having it in your mind. Focus on the wonderful feelings your desired thing brings to you, and experience those feelings.

Remain open to any intuitive push you may sense to do your part. It is through your own action that you will finally receive what you asked for. Understand what you ask for may not come in the final package. You will get whatever it is you need in the way of resources, ideas, or connections that you may use to get your desired result through action.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest By Design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by My Website.

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