Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Child's Play

You make a decision to better your life in some way, any way. It could be in your health, finances, learning a new skill, changing your personality, anything. This decision is made in your conscious mind, your thinking mind.

Immediately you begin consciously searching for the how. This seems so natural, doesn't it? Why do you concern yourself with how? Because this is what you were taught for as long as you can remember. You were taught this by others who were also taught this by others who were taught this by still others, etc.


I'm asking you to forget about trying to think of how. Seriously! You've got an imagination, correct? Rather than trying to figure out how to bring this change into your life, simply imagine your life as if this change were already real for you. Really imagine it with absolutely no, no, no limitations. Make this change as vivd as you possibly can in your imagination.

Step two: begin feeling it, and acting it out the best you can. Physically impossible you say? Have you seen a young child pretending to be something they obviously are not? They do a pretty good job of it, don't they? Yes? Do the same.

Immerse yourself in this image you have created in your imagination, and live it the best you can. Have no qualms about telling others what you are going to have, do, or become. You've surely heard a child do this. Do the same.

If you do this, and continue to do this, you will achieve what it is you desire. You have doubts? Why? Consider a child learning to walk with absolutely NO INSTRUCTION on how. Does this child learn to walk? Yes.

Consider a child learning to speak a language with absolutely NO INSTRUCTION on how. Does this child learn a language? Yes. Some children learn two or three or even more languages simultaneously! And they don't confuse the languages.

Don't tell me you don't know how to accomplish something. You have a mind, and that is all you need. What you really must do is go back to using your mind the way it was intended to be used. The way a child naturally uses their mind, until they "learn" that the way to learning is through consciously looking for the how.

Before they learn this concept of "how," they simply went ahead and did what they intended to do. When they were learning to walk, they fell down, perhaps countless times. When they were learning to talk, they made countless errors.

None of this even phased the idea of learning in their tiny little uneducated minds. They simply continued, and in the most natural manner, they made their course corrections through observation and repetition until they were successful. They did this without missing a beat!

You can do the same.

Everything you are today, your personality, your position at work, your standing in the community, your health, is the result of your subconscious programming, your thoughts. You don't need to worry about how to continue being the way you are. It's in your programming.

If you want change, don't worry about how. Simply begin being the change in the best way you can, living it fully in your mind and your body will follow.

As an adult, you have resources to help you make this change in ways that a child cannot. This is good, and you should take advantage of these resources. However, don't discard the methods a child uses as if they were useless and trivial.

Remember, that child managed to learn far more naturally than adults generally do. Use their methods without hesitation. Use them in conjunction with whatever other tools you have at your disposal. Expand your consciousness about the ways you may learn something new.

You see, adults tend to depend only on their conscious will for getting things in their life. The conscious will is only a part of you. Use your will to guide your imagination to experience that which you seek to be, do or have before the fact.

 When you guide your imagination in this way, you will conjure up emotions. Encourage the positive emotions and consciously make the decision to let the others go on their way. This is the key to getting your image (desired result) planted into the subconscious mind. If you persist in this way, it will become quickly become habit to see yourself in this new way.

Habit is what will bring your results to you, and they do so without conscious effort. This becomes your new programming. When you learn to grow in this way, life becomes exciting again. You regain that spark of youth that you left behind perhaps long ago.

You were never meant to struggle as you have learned to do. You were meant to continue growing and seeking still more growth. This is child's play, and it is something you may use no matter your age. Turn your struggles into challenging adventures. Enjoy the task at hand. I believe in you.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest by design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting This Website.

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