Friday, October 8, 2010

The Process

Imagine Waking up to the sound of a semi-truck in front of your home and a whole lot of noise. You get up and look out the window to see what is going on and you find your front yard is filled to overflowing with building materials.

You quickly get dressed and go outside to find out exactly what is going on only to find the people are gone and the truck is already driving away.

You look around at the abundance of materials, and you find a note. The note has your name on it and it simply states "Here is everything you need in material and tools to build your dream home. Enjoy!"

You notice there is a bit of fine print at the bottom of the page which reads "The one requirement is that you must begin building the moment you find this note. Immediately! Any hesitation on your part, and you will lose all these materials."


Well, tell me, would you be able to build your dream house? Unless you knew how to use the tools and materials, you would probably not be able to build your home as you would like it to be. This would require many skills and much knowledge that most people just don't have.

Even with all the materials and tools, you are still missing one very important component: the mind to accomplish this task.

Of course for all I know you might already have the skills necessary to build a house if you were provided all of the tools and materials. Perhaps you do this for a living. But generally, most people would not have a clue as to where to begin.

The point I am trying to make here is that this is the way it is for most people when it comes to accomplishing their dreams. They may have a very good idea of what they want, but until they buckle down and get things right in their mind, they will accomplish very little.

How do you get things right in your mind to accomplish a dream, any dream? There is a process, and this process is simple, although not always easy. It could be that because it is so simple people tend to discredit it. It's true that many actually believe that accomplishing a big dream does have to be a complicated affair.

First of all, ask yourself who is saying this. It seems the people who have never accomplished anything great in their lives are the ones who are most outspoken about what it takes to do so! Be careful where you seek advice, if you are serious about going after a dream that is important to you.

Find the ones who have been there. You will find, although they are more than willing to share their advice, they are not about to try and shove it down the throats of others who are trying to get there. they are confident , but seem to know not everybody is truly "ready" for this information.

They know what it takes because they have been there. They are generally not so outspoken because they were humbled by the experience of their own struggles to get there. They are willing to help a serious student, because they are human, and they understand what a difficult journey it can be without proper guidance.

What you will learn, if you listen with an open mind, is that most of the work is mental, not physical. Living on the more common plane, we grew up experiencing life more on a physical level. Our mental lives have been a nice distraction, but we were never taught the key to living well is based on thinking well.

I can hear the argument for getting a college degree as refutable proof that what I say is not true, but I'm not referring to the kind of education we receive in our traditional school or university system. The type of education needed to discover, go after, and attain your goals in life is largely ignored in our current educational system, which is focused more on conformity than unique expression.

There are sources of the type of education I am talking about, however. You will find this information in books, CDs, DVDs, seminars, and in the booming Life Success coaching business. It would be hard to not have noticed this explosion in the past few years.

As I said above, there is a process, and this process is simple; however, it is not easy. I believe it is not always easy because the thinking involved goes in almost total contradiction to the mass mentality we experience. And if you think about it, this actually makes sense.

Only about three to five percent of the population use this manner of thinking on a consistent basis. This very same three to five percent just happen to be some of the most successful individuals in the population as well. Chew on that.

The process:

1. Clarity:

Know with detail exactly what it is you want and why. Write it out in detail as if you had already accomplished it, and use words loaded with positive emotion (how it feels to have achieved this goal).

3. Visualize:

Spend as much time as you can vividly imagining yourself experiencing this goal already accomplished using ALL of your senses.

4. Clear

Avoid any thought not in harmony with the achievement of your goal. When conflicting thoughts do enter your mind, simply acknowledge them and allow them to leave as you consciously shift your awareness to more harmonious thoughts and feelings.

5. Awareness:

Expect results to come to you in whatever form they may come. Maintain an open mind to receiving whether it be ideas, contacts, opportunities, resources, intuitive nudges, etc. You never know how the Universe (or higher power) will help you in getting what you desire.

6. Action:

Be prepared to act on any idea, or intuitive nudge you do receive without hesitation. Do not concern yourself with what the outcome of this action may be. If you are inspired to take a specific action, there will certainly be a benefit attached, even if it does not bring the completed goal to you. It may bring you something you need to then receive.

7. Faith:

Faith is something you must live and express throughout this entire process. Faith is something that may not come naturally to you. This is why I say this process, although simple, may not always be easy. Faith is something you can learn to acquire through working with this process. Actually, this may be the first part of your goal-seeking if it is something you need help with.

 The best way I know to build your faith is through educating yourself in these principles through multiple sources and actually putting the process to the test. In any case, you will want to learn as much as you can about this process to get yourself to the point you can internalize it. This is when it becomes fun to see what you can do with it.

There are several laws that make up the foundation of this process, and I encourage you to look into these laws. The more you know about this process and the underlying laws, the more you will have confidence in it.

This blog is filled with very relevant information to this process. Please take the time to look through the archives and see for yourself what resonates with you.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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