Monday, October 4, 2010

The garden of your mind

If you've studied the topic of how to achieve goals for any length of time, you've surely heard the analogy of the mind being as a garden and ideas being seeds. This analogy is the most perfect analogy I've yet heard. I first heard it from Earl Nightingale in The Strangest Secret, but it's been used by many others, as well.

Whatever thought you allow into your mind, if it is fed through repetition and focus, will eventually manifest in your life. So why is it that so many have a difficult time getting the thoughts they want to manifest, to sprout from the garden of their mind and into their life?

The reason often has to do with the fact that besides the seed they consciously want to plant, they also have planted many other thoughts. And these many other thoughts are often in direct conflict with the thought they want to grow and manifest.

A garden in the earth is capable of growing any seed you plant into it. The corresponding plant will sprout if given the chance. When we look at an untended garden, however, we often don't see the plants that we originally planted. Rather we can only see a number of other plants growing. Weeds. The reason is because time was not taken to care for this garden.

The same thing happens with the garden of your mind. When you take the time to consciously plant a thought (a goal) into your mind, your job is not then finished. Understand you need to tend to this garden of the mind. You must take care not to allow the weed seeds to overcome the one seed you desire. These are other thoughts or goals that you don't necessarily want to come to fruition.

Where do these other thoughts come from? They may come from anywhere. to give you a few examples, consider this. Every conversation you have with others, your mind is at work, evaluating that conversation. If the person happens to be discussing something negative, your mind will automatically begin focusing on the negative as well. You are planting negative seeds!

Be alert to what is going on in your mind when dealing with others and avoid negative conversation like the plague. Another example of how you may pick up unwanted thought seeds is from the media. This works the same way when you are watching a program on the television. Actually you are more prone to being programmed in a negative way through watching the television.

Why? Because the television has a way of putting your mind into a light trance. This is similar to being hypnotized. remaining consciously alert to catching and rejecting negative thoughts while watching television is extremely difficult, if possible at all. It is the most natural thing to become mentally passive within minutes of setting down in front of the television.

Besides the program itself, the commercials are specifically aimed at planting programs in your mind, taking advantage of the docile state of your conscious awareness. Trust me, these companies know what they are doing, and it is intentional.

I'm not asking you to make any drastic changes in your life. It is your life, but I would like for you to consider these factors when you become serious about wanting real change in your life. Trying to achieve your goals should not cause you to throw your arms up in defeat.

It may just be a matter of realizing patterns in your life that are making it more difficult. Get used to the idea of monitoring your thoughts more closely. Or better yet, monitoring your feelings. If you're not feeling calm and confident when you consider your goals, you can know you have conflicting thoughts going through your mind.

In this case, spend more time visualizing the ideal of having achieved your goal already and encourage more positive feelings when doing so. At the same time, spend less time around whatever may be having a negative influence on your thinking.

How far you want to go with this all depends on how seriously you want to see your goals come to fruition, but you can know that if you want to see great change in your life, YOU will have to do some changing.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

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