Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Rhythm of Life

When you consider life, you may notice that it has its ups and downs. This should be no great revelation to you if you've spent any time at all reflecting on your life. This is normal and it even has a name: The Law of Rhythm.

You cannot change the Rhythm, but you CAN change the direction of the rhythm.

I imagine a wavy line on a piece of paper like the waves you would see on the ocean. What happens in the case where a person decides to become more successful in life? A common result of a person's efforts is to make the crest of this wave pattern higher than the previous crests.

However, this can become disheartening when that crest naturally begins to subside, which it will eventually do in its course. Often times this is when someone might decide that the effort is simply too great and not worth it.

If you are someone who has had some success in your efforts at improving your life, but your successes have been short-lived, I have something that just might change everything for you. It is the ability to change your perspective of this natural rhythm or to actually change the orientation of that rhythm.

Instead of picturing this rhythm pattern as a wave that goes up and down from left to right across the page, imagine that you were able to turn the paper forty five degrees in a counter clockwise direction. This wave would appear more as a staircase.

The upward part of the wave will appear as going up vertically rather than a smooth upward angle. Where the "wave" had been going downward before would now appear to be going horizontally, as the next step on a staircase.

This change in perspective can really change your potential results, if you know how to actually apply it to your real life. Can it be done? Yes, it can. Is it easy to do? Not so much, at least in the beginning.

Consider when most people make an attempt at improving their life. They obviously put forth some amount of effort and their life improves somewhat. For most people this effort is short-lived and the results as well are sort-lived.

Rather than go upwards at a forty five degree angle (minimal effort), imagine yourself giving 100 percent effort for a determined time. Giving 100 percent effort is something that takes a great deal of commitment, and it is understood that not everyone is willing to do so. What exactly does it mean to put forth 100 percent commitment?

This means focusing on your goal to the exclusion of EVERYTHING else. This is where most people falter. The idea of such a radical change in your thinking and acting can be frightening for sure.

Know that this can be easier to digest when you consider these diagrams. The first step is to realize that it is possible for you. It really is achievable. Start small, and give yourself time to witness the results. With time, you will find the motivation to take even bigger steps. Most importantly, remember this is a process.

How exactly can you go about beginning to use this concept?

One step at a time. Dedicate yourself for a set time each morning to consciously focusing on purely successful thoughts. Consider your primary goal or objective. Write it out every morning, even several times if it is short.

Then spend some time affirming it out loud. In front of a mirror is better. Finally, spend about 10 to 15 minutes visualizing your life with this goal already accomplished. Make this visualization as real as you can to the point you can actually feel the sensations throughout your body. Enjoy this time immensely. It is very important that this does not simply become a routine without really feeling it.

Some other suggestions are to write out some relevant quotes or affirmations to carry with you throughout your day and pull them out of your pocket when you get a chance to read through them again, with FEELING.

In the evening, give yourself a break from your usual routine. If you tend to watch the television, change your television time for reading or contemplating, meditating or writing. Do something relative to your goal.

Understand this may take discipline. That is the idea! But don't look at it as a chore or some kind of compromise. Look at it as the path to your eventual freedom. Turning that forty five degree upward direction into a vertical direction will take, perhaps, Herculean effort for a time. Do it with gusto, as a great challenge that will pay even greater dividends, because it will!

After a time, you will eventually begin to level out naturally. Now you only have to maintain for a time while you assimilate to this new level. When this new level begins to feel even the least bit restrictive, you will know that it is time to push again, and on you go to another level.

Honestly, this lifestyle requires commitment. This is why it is experienced by so few, I imagine. However, when you get into this lifestyle, I am pretty sure you will decide that it is a much better way of living. You will see opportunities never before available. You will have access to new forms of leisure also.

You will truly be living YOUR life, not what someone else has dictated to you. This is freedom at its best. Challenge yourself. Do it now. Go for it. I know you can.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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