Monday, October 11, 2010

The Jackrabbit Factor

I don't very often read fiction. However, I did make an exception recently when I chose to read The Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder. And I am so glad I did! This story is absolutely incredible. It is a well-written modern day parable that ingeniously explains the Universal Laws and how we can apply them to get optimum results in life.

Leslie Householder is the author of this gem of a book. She lives what she teaches and this becomes apparent from the insight she so eloquently expresses in her writing. I also read her companion book to The Jackrabbit Factor. This one is titled Hidden Treasures and is written in nonfiction format.

These two books together can have a tremendous impact as they speak to both the right and left hemispheres of your brain. The Jackrabbit Factor is creative fiction and easily plants the ideas into your subconscious mind by way of the imagination which is sparked by immersing yourself in the story.

Hidden Treasures does a superb job of explaining why these concepts work, as Leslie shares many of her personal experiences with learning them. These experiences are so very understandable because they are truly universal experiences. I was stunned by the similarities I saw with the experiences in my own life.

Leslie has also co written a sequel to The Jackrabbit Factor with Garrett B. Gunderson. This book is called Portal to Genius. I cannot honestly give much detail on this book just yet, because I am only reading it now as I write this blog. But I can tell you so far, I am finding it riveting. And yes, being a sequel, it is also a fictional story with a grand purpose.

If you have already read Portal to Genius, I would love to see your comments added to this post below.

Please do check out her work. She is a genuine soul who has put her own struggles with learning these Laws to work in her teaching in the most humble, sincere way. You can see more of her at the following list of websites:

or her personal website:

I can attest it is through gaining a greater understanding of these very Laws that Leslie teaches in her books, seminars, and other programs, that miracles can and actually do happen, when they are consciously applied. Take the time to study these Laws.

Whether you get the information from Leslie's products, my products, or anywhere else doesn't matter so much so long as you do get it somewhere. Create a better life for yourself and then share what you've learned with others so they may then do the same.

I want YOU to succeed!!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way and Manifest by design Now.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting My Website.

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