Friday, May 21, 2010

The best time ever

Whether your goal is to make a million dollars, to lose those extra pounds, take a dream vacation, or buy a new car, your general attitude in life is the key to getting you there faster. You’ve got to be in a positive flow, predominantly. What this means is you’ve got to be happy, even excited most of the time.

Your positive energy combines better with the positive energy of the universe. Everything that is in harmony with your impulses of thought and emotions combines with your energy. What you put out will return, and it returns in greater abundance than what you sent out. Keep this in mind.

If you’re coming from a hard place, meaning your general level of animation is not very animated, I can give you a technique that tends to work wonders for many. It has to do with the cycles of consciousness.

Dreams, like everything in life seem to be cyclical. A dream precedes creation. From the dream, an idea surges. Ideas are opportunities. If we act on these opportunities, we create. With every act of creation, there is an explosion of energy. Ask any musician, writer, or inventor. He or she will tell you these moments are the most intense moments of life.

There is an incredible satisfaction that comes with experiencing something new. Our interest is sparked, and we begin using this newfound energy. As we assimilate what is new, we begin to feel comfortable in this new level of existence; and the energy begins once again to dissipate. As the energy dissipates, we begin to dream anew. And the cycle repeats.

This cycle is the same for eating, drinking, breathing, or sleeping. We need to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. We also need to dream. Each of these cycles, of which there are seven, expresses a different level of the vibration of life.


We are conscious beings. We are conscious and we are curious. We are the same as all living creatures in this respect. The plant grows toward the light. A dog arranges a comfortable place to lie down. We are present in more than just the physical world. We are all aware of our world of thought. We dwell in these worlds simultaneously.

It is important to maintain an awareness of your thoughts, as they control your essential way of being. Two people may have the exact same physical experience while they experience it in completely different ways. Understand this is a choice.


Eating is the most basic level of vibration after existence. It is the most physical of them all. It is communion with the earth as much as is mere existence. This is the basis of sustaining physical existence. How well one eats is clearly reflected in his or her body.

Everything we consume is filled with vital energy. The better the food, the higher is its vibratory nature. Raw fruits and vegetables vibrate at the highest levels, while processed foods vibrate at much lower levels.


Water is fluid and promotes fluency of life as it animates us. As with food, the more natural it is the better. Plain water is better than the many sugary juices available in the market. Bottled water is usually better than tap water. Distilled is better than bottled. The natural water we find in fruits and vegetables is the best of all.


Breathing connects the physical with the spiritual. This is the force that transforms our experiences. Proper breathing can alleviate fear, depression, or anger. During an exam, breathing well can help us to recall information. Proper posture facilitates the mechanics of breathing.


This is what clears the mind and promotes synchronicity of the body and mind. Proper sleep keeps us sane and gives us the ability to solve our problems. Also it is vital to strengthen the immune system.


Everything new begins in dreaming. Inspiration finds a home in dreaming. Inspiration is the force of optimism. It is the force to go on to better things. Frustrate this inspiration and you kill off the life force within the creative type. For this reason, suicide and insanity rates are much higher in people who thrive on creativity: Artists, musicians, writers, and the like. This would include those who are lonely and are only dreaming of finding a significant other. Dreaming is only one step away from Holy Communion.

Holy Communion:

Holy Communion is a direct connection with the greatest creative force of all, that which we may refer to as God. In this state of vibration, there are no surprises and no questions. Everything we experience in this state is accepted as it is. Everything is known. We recognize the oneness we are with the world. It is the most comfortable state of existence we may know.

This is the goal of the yogi, the philosopher, and the saint. It is a state that every soul has experienced at one time or another. Although usually this state lasts only an instant, it can have a profound impact on our view of the world. It even changes the course of our lives. Without exception, this view is one of peace and calm.

Understand these cycles, and determine where you are in each, to help lift yourself when you are down. The technique is simply this: Focus on these cycles and bring each one to an active state. Contemplate your existence. Eat well, something natural, and know that it is building your body strong. Drink pure water and sense the difference it makes in your animation. Take a few deep abdominal breaths to energize or to calm down. It works equally well for either result. Lie down and take a cat nap, no more than twenty minutes. Get inspired with a new idea, and play with it in your imagination.

And finally, meditate or pray on your being connected to all that exists, feel gratitude. Enjoy your journey and be at peace. Life is an amazing experience. The best time ever? Right Now!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

The above was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way, available through the link to the right of this blog. Also, newly available in a downloadable ebook format at my new site. Just click the link Jeffrey Brandt Products .

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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