Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Secret and the Law of Attraction

I don’t know how many books altogether I’ve read about the successful mindset and, more recently, about the Law of Attraction. I’ve read most all of the books by Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, James Ray, John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, and the other teachers that were presented on the hit DVD, The Secret.

Beyond these teachers, I’ve delved deeply in to the writings that inspired them. I have read and studied the enduring works of Napoleon Hill, Robert Collier, Prentice Mulford, Wallace Wattles, James Allen, and numerous others who were less well known.

There are many who, although they were not a part of the mass attention garnered by The Secret, credit their own success to the very same principles. These would include Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Marc Allen, Dan Kennedy, T Harv Eker, and many others. I’ve read and studied them as well.

There are also teachers of the same ideals, but more with a spiritual focus, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and others. Again, I’ve read and studied them.

I’ve studied, however briefly, the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism Jainism, Christianity, and other less known religions. Again, I see the same message in their essence.

I’m not saying this to impress anybody, really. I’m saying this because I want to make a point about something that tends to cause trouble for so many. There are so many different sources of information that all point to the same thing: Our thoughts matter! Our words matter! Our feelings matter! Our actions matter! Our world is a reflection of the above.

By focusing more on our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions, we have the ability to transform our lives. This is what it is all saying. It doesn’t matter if you are reading the Bible, The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, etc.

Even with this being the case, there exists so much controversy surrounding this concept. When the subject of the Law of Attraction comes up, it never seems to fail that you will hear someone stating that it is all a bunch of rubbish. What is rubbish about thinking positively, about hoping for the best, and being attentive to ideas to help you get there?

That really is the gist of it. There is no magic in any of this. It is all about altering your perspective of yourself and your world. It is only asking you to become more in tune with the effect you may have on the outcome of reaching your dreams or not. This is the essence. In expressing the essence of anything, you will get a superficial understanding at best. You will certainly not get enough of an understanding to legitimately condemn something.

This was the problem when the DVD, The Secret, came out. There were many people, who were ready to hear this message that jumped on and took off to find great success. There were many others, who were simply not ready to hear the message that tried what they thought was the correct application of the secret and they failed. Did the secret fail them?

No. They simply didn’t have enough understanding of the depth of the Law of Attraction. The DVD, The Secret is what I like to consider an introductory level teaching of the Law of Attraction. The message is correct, but it is a simplified version. It did the most amazing job of bringing the idea to the masses. How many had never even heard of this concept before the movie’s release?

If you are one who has tried and failed, please understand this only means it was not applied correctly. There really is a lot of information in relation to how it works. What you may have is the “what” it is, but you need to learn more of the “how.” If this is the case, know that there is so much very good information out there. Check into any of the books I’ve recommended on the subject. Check out any of the writers I mentioned at the beginning of this posting.

If your desire is strong enough, you will find it. Keep your spirits up. Keep on reading this blog. Use your web browser. There are so many options for you. Don’t give up.

To your dreams,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow , i'm inspired reading this blog , good work Jeff...


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