Monday, May 24, 2010

The Power is in I Am

When you say the words “I am,” you are expressing your oneness with something. You acknowledge there is no separation. There is only one. Where there is only one, there is power in that what you are expressing is real. It is alive. It exists. “It” is YOU.

I am happy. Happiness exists because I am. I am bored. Or I am sad. I am sick. None of these exist in your world but that you expressed them as existing. I am is a powerful concept. Think about that.

I am bored. No, I am open to a new stimulus. I am seeking inspiration. I am sad. In truth, I am glad. I am glad for many things. I am sick. Scratch that. I am healing. I AM healthy.

Émile Coué said it well with the phrase “Each and every day in each and every way, I am becoming better and better.” What a beautiful phrase to start each day, and to repeat to yourself throughout the day. I did this for years, and I still catch myself saying it now and then.

I am peace. I am joy. I am God. I am love! I am…

What would you add?

I am complete. I am wealthy. I am prosperity.

Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton was convinced the biggest difference between the great and the insignificant is “energy” and “invincible determination.” Think about the power in those words: ENERGY and INVINCIBLE DETERMINATION! Wow. I can feel them coursing through my veins right NOW! Let’s add the I am: I am energy and invincible determination!! Now I AM Successful.


The concept of I am is power, is love, is grace, and is connection. I am. I am all wisdom. I am all knowledge. I am ALL. Think about I am during the next few days. How do you use these most impressive words. Do you use them to empower your being? Or have you used them in a more disempowering way.

There is a tremendous key to be had and utilized by focusing on these two simple, seemingly insignificant terms. Insignificant they are NOT! I am.

I am glad you are reading this blog. I am appreciative that you find it inspiring, that you find ME inspiring. I am inspiring! I am inspired. I am the creation. And…

I am source.

Take these words with you as you begin your day, and create the I am you so deserve! Post your own I AM phrases here or on my Facebook page. How much power will WE create?

I am Thankful,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. If you enjoy the content of this blog, you can find more by Jeffrey Brandt by visiting Jeffrey Brandt Products.


  1. I am love.
    Keep your blog going Jeffrey!

    1. Thank you Lori. I appreciate your inspiring words! <3

  2. I am All, and I give All, so I am my own gift to All, sans "me" 😉 💞

    1. I thank you Theodore for your comment! Much appreciated.


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