Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Success is a family affair

You may have heard that is important to maintain balance in your life. I would agree, but with a disclaimer: continual balance will not get you far in life.

If you study any of the people who accomplished great things in life, you will find a drive in them to be envied, if you’re determined to do the same. Highly successful people have a certain discipline that borders on obsession. Perhaps more than a few have actually crossed over that line.

I believe this is necessary if one is to attain any great difference in his or her experience. James Ray, teacher of The Secret, went so far as to say balance is bogus. Understanding the human machine, we know that continually pushing it in any one direction will eventually cause it to break. At the very least, your batteries may become drained if you push yourself too hard in any endeavor, for a certain length of time.

Yes, balance is something good in the long run to maintain your sanity, and to maintain any relationships you may have. However, if you are determined to do something really great with your life, you’d better be prepared to throw off the chains of balance for a time and go headlong into overtime focusing exclusively on your dreams.

Great achievement requires great effort

Sounds fair, doesn’t it? If you have family, I would recommend getting this reality out in the open as soon as possible to discuss it thoroughly. A grand goal will likely require sacrifices that spill over onto those closest to you. It must become a family affair, and it must be something all agree on.

If you’ve got the blessings of your family, you are truly blessed. Be sure you show your appreciation every chance you get along the way. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can wait until your ultimate goal is accomplished. You may not have anyone left to show that you appreciate. You will know when it is time to take a break. When that time comes, you really need to take that break seriously. Get your mind completely out of the goal mode for a while to make the most of your break.

This is when family can be a great thing to have. Do something fun, relaxing, exhilarating or whatever you feel. Then it will be time to get back in the saddle and ride once again. If you did a good job of shifting your energy during your break, you should be able to refocus on your goals with a renewed vigor.

Know the plan will require breaks if it is a large stretch of a plan. Take your breaks accordingly and continue. You will get there so long as you continue to reach. It is much easier to reach when you give yourself time to recharge, but know that real effort is required when you’re ready.

The rewards you will gain by keeping loved ones in the loop are truly priceless. Not everyone will be as supportive as they. Let them know it with your sincerest appreciation.

Family first,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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