Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Make your life passionate!

What is your passion? How do you feel when you are participating in your passion? Do you feel passionate? How much do you want to live a better life, to experience more abundance, have better relationships? Are these things that make you feel passionate?

Passion is a wonderful gift to the human condition. It fuels the greatest accomplishments. It breaks down and plows past the most insurmountable obstacles. It lights the way through the darkest of nights. It clears the path of the densest jungle. Passion is the key to achieving your goals quicker, easier than you could ever imagine. In part, because you feel you have achieved your goal even before you have actually achieved it on a physical level.

Did you catch that? You feel as if your goal has already been achieved before the fact. That is to say passion gives you the optimal mindset to achieve your goals. Passion contains all the confidence, belief, energy, and emotion you need. It is like the miracle drug for those who are off course from a life of dismal failure. Add passion and all suddenly becomes well again.

So how do you actually use passion to achieve your goal if your goal to live a life of abundance?

First of all, you have to really know what your passion is. For me, my passion is helping others to reach their goals. You have to find YOUR passion.

Next you have to dive into your passion to learn all you can about it. For me, that meant learning about what the difference is between those who realize their goals from those who don’t. The answer, by the way, is mindset, the way they think. If you think studying and learning something is boring, you haven’t yet found your passion. If you are learning about your passion, you will love learning more and more about it. It will be a continuous venture that absorbs you. Time stands still for you when you are involved with your passion, no matter what you are doing.

Once you learn a certain amount about your passion, the most natural thing in the world to do will be to begin sharing it with others. Sharing, you ask? How does this bring me abundance? In openly and eagerly sharing your passion, you will be attracted to and attract to you people who are in alignment with your passion.

How do you share your passion? You choose the medium that is most in line with who you are. This may be through writing, speaking, creating audio or video, or teaching. What do you charge? Nothing. What? You don’t charge a thing, for now. Why? You are building a following of loyal fans. These people will learn that you really do know your stuff when it comes to your passion. As you transmit your positive energy, they will pick up on this and become hungry for more.

When you get to a certain point again, you will find the depth of your knowledge in your area of expertise to be sufficient to begin offering more than quick simple advice. You will be ready to create a more complete package of the wisdom of your passion.

If you’ve built a good following of hungry, loyal fans, you will easily be in a position to have them asking you to sell them your prime package, whether it be a book, an audio or video course, a seminar, or whatever other means you have for delivering your more intense package.

Notice I didn’t mention anything about trying to sell people on your knowledge here. That was old school. Things have changed. People want to buy what they feel they need, but they don’t want to be told what they need. You have helped them decide for themselves through educating them about your vast storehouse of what interests them. You have created a bond of trust by giving them much for no charge.

If what you give them is valuable and you deliver it with genuine passion, there is no need for the hard selling tactics of yesteryear. You will have already pre-sold them on your brand. You simply make it known that you have this package, whatever it may be, and they will ask YOU how they may get it. This is creating a win-win situation.

You must provide a package that holds real value, of course, but more than this, you want to overwhelm them with the quality of what they receive. This will make them very happy now, and assure that they will want more as you develop more products down the line.

All of this is possible with passion. It is possible only with passion. Without passion, you are trying to live in yesterday’s world, today. Make your life passionate!

If you have noticed I am passionate about this subject, that is because I AM. You might imagine also that I have something to sell you. I will tell you this: You’re right. But, I’m not ready to release it just yet, because as you can probably also imagine, I’m passionate about making it the very best it can be. I want you to be overwhelmed with what you receive.

Keep in touch with this blog or sign up on my [Facebook] fan page to keep informed. What I have coming out very soon is going to absolutely blow you away!

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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