Thursday, May 6, 2010

How many times will you say Thank You today?

You’ve probably heard it a million times: Your thoughts create your experience. Well, maybe not a million times, but then again… Anyway, thoughts are the activity of the brain, and the result is the manifestation of vibrations of energy that are based on those thoughts in relation to your current beliefs.

When your thoughts are of a positive nature, and your beliefs are in congruence with those thoughts, the energy you manifest is harmonious. You feel good! Well, I don’t think I need to explain the opposite, do I?

Gratitude is a powerful feeling. Wouldn’t you agree? Actually gratitude ranks right up there with love as far as its power. Gratitude is the feeling of being blessed by the connection you have with another living being, an idea, or feeling. Gratitude is that feeling of being connected.

I’ve been giving gratitude a great deal of thought recently. And it is amazing all of the examples I’ve noted that I’m not the only one. It seems like the moment I decided to give the idea of gratitude more of my conscious focus, I began to hear others using it more, Seeing it written about, and of course, I’ve never felt more inclined to express it in my own life experiences. Thank you!

Gratitude can truly be contagious. And like any force, when it is expended, there is an automatic response. You’ve heard the law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think giving someone a sincere heartfelt thanks will not get a positive reaction out of them? Try it.

In fact, that is what I’d like to challenge you with today. If it is the end of your day when you are reading this, be sure to pick it up again tomorrow. Actually it is a challenge you should look to completing everyday. But for the sake of going easy on you, in case you’re not the most grateful character, I will just say the one day challenge.

What is the challenge? Be grateful! Not only be grateful, but I want you to show it at every opportunity you have. Say thank you to everybody you meet today, and really mean it. It shouldn’t be too hard to find something to be grateful about with every person you meet today. And I don’t just want you to show your gratitude through your words.

Do kind things, just because. Go out of your way to help somebody. I’m not talking just for your friends, family, and coworkers. I want you to be especially on the look out for ways you can do something wonderful for a stranger.

A good friend of mine was sharing an experience the other day about talking with a bank teller (I believe it was). The bank teller seemed to be deep into reading or studying a book when my friend first approached. During her business dealings, my friend somehow managed to discover the teller’s favorite candy bar. When she finished her business, she left, went straight to the nearest store, and she bought his favorite candy bar. She then returned to the bank and gave it to him! Wow!!!

That really made his day. Talk about being an unexpected act of kindness. This is all I’m asking of you today. Show your gratitude, and show it by exhibiting unexpected acts of kindness. You will be amazed at the newfound energy that comes your way. Enjoy it, and be sure to feel very grateful!


Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.


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