Thursday, May 20, 2010

How fit are you?

Unless your goal is a physical goal, such as losing weight or getting into better shape, your mind is probably not even considering the physical aspect of goal achievement. Goals of a financial nature for example can be very demanding of us mentally and emotionally. That will tend to be where our primary focus will be, naturally.

This is good too; however it would be wise to note that partaking in any endeavor that can be emotionally stressful will be aided along greatly by being conscious of your physical self as well.

Exercising does much more than maintain and develop your physique. It is actually equally beneficial for your brain. Think about this, your brain requires approximately 80 percent of the oxygen you take in. What does exercise do for you in the way of oxygen utilization? It increased the efficiency of how oxygen is used in your body.

Exercise is a great way to flood your bloodstream with oxygen and this is of tremendous benefit to your brain. Get your circulation going at least once a day with either a brisk walk or some kind of light exercise routine. I’m not talking about anything too seriously intense here. You do want to get yourself moving, however, especially if you are spending a lot of time at a desk or computer.

Your body was made to move and move it must, if it is to maintain efficiency, even mental efficiency. Even if you cannot get up, get out, and do something physically invigorating, take a moment every now and then to stretch a bit. Close your eyes, relax your physical body and your mind. Concentrate on doing some deep, abdominal breathing. Then take note of how much better you feel afterwards.

Another activity you could try that can be just as rewarding as actually doing a physical activity, is taking a short walk through a wooded area, in your imagination! Take in the beauty of this place. Imagine that you are actually there seeing the water, the trees, the birds and animals. Smell the green all around you, and listen to the sounds. This is visualization, of course, but if you do it with conviction you will benefit as though you were actually there taking this walk.

Another benefit to this imaginary activity is that it actually trains your mind to become better at visualizing. This helps you when you do visualize on your goals already achieved. It’s like getting two prizes in one.

The most important thing to remember in working towards your goals is to have fun along the way. Try different things, and your spirits will be continually animated. This is the key to enlightened manifestation.

Be different,

Jeffrey Brandt

Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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