Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So you have a dream, or at least an idea of what your dream may be. Dwell upon this dream with the idea of seeing it through the eye of purpose. What do I mean by the eye of purpose? Does this dream move something deep inside of you? Does it tell you that by accomplishing this dream your life will feel much more fulfilling? Will it feel good not just superficially, but in a way that you know will have an impact beyond your life?

If you can answer yes to these questions, you will know you are meant to move ahead on this dream. This is not a time to consider how you will achieve it. First, and I really mean this, you must do something to move you closer. Even if you are not sure what this something is, you must move in the general direction of your dream.

What good does it do to merely move in the general direction of your dream, when there may very well be a more direct route just waiting to be discovered? This is key, so pay attention. By taking action to move ahead at the moment inspiration strikes, you are sending a definite signal out to the universe that you are determined to succeed. You are expressing in the most concrete way your faith in yourself and the value you place on your goal.

Take that first step, and the universe will respond by returning to you, good energy in the form of intuitive ideas on how to proceed. Be alert for these intuitive ideas and continue to act upon them with faith.

You may not get the result you had hoped when you begin following your intuition. If you are following your intuition, however, you can know that the step was a necessary step. You have gained something needed by taking that step. Perhaps you learned a lesson that would have cost you dearly had you made it further down the line. Or maybe you acquired a needed skill that you will soon need.

You never know the specifics of what the universe holds in store for you, but you can be sure that it is good, if you but follow the inner voice. That voice is quiet and does not scream. You must be alert to it and follow it without letting your conscious, thinking mind alter the path chosen by that small voice.

The conscious, thinking mind will indeed try to thwart your every step. Usually this is done by injecting doubt or fear into your plans. The conscious mind will use “logic” to tell you have never tried anything like this before. It will point out the fact that few have ever succeeded in this way.

Acknowledge what your logical mind tells you, but then return your focus to hear what that still small voice is telling you. Do I move forward with my plans, or alter them in some way? Trust in that voice. If it says to you, go forward, then go forward you must.

This is not the way most of us were raised, but then isn’t it true that you would rather grow beyond the results that most of us habitually attain? The more you learn to confide in your own being, the more helpful your own being will become in helping you to reach that which you desire. Learn to like yourself. Learn to love yourself.

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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