Friday, April 9, 2010

Chapter IX


The quality and quantity of our dreams

is exactly reflected in

the experience of our lives.

Life begins with a dream. Dreaming is the most natural thing for a young child to do. We are born with an innate ability to dream. Every great idea has its beginnings in a dream. As life goes on, we tend to be discouraged from allowing ourselves to spend too much time in this state. Why? Because we were told it is not productive. Try telling this to any artist of great works, a writer, or an inventor. Try telling this to an entrepreneur or a leader. Dreams are the visions of what may come. They are the windows to our future. They are optimism in its essence.

Allow yourself to dream. If you are young and dreaming is still a large part of your daily life, be grateful. Enjoy this phenomenon. Exploit it with every opportunity you have and develop it. If you are one of the many who consider themselves to have outgrown this activity, step back from your life for a moment and examine it to see it for what it really is. Are you happy? Dreaming is the best you can do whether you’re nine or ninety. Dreaming is the key to sustained health and youth.

Dreams, like everything in life, seem to be cyclical. A dream precedes creation. From the dream, an idea surges. Ideas are opportunities. If we act on these opportunities, we create. With every act of creation, there is an explosion of energy. Ask any musician, writer, or inventor. He or she will tell you these moments are the most intense moments of life. There is an indescribable satisfaction that comes with experiencing something new. Our interest is sparked, and we begin using this newfound energy. As we assimilate what is new, we begin to feel comfortable in this new level of existence; and the energy begins once again to dissipate. As the energy dissipates, we begin to dream anew. And the cycle repeats.

This cycle is the same as that for eating, drinking, breathing, or sleeping. We need to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. We also need to dream. Each of these cycles, of which there are seven, expresses a different level of the vibration of life.

The above was excerpted from my book, Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self. For a detailed description of what I call the seven levels of vibration, you can check them out in my book. Just click on the link to the right of this blog.

Hold on to your Dreams,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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