Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forget trying to find a better Job.

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you are sure to remember me saying several times that much of what we need to learn in regards to becoming wealthy is in truth unlearning. That is because most of us grew up in families that never really knew real wealth or how to create it.

Ask most anyone on the street or where you work what the secret is to building wealth and they will tell you need a good job. A job will never get you to wealth. When I say never, I don’t mean there are no exceptions. There have been rare cases of someone becoming quite well off, but what jobs did they have? Do you have en opportunity of finding and getting one of these jobs?

Not likely. If you look at the truly wealthy, meaning the top say 5%, you will not find them working a job. You will find their lives quite free from what we consider to be a job.

A job can and does provide an excellent place to start if you have no money to invest in yourself or the ideas to generate your own wealth. Do you remember when you were still a teen, and you got your first job? Chances are your first job was a part time job in a restaurant, Movie Theater or something similar. It felt good as you finally had your own money to spend.

Then something happened. You grew up and were faced with more bills. You had to pay rent. You had to pay for your car. As comfortable as this part time job may have been, you then had to move into the full time job position. This was better but even then your bills continued to grow. Perhaps now you had a family to support, a house to pay for or whatever.

In any case, what would have been considered big money at an earlier time has now become what Mark Victor Hansen is so fond of saying: a J-O-B, Just-Over-Broke. This is where most people forget that they can still grow. For some reason many of us find ourselves trapped at this point and believe this is it. We just need to find a better job.

Forget about the idea of finding a better job if real financial independence is what you earnestly desire. Keep your job to pay those bills, but don’t stop learning. You could spend your time learning what you need to get a better job, going back to school to get a degree. You may get that better job, but chances are your bills will simply increase to eat up that extra money.

If you want to really get ahead, you have to think in terms of what money really is. It is a medium of exchange that you get paid for services rendered. In a job, you are serving with your time and skills to receive what your employer feels you that time and those skills are worth. You are at the mercy of someone who may not be thinking as you would like him or her to think.

If you have a job right now, I want you to know that I am by no means suggesting that you throw that job out the window. Chances are you may need that job for some time to come, no matter what your plans are to become financially successful.

There are things that you can do now while you continue to work your job that will have a profound impact on your future ability to earn immense wealth, if that is your ultimate goal. First, don’t become disillusioned that your job is the long term solution to your financial worries. Consider your job as the means to maintain while you begin learning more about yourself and what you can offer the world in exchange for greater amounts of wealth.

During the early part of your life, you were in growth mode. Learning was a big part of your life. Begin to understand that that period of your life does not really end at age eighteen or twenty one or at any age. Get yourself back into learning mode. Personally, I would suggest books as a great place to start. If you’re more inclined to learn by listening, go with audio, or you could choose video programs. I would also recommend signing up for a few seminars if they are available to you.

What are you looking for when you’re not even sure where to start? Self improvement, success, personal growth. If you begin looking into something along these lines, I am sure you will begin to feel yourself drawn into something more specific to what you presently need to grow. Once you begin growing, you will find it much easier to continue. You will rediscover a spark to life that you may have lost touch with over the years. It’s still there. You will find it if you only begin to search for it.

I will give you more specific information on this over the next few days. This will be information on where to begin looking for a way out of financial hardship and onto the road to financial independence. So please, continue following this blog. We’ll talk more tomorrow.

Live a blessed life,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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