Monday, April 19, 2010

I tried positive thinking and it failed!

If you are one who has tried positive thinking and failed, this may be the most mind blowing piece of information ever for you. Positive thinking is a powerful process, but it must be used correctly, as you will soon learn.

Your physical brain, in the process of thinking, generates definite frequencies of energy. The more harmonious your thoughts, the higher the frequencies generated. By harmonious, I mean to say thoughts that are in harmony with every level of your being. Now you may be wondering how your thoughts could not be in harmony with your own being. Consider the following example.

You run into an acquaintance you don’t particularly care for. Perhaps it is someone who has done you wrong in the past or just rubs you wrong for whatever reason. This person approaches you with a big smile on her face and introduces you to her new fiancĂ©. As she introduces him to you, she tells him what great friends the two of you are. Not to be rude, you manage to go along with the pleasantries and congratulate your “friend” and her fiancĂ© with a smile and your blessing. All the while you are thinking this man doesn’t have a clue what she is really like, or something similar.

Now are you in harmony with yourself on every level? Of course not. You may be thinking this is such a minor infraction of your internal harmony that it can do no harm. Understand that energy is very sensitive by its very nature. You may be asking what this has to do with achieving your goals. The answer is that it has everything to do with achieving your goals.

Regardless of what you are doing on the outside, your energy, the energy you are generating with your thoughts and transmitting out to the universe, is a reflection of your internal harmony. If you are in a state of disharmony, even if you keep it to yourself, you are sending the signal of a lower frequency. What this means is your ability to attract what you desire is weakened. You are sending out mixed signals. In plain and simple language, if your thoughts are not focused, your signal is not focused. Thus, your results shall not be focused.

This broadcasting station you have inside your head is not something that you can turn on and off at will. There is no off switch. You are continually generating and broadcasting to the universe the state of your internal harmony throughout every waking moment of every day.

When you focus exclusively on the experience of your completed goals in a way that you can not only see them, but you can feel, smell, taste, and feel them you will feel as if you have already accomplished them. It will feel as if the goal had truly become real.

These feelings are the physical manifestation of the energy of emotion flowing through your body. The emotions result from your thoughts. The more in harmony you think, the higher the frequency of the energy your brain generates. When you dwell upon this energy, it begins to move through every cell of your body. Energy in motion equals E-Motion.

Thoughts that are more in harmony create a phenomenon called resonance. When your pattern of thought begins to resonate on every level of your being, you generate higher frequency and more focused energy. When higher frequency energy moves through your body, it manifests in more pleasant feelings. You feel better. This phenomenon is what we are describing when we say we are in the zone. This is when genius surges from within. Creativity thrives in this environment.

When your thoughts lack in harmony, you feel less pleasant. Creativity is thwarted, and you feel stuck. So you can see your feelings are the perfect indicator of the energy you are generating with your thoughts. Your thoughts are the key to moving toward the external reality you wish to experience.

Stay Positive,
Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful Jeff, your postings are very interesting to say the least, I really enjoy reading them... Thank you.


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