Friday, April 30, 2010

The Voice of the Universe

The greatest minds in history will be remembered for their beliefs and their persistence as much as for their words or doings. I say these minds are considered great because they had the confidence to step out of the common mindset of their times and be different. They listened to something internal to them, rather than the common voice of the day. They were truly individuals.

Every one of us is an individual. We all have access to this “something” internal to us. Yet, for the great majority of people, we tend to live our lives in accordance with the common theme of our time. We tend to follow and want to belong with ideals that may not serve us, only because we do not pay heed to that “something” inside.

What is this something inside that I speak? It is the great paradox. You see, it is a voice that comes in a way that only you can hear its message. You may take this message to the world in your words, actions, and ways of being, or you may ignore the message. You may even cut off your perception of this message to the point that you don’t hear it.

The message remains, and is always there to be heard by the individual who chooses to hear it. I say paradox because this message that only you can hear, is deeper than any individual. It is the message that speaks from the essence of your connection to all that is. It is a profound message. For this reason, those who do make the effort to hear it and to live it become known as great thinkers.

The message is wise in that it speaks to you, through you, but comes from a common place which we all share. It is the voice of the universe itself. The universe includes all that is. Therefore, this voice is always one of harmony. It could be no other way. It is quiet and does not argue its point. You are free to accept it or reject it as you will. This is the freedom of which it speaks.

There are many who upon hearing this voice, and determining that it is a good thing, decide to make a mandate of it. This mandate they bring to others as such. Even though the message is correct, it must be heard by the individual

Trust that voice inside. Pay it heed. If you are one of the unfortunate ones who have trained yourself to not hear the voice, know that you can learn again. You do so by going into the silence. Bring your every thought and belief to the surface, and gently let it go. Continue to do so, however long it takes, until you find your mind clear of opinion. At this moment you will find peace.

Dwell in that peaceful state at every opportunity and you will naturally begin to hear the voice. Do not judge the voice you hear. Let it go as well. Use no force. Eventually what will happen is the false voices will cease to return to you, and the one remaining voice will be the voice of Truth, for you.

Remember it is the voice of Truth for you. You are to express this truth in the same manner it expresses itself to you. Live it in your own life. Offer it to others, but never force it. The moment you apply force to the Truth, no matter how right it may be, you distort that Truth. You create conflict in the minds of those who do not hear that same voice.

You can do nothing to force this upon another. In attempting to do so, you create only greater conflict as that is where your focus lies. Where your attention goes, your energy goes as well. Your attention is energy. Live your Truth. Be a window through which the world may see.

You too can be a great thinker. It is in your nature to be so. You are more than your beliefs. Your beliefs are prisons, and the more you attempt to bring others around to your beliefs, the more you work to imprison others. Allow them the sovereignty to exist as they choose. This is the same you are offered. The choice is always there.

For more insight into this theme, I highly recommend the book, Virus of the Mind by Richard Brodie, Hayhouse publications. You may click on my books link to get you to and type this title into the search.

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

1 comment:

  1. Well put Jeff... So many people only listen to what is being told to them from the physical realm of the people they engage themselves with, but it's the voice of the universe that tell us by little subtle clues, and feelings in our sensory field that tell us so much more.


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