Monday, April 5, 2010

Can you feel the love in your goals?

What does love and gratitude have to do with achieving your goals? If you’ve been following my blog, or the teachings of any The Secret teachers, you will know that feelings consist of energy. Feelings are actually your conscious awareness of what frequency the energy is vibrating through your body. The higher the frequency, the more positive are the feelings you experience. It is as simple as that.

What determines the frequency that the energy vibrates in your body? Your thoughts and the emotion you inject into those thoughts. Consider yourself as a vibrating mass of energy, because in Truth that is what you are. Your conscious mind is capable of thinking. Your thinking can come from reacting to your environment. Your thinking can also come from an intuitive hunch, or from your imagination. You may also originate thoughts.

When you make a conscious decision to think thoughts of love and gratitude, and you inject positive emotion (naturally) into those thoughts, you are in the process of generating energy of the highest frequency. This high frequency energy can only attract that which is vibrating at the same high frequency. If you maintain only energy of this caliber in your mindset, you will attract the best that life has to offer.

Take time to consider all that you have in your life to be thankful for. Take conscious note of everything good in your life. Your immediate payback is that you will feel better. This feeling is your conscious awareness of the higher frequency energy manifesting and moving through your body.

Beyond this immediate gratification, you will soon begin to notice more things to be grateful for. As you take mental note of these things, you will begin to catch intuitive glimpses of opportunities that can be acted upon to really improve your circumstances. This is the beginning of a wonderful new life that can be yours simply by directing your thoughts.

Sure life will continue to throw garbage in your path. I don’t know of anyone who has a life free from any negativity. The important thing to remember is that when something like this does happen to you that you can keep it in perspective and accept that it happened.

Use your choice to either let it go or begin to search for a way to change it or move beyond it. Learn to know in your heart that you are not bound to live a life of reacting to outside influences. You have every right and duty to be your own influencer.

Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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