Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Get Passionate!

If I ask you to get passionate about your life, what would be your response? You might ask why. You might ask what there is to get passionate about. You might wonder how you can find passion.

Why get passionate?

Passion is an incredibly powerful elixir for getting things done. It is the adrenaline rush of the spirit. It gets you to jump out of bed in the morning eager to get started with the work ahead of you. It causes time to stand still when you realize hours have passed since you began working on a project. Your energy level seems not to become depleted. It feels good, and real progress is made.

What is there to get passionate about?

Life is meant to be lived with passion. There is no greater reward than knowing that you are contributing to something worthwhile that will have a positive impact on yourself and others. Even more so when that impact stretches beyond your immediate reach of time and space. Every detail of your life can be lived with passion if you understand one vitally important thing.

How can I find passion?

Passion is not something you can simply decide. It must come from inside you. This is because passion is in your core. It is your core, and you must but discover it. There is a word for this. It is called purpose, your purpose, your calling. The great majority of people do not even know what their purpose is in life.

As children we are more open to discover it. By the time we become adults, our lives have become fraught with artificial worries and frustrations limiting beliefs that few of us really know with any specificity what it is we truly want to do with our life. If you are not sure what your purpose is, try this out and see if it helps.

An imaginary game

Imagine for a moment that you have an unlimited amount of money at your disposal. Sound crazy? Stay with me. There is a meaning to all of this. Imagine you no longer have to keep your job. If money were no issue, would you continue working where you do? Chances are you would walk. That’s fine.

Would you like to buy a new car? How about buying several new cars? Go ahead. You have the money, and there’s plenty more where that comes from. Perhaps you would like to buy a house, but you’re not sure where you would like to have this house. Remember you can live anywhere you like. Money is no problem. Go ahead and buy houses in all of your favorite locations. And while you’re at it, a private jet might be nice so you can travel at your leisure.

Now you can probably think about a gazillion toys you would like to have and things you would like to do. Go ahead. Before we get too far along here, I would like you to write out all of the things you want to have and do. Preferably you will fill up the whole sheet, both front and back. If this doesn’t take you long, then I suggest you begin a second sheet.

The idea here is that I want you to continue adding things to this list until it becomes more difficult to think of things to add. I urge you to do this in writing because after a while it may get difficult to remember everything you thought of. And by reading your list you may think of other things to add.

Continue. Continue. Continue. If you keep this up for a good while, you will notice something happening to your list. At first, what you write down will likely be a lot of very materialistic things and activities. This is fine, and I encourage you to exhaust yourself trying to add all of these things you can. I say this because what happens to your list after you have no more you could want in the way of materialistic merchandise and experiences?

If you force yourself to continue writing, you will likely begin to think of other things you really want such as to help others in some altruistic way. Helping out a charity or creating your own charity. Perhaps you would like to have the money to afford learning to write music and record that music. Maybe you would like to spend time writing a great novel or the story of your life. You could even decide to use your time teaching others a thing or two.

What will eventually happen if you actually write out your list is that once you get past the shallow, superficial, egotistical ideas, you will begin to move closer to what your heart really wants. What your heart really wants is for you to fulfill your purpose in life.

This is a great way to help you discover what your purpose is. You have to get past the ego and playing a game of the imagination is a very good way of accomplishing that.

Let me know what results you come up with. I’d be happy to hear from you on this.

Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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