Friday, April 16, 2010

There is more to life than a JOB

Hi again! If you haven’t yet read yesterday’s blog entry please go back and read that first as this is a continuation of what we talked about. There is a great myth that a good job can set you on the road to financial independence, that a job is important. I reminded you that yes a job is definitely a good thing to have if you have nothing else for the moment. You do need to bring in some income to survive on until you can get something better in place.

The idea of job security really is nothing more than outdated thinking. There was a time in the not to distant past that one person, usually the father, would go to work and support his wife and a typically large family. It was the norm to get a job and stay with it for the better part of one’s life. It is time now to realize that time has come and gone. Jobs are not the solid foundation they once were if they ever really were.

Most of us have the idea of a part time job to be a stepping stone to a “real” job, a full time position. I would like you to consider thinking of your full time job in a similar way. It is a stepping stone. It can bring in enough money for you to survive on while you continue to grow. Grow into what you might be asking?

Everybody has come into this life with some talent, skill, ability, or passion that is meant to be developed and shared with the world. It is your job to discover this quality that you have and to develop it and finally to share it. If you do follow your passion, you will have a much better chance at getting ahead financially.

Consider your life a work in progress. First you must seek your passion. What drives you? Or what ideas do you have that would better your situation? Then you must seek to develop that idea. Learn and grow in your own right. Finally, you must gain the courage to step out with your ideas.

If your idea is to sell something but you have no products, look into affiliate programs. A common example is found in the very popular If you have a website, you can place links to Amazon’s site. If someone clicks on this link and buys anything at Amazon, you get paid!

Another site that is very popular is This site is huge and has numerous digital products for sale. You can become an affiliate for free. Find a product you believe in and get a link to put on your website. This is the same concept as with Amazon.

If having a website does not really appeal to you, you might consider network marketing. You can sell Amway products, Avon, Tupperware, or many others. The important thing is to find something that genuinely interests you.

If you’ve got a skill that is teachable, put that skill to use. Begin teaching some classes on how to be a better tennis player, piano player, singer, woodworker, etc. If this turns out to be a success, you can easily move it up a notch by recording your teaching and sell the recordings, either as audio or video. If it feels right, you could even write a booklet to teach your skill or talent.

The idea I’m trying to convey here is that you have more inside of you than what you can express in simply growing up and getting a job. Everybody is unique. Therefore it would not be possible for me to give enough examples in this limited space. What I would like for you to do is begin opening yourself up to receiving the ideas that are perfect for you. Think of ways that you can use what you have to better your life beyond your job.

You don’t have to identify yourself with a job, especially when you don’t feel fulfilled in that job. We are in a period of transition into a new era. Jobs are not the answer to finding fulfillment in life. Use it as a stepping stone to achieve what you can offer to the world.

Everything begins with your mindset. Learn something new about the way you think every day. Learn that you are not limited to thinking the way we have thought in the past. The purpose of life is to stretch and grow. Accept this now. Eagerly look forward to what you are now becoming.

Love yourself,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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