Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A bit of not-so-well known information

Most people who are interested in setting and achieving goals are aware of the importance of focusing on those goals. They envision the goal as if it were already completed. They affirm that they are successfully moving toward it. They try to always maintain a positive attitude about that goal. They write it down. They read it out loud to themselves, and they repeat it often.

Still it seems that it takes a long time to see any kind of results. What gives? Do you want to accelerate the process of manifesting your desires? Do you want to see results quicker and easier than you ever thought possible?

Here’s a bit of not-so-well known information that just might be what is missing from your arsenal of goal-seeking weapons.

It is called holistic mind consciousness.

Holistic what!? Holistic mind consciousness is in the same vein as holistic medicine in the physical realm. It is integrating the entire consciousness toward the achievement of not only the goal in mind, but your entire thought processes. It means changing your way of thinking, perceiving, and acting toward the world, your world. It is the way to change your world by focusing not on the world, but on you.

In the field of attraction, there is a lot more at play than simply the part of you that is focused on achieving any specific goal. Your ability to attract is working at all times, whether you are consciously focused on your goal or not. You attract what is in harmony with the energy you predominantly generate. This comes from your general attitude that you hold toward yourself, the world, and life.

You can focus the most confidently positive thoughts about your goal and still not manage to accomplish it when you have other thoughts of lack, frustration, and denial lurking beneath. This is true even when those thoughts are towards something totally irrelevant to your goal.

A good example is say you are frustrated in your job, because you feel you have no control to express yourself as you please. Imagine this frustration consumes a good portion of your idle mental time, when you are not required to think about any particular thing. Now when it comes time to focus on your goal, you put out the very best, most positive energy you can muster, and you do it with complete faith that you will succeed.

Then you wait, and wait, and wait some more. Nothing. What happened is that you sent the correct energy out with your conscious practice, but that energy was tainted with plenty of negative energy from your subconscious thinking about your job, your life, or whatever.

The conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time. Consciously you remember only focusing on your desired goal. The subconscious mind, however, can focus on any number of things simultaneously. And it was focusing on your idea of your job, your life, and whatever other negative things that you might fond in your mind.

Now does this signify that you must somehow clear your mind of all negative thoughts? Is this even possible? Ideally it would be awesome if we could just turn every negative vibe off. Just imagine what we would be capable of accomplishing. But this isn’t necessary.

There is a concept known as critical mass. Perhaps you’ve heard of this in relation to creating a nuclear reaction. You need to get a certain percentage of something to shift in order for the entire mass to then shift of its own accord.

This same idea applies to your shifting your mindset. If you can get your thinking past this critical mass, you will see an accelerated shift in your automatic thinking. It will require perhaps an immense effort on your part to catch and alter your negative thinking for awhile. If you work on conscientiously doing this, you will soon realize that it becomes more or less automatic. You easily catch yourself when you are thinking in a negative way, and you shift your thinking process to be more positive.

Now back to your consciously focusing on your goal. When you focus positively on the achievement of your goal, and this is backed by a positive view of self and the world, you have exponentially increased the potency of your projection of positive energy. You will see faster results. Give this a try and see for yourself.

Dream a better life,

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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