Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is the sixth sense real?

Intuition is something we hear about frequently, but what exactly is it? Is it real? Can I really trust in it? These are questions that I would like to answer in this posting. Please let me know if this helps.

Intuition is a faculty of the mind that is greatly misunderstood. It is underused, and misused by the majority in our society. It is misunderstood because we cannot get a grasp on it in the same way we can with something purely physical. Most people will admit to believing they are something more than mere physical beings, yet they live their life putting very little faith in that part of them that is nonphysical.

Intuition has been described in many ways. You get a hunch. You have a feeling about something. You sense. You get a certain vibe. You pick up on. We all have experience with the intuition. It is a part of us. It is a part that can be a great ally in your life. We often call it the sixth sense because that is precisely what it is. What does it sense?

Just as your ears were designed to read energy of certain frequencies (sound), and your eyes pick up higher frequencies (light), your intuition senses energies of the highest order. It picks up the energy of vibration or thoughts that are being generated by others. Understand you are not actually reading what the other person is thinking. You are reading the energy of those thoughts. Different thoughts generate energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The more positive the thought is, the higher the frequency that is generated. It is the difference in frequency that is being picked up by your intuition. This is why you get a good vibe when you are around certain people and not so with others. It all has to do with the frequency of energy that the person is vibrating.

This reception is perfect. Our interpretation of this energy is not always accurate. In this way, it is similar to your other senses. For example, when you are near someone who is generating a negative vibe, you sense something that is not right about this person. You may feel a sense of repulsion. Your interpretation can be tainted by viewing it through your own memories. You may inject memories of people or situations that you have experienced around this same vibration in the past. You may assume this person is bad in some way.

The truth may be that something terrible had just happened to this person, and she is replaying that experience over and over in her mind as we ourselves so often do. Intuition senses energy pure and simple. Energy is truth. It cannot lie. You can put your complete faith in the energy you sense, but avoid judgment. Bad energy does not make the person bad any more than good energy makes the person good. We all have at some point generated energy of every frequency. It all depends upon what we are thinking in the moment. And what we are thinking in the moment is not necessarily what we think about predominantly.

Consider for a moment the importance of having the use of your eyes to observe your world. How much you would miss without the sense of sight. Certainly you wouldn’t want to live with your eyes closed when you are perfectly capable of using your eyes to see. You may consider the same with your sense of hearing. These are both very important to your functioning in the world. Now consider intuition as just another sense, another way to observe your world.

Intuition is simply another way you have to observe the world around you. And it is something more; you can observe the world within you as well with intuition. Make it an integral part of your conscious observation. Be determined to develop it. You can do so by focusing on what you feel without trying to judge it. Simply observe and note what you learn.

This writing was excerpted from my soon-to-be published book, Manifest By Design Now: A Better Way to Achieve Your Dreams in Five Easy Steps.

Jeffrey Brandt
Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self.

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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