Friday, April 2, 2010

You are in control

Throughout every moment of every day, I have become aware of a choice. It is a simple choice. And just knowing that it is a simple choice, I sometimes forget that it is a choice. What am I talking about?

I am talking about my thoughts, my focus, and my awareness. My day may be quite similar to anyone else’s day. Things happen that I would rather not have happen. Things may not always go as I planned. I sometimes find myself in situations that I would prefer to not be a part of. This is life.

If and when this happens, I have trained myself to become aware of a choice that I must consciously make. Do I really need to focus on this something that makes me feel bad, or can I let it go? Can I shift my attention to something better, or at least redirect my thoughts toward a more worthy goal, such as “how do I get myself beyond this?

For example, in my job, many changes are taking place that I find to be frustrating. I do have the choice to dwell on these things over which I don’t have complete control. In essence here I am giving up my control to manifest more positive feelings within me, in exchange for what? For feeling bad. And in the process of feeling bad, I will only attract more things to feel bad about.

Can you relate to this? How many times does something unpleasant happen in your work place, and for the next several hours or days, that is all everybody is talking about? This is not helping the situation at all. And it gets worse still. You see if you focus on the negative side of things, you are adding to the program of your mind to seek out more of the same.

I challenge you to try a little experiment. During the next few days, whenever you get the opportunity to listen on the conversations of others, do so. You will notice something. Say for example someone mentions that her teenager just got into some serious trouble at school or with the police. I can almost guarantee that someone else in the group will follow up with another similar story involving her own child or the child of a friend.

It is almost as if to reinforce the bad feelings going around. Another interesting point is that when someone mentions something good about their child, another usually comes up with something like “good for him or her. I wish my child would study harder” or whatever.

The point of my asking you to try this little experiment is to show you the general programming people have that they are not even aware of. Simply becoming aware of this will help you immensely to begin reprogramming yourself with a more positive mindset. Acknowledgment is half the battle.

The other half is remaining vigilant to not fall into this same trap. Stay conscious of what you are thinking and how you are feeling. This is the one thing in life you really do have complete and 100% control over: your thoughts.

You control your thoughts. The emotion you attach to those thoughts determines the vibration that is generated in your body, in the form of feelings. It is when you truly grasp this that you may begin to control how you feel. You do have control so long as you exercise that control by directing your thoughts and emotions. You give up that control the moment you choose to allow your circumstance to guide your thoughts and emotions.

This may not feel at all natural to you because of all the past programming you have been subjected to in your life. It may very well require some serious effort on your part to overcome that programming. Believe me it is well worth the effort. Your peace, happiness, and well-being is at stake.

Begin to work on this, and take it seriously as you did to learn to walk, to talk, ride a bike or drive a car. It will require your complete concentration until you can make it your habitual way of viewing your life. When this manner becomes the predominant way you think, you will know you have changed your mindset for the better.

You will understand that you control more of your life than you ever thought possible before. You will look at challenges as something to work past rather than as roadblocks to your success.

To help make this easier, be sure to focus on all that is positive in your life, and do what you can to let go of that which is not so positive. Create in your home a sanctuary of sorts. Perhaps you can dedicate one room in particular as your clean room. Do not allow any negative thoughts to persist in this room. Leave the room if you have to.

When you do enter this room, consciously take in the feeling that you wish to acquire from being there. Begin to decorate it in an inspiring way. If you like flowers or art or pictures or writings or whatever, make an effort to fill the room with these items.

Get yourself a good book on Feng Shui and page through it for ideas. What I am getting at is the idea that you need to do something to find the answers. Your action, even if it does not lead you to your desired result, will in some way get you closer. Learn to take an active part in your life and you will feel the shift in your energy.

If reading this blog helps you, by all means continue to read it everyday if you can. And don’t limit yourself to any one idea. There is a wealth of wonderful information out there. The more you depend on your own actions to find this information, the more that information will make itself known to you.

Jeffrey Brandt
Author: Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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