Monday, April 26, 2010

Write a Book!

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you will have noticed that I may write a little differently than many others. I try to keep my blog very informative, a little eccentric, and I prefer to inspire profound thought, for that is where we grow. And your growth is my primary objective.

I would like to put you to a challenge with today’s posting. It may be eccentric, but I trust that it may be one of the most valuable pieces of advice I give to you. I challenge you to write a book this year. “What!?” I can hear you saying. “I’m not a writer.”

I don't care if you’re not a writer. I’m not asking you to write the next New York Times best seller, although if you do, please remember it was I who inspired you (when you are cashing your royalty check!).

No, what I am asking you to do is write a memoir of your life. I mean to really spill your guts and be brutally honest in your revelations. Nobody has to read what you have written other than you. It doesn’t have to be edited or even all that well written. Why would I ask this of you?

Because I honestly believe that if you are reading this blog, you have a sincere desire to improve yourself in some way. The best way to improve yourself is to know yourself. You really don’t know yourself through briefly considering your own philosophy. You need to dig deep. You need to bleed a little, which is what comes naturally when one takes the time to write out their life story.

I guarantee writing your life story will open your eyes to yourself in ways that you cannot even imagine at this time. You will open doors to things about yourself you never knew. You will discover the miracle that you are. Your confidence will soar. You will be more at peace with your inner devils. We all have inner devils. And I do mean have, not to be mistaken with saying we are.

In writing about your life, you will be forced to struggle with your perspective of every aspect of your beliefs. Writing is great therapy. I am also a strong believer that every person is unique. It may be that this particular exercise is not right for you. I can understand and accept that. However, I suggest you try and see for yourself.

You may be very surprised at what you discover. Although I have been writing for most of my life, it was mostly just thoughts and poems. It was when I was passing through a difficult experience that “I” discovered this could be a powerful form of therapy.

I had a daughter that was being adopted by another family. In any case, This family asked me to write her a later to have later in life to explain who I am and to tell her whatever I would like her to know.

I began writing what would later turn out to be a book. How does one put into a simple letter all that they would want their child to know about them? In writing this book, I grew immensely as a person. It literally changed my life. This is what I now hope for you my friend.

Give it a try and see what happens.

Meditate. Radiate. Appreciate.

Jeffrey Brandt

All writings here are copyrighted by Jeffrey Brandt. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.


  1. I want to write my story in a book!!! Thank you for this post-- encouraging <3

    1. Thank you for your comment and I do encourage you to take that big step. You will discover much about yourself and truly become a new person! <3


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